Title: Systems of Regression Equations
1Systems of Regression Equations
- Cross-Sectional Time Series of Investment Data
- Boot, J. and G. deWitt (1960). Investment
Demand An Empirical Contribution to the
Aggregation Problem, International Economic
Review, Vol. 1, pp. 3-30
2Grunfelds Investment Data
- Cross-Section n10 Firms (GM, US Steel, GE,
Chrysler, Atlantic Refining, IBM, Union Oil,
Westinghouse, Goodyear, Diamond Match) - Time Series T20 years per firm (1935-1954)
- Dependent Variable
- Gross Investment (Y, in millions of 1947 )
- Independent Variables
- Value of Firm (X1, in millions of 1947 )
- Stock of Plant/Equipment (X2, in millions of 1947
3Regression Model
4Special Cases - I
5Special Cases - II
6Equal b, Equal s2, Independent eijt
7Equal b, Unequal s2, Independent eijt
8Equal b, Unequal s2, Independent eijt - Iterated
9Cross-Sectional Correlation Over Time - I
10Cross-Sectional Correlation Over Time - II
11Cross-Sectional Correlation- Iterated EGLS (ML)
12Autocorrelated Errors - I
13Autocorrelated Errors - II
14Autocorrelated Errors - III
15Autocorrelated Errors - IV
16Cross-Sectional and Autocorrelation - I
17Cross-Sectional and Autocorrelation - II
18Random Regression Coefficients - I
19Random Regression Coefficients - II
20Random Regression Coefficients - III
21Firm Results - I
Note Gamma estimate does not Subtract off the
average of the V matrices (not positive definite)
22Firm Results - II
23RCR Best Linear Unbiased Predictors
24Firm Results BLUPs
25Test for Equal bs (G0)
26Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (SUR)
27Firm Example - I
28Firm Example - II
Estimated GLS
ML (Iterated GLS)