EIN 4905/ESI 6912 Decision Support Systems Excel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EIN 4905/ESI 6912 Decision Support Systems Excel


Spreadsheet-Based Decision Support Systems Chapter 7: Statistical Analysis with Excel Prof. Name name_at_email.com Position ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: EIN 4905/ESI 6912 Decision Support Systems Excel

Spreadsheet-Based Decision Support Systems
Chapter 7 Statistical Analysis with Excel
Prof. Name
name_at_email.com Position
(123) 456-7890 University Name
  • 7.1 Introduction
  • 7.2 Understanding Data
  • 7.3 Relationships in Data
  • 7.4 Distributions
  • 7.5 Summary

  • Performing basic statistical analysis of data
    using Excel functions
  • Statistical features of the Data Analysis ToolPak
  • Trend curves for analyzing data patterns
  • Basic linear regression techniques in Excel
  • Several different distribution functions in Excel

Understanding Data
  • Statistical Functions
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Histograms

Statistical Functions
  • Finds the mean of a set of data.
  • AVERAGE(range or range_name)
  • Finds the middle number in a list of sorted data.
  • MEDIAN(range or range_name)
  • Finds the standard deviation of a set of data.
  • This is equal to the square root of the variance,
    which measures the difference between the mean of
    the data set and the individual values.
  • STDEV.P(range or range_name)
  • STDEV.S(range or range_name)

Figures 7.1 and 7.2
Figures 7.3 and 7.4
Data Analysis ToolPak
  • An Excel Add-In which includes several
    statistical analysis techniques
  • To ensure that it is an active Add-in
  • Display Excel Options dialog box
  • Select Options from the list of options in the
    File tab.
  • Select the Add-Ins tab on the left side of the
    dialog box.
  • Select Analysis ToolPak listed on the Add-ins

Descriptive Statistics
  • Provides a list of statistical information about
    your data set including
  • Mean
  • Median
  • Standard deviation
  • Variance
  • Click on Data gt Analysis gt Data Analysis command
    to display the Data Analysis dialog box.
  • Choose the Descriptive Statistics option and
    click OK.

Descriptive Statistics (contd)
  • The Input Range refers to the location of the
    data set.
  • Check the option button Columns or Rows to
    indicate how your data is grouped.
  • If there are labels in the first row of each
    column of data, then check the Labels in First
    Row box.
  • The Output Range refers to where the results of
    the analysis will be displayed in the current
  • Check the Summary Statistics box to calculate the
    most commonly used statistics.

Figure 7.7
  • Quarterly stock returns for three different
    companies are recorded. We want to know
  • Average stock return
  • Variability of stock returns
  • Which quarters had the highest and lowest stock

Figures 7.8 and 7.9
Figure 7.10
  • Almost all of the data points lie between 2s and
    2s from the mean.
  • Outliers are data that are inconsistent with the
    main pattern of data.

Figure 7.11
  • The standard deviation is used to identify
    outliers in a data set.

Figure 7.12
  • Conditional Formatting with the Formula Is option
    is used to identify outliers.
  • Select the column of values in the data set and
    fill in the Conditional Formatting dialog box to
    highlight outlier points.

Figure 7.13
  • The cell that holds an outlier is highlighted.

More Descriptive Statistics
  • Confidence Level for Mean
  • The mean is calculated using the specified
    confidence level (for example, 95 or 99), the
    standard deviation, and the size of the sample
  • The confidence level and calculated mean are then
    added to the analysis report.
  • You can compare the actual mean to this
    calculated mean based on the specified confidence
  • Kth Largest
  • Gives the largest ranked data value for a
    specified value of k.
  • For k 1, the maximum data value would be
  • Kth Smallest
  • Gives the smallest ranked data value for a
    specified value of k.
  • For k 1, the minimum data value would be

Descriptive Statistics Functions
  • Returns a value for which a desired percentile k
    of the specified data_set falls below.
  • PERCENTILE.INC(data_set, k)
  • For example, for the MSFT data, the value for
    which 95 of the data falls below is
  • PERCENTILE.INC(B4B27,0.95) 0.108
  • Excludes the value of k-th percentile from the
  • PERCENTILE.EXC (data_set, k)
  • For the MSFT data, the value for which 95 of the
    data falls below is
  • PERCENTILE.EXC(B4B27,0.95) 0.135

Descriptive Statistics Functions (contd)
  • Returns the percentile of the data_set which
    falls below a given value.
  • PERCENTRANK.INC(data_set, value)
  • For example, percent of the MSFT data falls below
    the value 0.108, inclusive of 0.108 is
  • PERCENTRANK.INC(B4B27, 0.108) 0.95, or 95
  • Calculates the same percentile, exclusive of the
    value of k.
  • PERCENTRANK.EXC(data_set, value)
  • For example, percent of the MSFT data falls below
    the value 0.135, exclusive of 0.135 is
  • PERCENTRANK.EXC(B4B27, 0.135) 0.95, or 95

  • Histograms calculate the number of occurrences,
    or frequency, with which values in a data set
    fall into various intervals.
  • Choose the Histogram option from the Analysis
    ToolPak list.

Histograms (contd)
  • The Input Range is the range of the data set.
  • The Bin Range is used to specify the location of
    the bin values.
  • Bins are the intervals into which values can
    fall they can be defined by the user or can be
    evenly distributed among the data by Excel.
  • The Output Range is the location of the output,
    or the frequency calculations for each bin.
  • The chart options include a simple Chart Output
    (the actual histogram), Cumulative Percentage for
    each bin value, and a Pareto organization of the

Figures 7.15 and 7.16
Figures 7.17 and 7.18
  • To create your own bin values, make a list of
    upper bounds for each interval.

Figure 7.19
Histograms (contd)
  • To change the format of a Histogram
  • Click on the histogram to activate the Chart
    Tools contextual tabs.
  • Use the commands listed on these tabs to change
    the design, layout and format of the histogram.

Histograms (contd)
  • There are four basic shapes to a histogram
  • Symmetric has peaks and dips with equal
  • A curve with only one peak is also symmetric
    that is, there is a central high part and almost
    equal lower parts to the left and right of this
  • Positively skewed has a peak on the left and
    many lower points (stretching) to the right.
  • Negatively skewed has a peak on the right and
    many lower points (stretching) to the left.
  • Multiple peaks imply that more than one source,
    or population, of data is being evaluated.

Relationships in Data
  • Trend Curves
  • Regression

Data Relationships
  • Relationships in data are usually identified by
    comparing two variables the dependent variable
    and the independent variable.
  • The dependent variable is the variable we are
    most interested in. By understanding its current
    behavior we can better predict its future
  • The independent variable is the variable we use
    as the comparison in order to make this

Trend Curves
  • Trend curves are used to graph and analyze these
    relationships between data.
  • Trend curves graph the data with
  • The independent variable on the x-axis
  • The dependent variable on the y-axis
  • To add a trend curve to your chart
  • Click on the data points in an XY Scatter chart
    to activate Chart Tools contextual tabs.
  • Click on the Chart Tools Layout gt Analysis gt
    Trendline command.
  • Select a trend curves from the trendlines options

Trend Curves (contd)
  • There are six types of trend curves which Excel
    can model
  • Exponential
  • Linear
  • Logarithmic
  • Polynomial
  • Power
  • Moving Average

Trend Curves (contd)
  • Double click on a trendline to activate the
    Format Trendline dialog box.
  • We can modify
  • The type of the trendline by selecting one of the
    options listed.
  • The trendlines name.
  • We can specify a period forward or backward for
    which we want to predict the behavior of our
    dependent variable.

Linear Trend Curves
  • Number of Units Produced each month and the
    corresponding Monthly Plant Cost are recorded.
  • The company needs to estimate plant costs based
    on the planned production amounts.
  • The dependent variable is therefore the Monthly
    Plant Cost and the independent variable is the
    Units Produced.

Figure 7.25
  • Begin this analysis by making an XY Scatter chart
    of the data.

Figure 7.26
  • Right-click on any of the data points and choose
    Add Trendline from the short-cut menu.
  • The Format Trendline dialog box appears.
  • Select Linear from the Types listed.
  • Select Display Equation on Chart checkbox.

Figure 7.27
  • The trendline and the equation are then added to
    the chart.

Figure 7.28
  • Use the displayed equation to predict future
  • Check the accuracy of the equation by calculating
    the error from the known data.
  • Linear trends have the relationship y ax - b

Figure 7.29
  • Copy the formula for Predicted Cost to the rest
    of the rows to calculate the predicted monthly

Exponential Trend Curves
  • Sales data for ten years is recorded.
  • We want to predict sales for the next few years.
  • The independent variable is Years and our
    dependent variable is Sales.

Figure 7.31
  • Exponential trends have the following
  • y ae(bx) or
  • y aEXP(bx)
  • Build a XY Scatter chart of the data.
  • Right-click on a data point to add the trendline.
  • Choose the Exponential curve to fit the data.

Figures 7.32 and 7.33
Figure 7.34
  • We use the formula to predict sales values for
    future years.
  • However, the Exponential trend curve has a
    sharply increasing slope that may not be accurate
    for many situations.

Power Trend Curves
  • We are given yearly Production values and yearly
    Unit Cost for production.
  • We want to determine the relationship between
    Unit Cost and Production in order to predict
    future Unit Costs.

Figure 7.36
  • Power trends have the relationship y axb
  • Begin by creating the XY Scatter chart.
  • Right-click on a data point to add a trendline.
  • Choose a Power curve to fit the data.

Figures 7.37 and 7.38
Regression Analysis
  • We can use some regression analysis parameters to
    ensure that the relationships we have chosen for
    our data are good fits.
  • These parameters include
  • R-Squared value
  • Standard error
  • Slope
  • Intercept

R-Squared Value
  • The R-Squared value measures the amount of
    influence the independent variable has on the
    dependent variable.
  • The closer the R-Squared value is to 1, the
    stronger the relationship is between the
    independent and dependent variables.
  • If the R-Squared value is closer to 0, then there
    may not be a relationship between these two

Figure 7.39
  • We fit a Linear trendline to the Monthly Plant
    Cost per Units Produced chart.
  • The R-Squared value is 0.8137, which is fairly
    close to 1, implying a good fit.

Figure 7.40
  • We fit an Exponential trendline to the Sales per
    year chart.
  • The R-Squared value is 0.9828, which is fairly
    close to 1, implying a sound fit.

Figure 7.41
  • We fit a Power trendline to the Unit Cost per
    Cumulative Production chart.
  • The R-Squared value is 0.9062, which is fairly
    close to 1, implying a good fit.

Figure 7.42
  • The RSQ Excel function can calculate the
    R-squared value from a set of data.
  • RSQ(y_range, x_range)
  • Note that this function only works with Linear
    trend curves.

Standard Error
  • The standard error measures the accuracy of any
    predictions made.
  • It can be calculated in Excel using the STEYX
  • STEYX(y_range, x_range)
  • This function can also only be used for Linear
    trend curves.

Slope and Intercept
  • Two Excel functions can be used with a linear
    regression line of a collection of data.
  • SLOPE function
  • SLOPE(y_range, x_range)
  • INTERCEPT function
  • INTERCEPT(y_range, x_range)

  • Many distributions have Excel functions
    associated with them.
  • These functions are equivalent to using
    distribution tables.
  • That is, given certain parameters of a set of
    data for a particular distribution, you would
    look at a distribution table to find the
    corresponding area from the distribution curve.
  • Some common distributions are
  • Normal
  • Exponential
  • Uniform
  • Binomial
  • Poisson
  • Beta
  • Weibull

Normal Distribution
  • The parameters for this distribution are simply
    the value we are interested in finding the
    probability for, and the mean and standard
    deviation of the set of data.
  • The function we use with the Normal distribution
    is NORM.DIST
  • NORM.DIST(x, mean, std_dev, cumulative)

Normal Distribution (contd)
  • The cumulative parameter will be seen in many
    Excel distribution functions.
  • This parameter can take the values True or False
    to determine if you want the value returned from
    the cumulative distribution function or the
    probability density function, respectively.
  • The cumulative distribution function (cdf) will
    find the probability that a value in the data set
    is less than or equal to x.
  • The probability density function (pdf) will find
    the probability that a value is exactly equal to

Figure 7.45
  • Annual drug sales at a local drugstore are
    Normally distributed with a mean of 40,000 and
    standard deviation of 10,000.
  • The probability that the actual sales for the
    year are 42,000 is 0.58, or 58.

Figure 7.46
  • What is the probability that annual sales will be
    between 35,000 and 49,000?
  • To find this value, we will subtract the cdf
    values for these two bounds.
  • NORM.DIST(49000, 40000, 10000, True)
  • NORM.DIST(35000, 40000, 10000, True)
  • This will return a 0.51 probability, or 51

Standard Normal Distribution
  • The Standard Normal distribution function is a
    Normal distribution function with mean 0 and the
    standard deviation 1.
  • The STANDARDIZE function will convert the x value
    from a data set with mean not equal to 0 and a
    standard deviation not equal to 1 into a value
    which does assume a mean of 0 and a standard
    deviation of 1.
  • STANDARDIZE(x, mean, std_dev)
  • The resulting standardized value is then used as
    the main parameter in the NORM.S.DIST function
  • NORM.S.DIST(standardized_x, cumulative)

Figure 7.47
  • Consider the same example used previously to find
    the probability that a drugstores annual sales
    are 42,000.

Uniform Distribution
  • The Uniform distribution does not actually have a
    corresponding Excel function.
  • A simple formula can also be used to model this
    discrete distribution.
  • 1 / (b a)
  • Given that a value x is Uniformly distributed
    between a and b, we can use this formula to
    determine the probability that x will take an
    integer value in this interval.

Figure 7.48
  • Consider any values for a and b, then use the
    formula to calculate the Uniform value.

Poisson Distribution
  • The Poisson distribution has only one parameter,
    the distribution mean.
  • The function we use for this distribution is
  • POISSON.DIST(x, mean, cumulative)
  • The value returned by the Poisson distribution is
    the probability that the number events which
    occur within a time interval is either between 0
    and x (cdf), or equal to x (pdf).

Figure 7.49
  • For example, consider a bakery which serves an
    average of 20 customers per hour.
  • Find the probability that at most 35 customers
    will be served in the next two hours.

Exponential Distribution
  • The Exponential distribution has only one
    parameter lambda 1 / mean of the data set.
  • The function we use for this distribution is
  • EXPON.DIST(x, lambda, cumulative)
  • The Exponential distribution is commonly used for
    modeling interarrival times.

Figure 7.50
  • Let us use the same example with the bakery data.
  • Arrival rate is said to be 20 customers per hour.
  • Interarrival mean, or the Exponential mean, is 1
    / arrival rate. Therefore, for this example, the
    interarrival mean is 1/20 hours per customer
  • To find the probability that a customer arrives
    in 10 minutes, we would set
  • x 10/60 0.17 hours
  • lambda 1/(1/20) 20 hours
  • EXPON.DIST(0.17, 20, True)

Binomial Distribution
  • The Binomial distribution has the following
    parameters the number of trials and the
    probability of a success.
  • We are trying to determine the probability that
    the number of successes is less than or equal to
    (using cdf) or equal to (pdf) some x value.
  • The function we use for this distribution is
  • BINOM.DIST(x, trials, prob_success, cumulative)

Figure 7.51
  • Suppose a survey shows that 40 percent of people
    pay more attention to ads in the newspaper, and
    60 percent pays more attention to ads on
  • What is the probability that out of 100 people
    surveyed, 50 of them respond more to ads on

Beta Distribution
  • The Beta distribution has the following
    parameters alpha, beta, A, and B.
  • Alpha and beta are determined from the data set
  • A and B are optional bounds on the x value for
    which you want the Beta distribution value
  • The function we use for this distribution is
  • BETA.DIST(x, alpha, beta, A, B)
  • If A and B are omitted, then a standard
    cumulative distribution is assumed and they are
    given the values 0 and 1, respectively.

Figure 7.52
  • Determine the probability that a team can
    complete a project in 10 days. Estimated total
    time needed is1 to 2 weeks these estimates will
    be the bound values, or the A and B parameters.
  • Use a mean and standard deviation of 12 and 3
    days to compute the alpha and beta parameters.

Weibull Distribution
  • The Weibull distribution has two parameters
    alpha and beta.
  • The function we use for this distribution is
  • WEIBULL.DIST(x, alpha, beta, cumulative)
  • The Weibull distribution is most commonly used to
    model reliability functions.

Figure 7.53
  • On average, a lightbulb will last 1,200 hours,
    with a standard deviation of 100 hours. We can
    use these values to calculate alpha and beta.
  • We can now use the WEIBULL distribution to
    determine the probability that a lightbulb will
    be reliable for 55 days 1,320 hours.

Inverse Functions
  • When we build simulation models, we need to
    generate random numbers in Excel which are within
    a given distribution.
  • To accomplish this we must use the inverse
    function of the corresponding distribution
  • An inverse function returns the inverse of the
    cumulative probability function.
  • These functions are listed under the Formulas gt
    Function Library gt More Functions drop-down menu
    on the Ribbon.
  • Some of the inverse functions of more common
    distributions are BETA.INV, BINOM.INV,

Figure 7.54
  • The format of the inverse functions is
  • DIST.INV(probability, distribution_parameters)
  • The probability parameter is a number between 0
    and 1 associated with the given distribution.
  • We will use the RAND function as the value for
    this parameter to generate a number between 0 and

  • The Analysis ToolPak is an Excel Add-In that
    includes statistical analysis techniques such as
    Descriptive Statistics, Histograms, Exponential
    Smoothing, Correlation, Covariance, Moving
    Average, and others.
  • The Descriptive Statistics option provides a list
    of statistical information about a data set,
    including the mean, median, standard deviation,
    and variance.
  • Histograms calculate the number of occurrences,
    or frequency, which values in a data set fall
    into various intervals.
  • Relationships in data are usually identified by
    comparing the dependent variable and the
    independent variable.
  • There are six basic trend curves that Excel can
    model Exponential, Linear, Logarithmic,
    Polynomial, Power, and Moving Average.
  • Some of the more common distributions that can be
    recognized when performing a statistical analysis
    of data are the Normal, Exponential, Uniform,
    Binomial, Poisson, Beta, and Weibull
  • Inverse distribution functions such as BETA.INV,
    BIONOM.INV, LOGNORM.INV and NORM.INV are used in
    simulation models to generate random numbers from
    a specific distribution.

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