2Marketline is a commercial database covering all
the industries around the world.
- Characteristics
- Editor Datamonitor
- Source Primary and Secondary
- Language English
- Update Daily
- Type of information Reports, Tables, Figures,
News, Financial Deals
3Part IContent
4 1 - Market Analysis 2 - Company profiles
including the SWOT analysis3 - Country
profiles4 - Financial deals 5 - Macro-economic
statistics6 - Statistics on consumption 7 -
News and Comments
MarketLine is divided in 7 databases offering the
following information
5 1 Market Profiles Market Definition
Value and / or Volume of the market
Segmentation by product and / or service types
Segmentation by countries Distribution 5
Forces Analysis / Porter Analysis (Buyer,
Provider, New Entrants, Substitutes, Rivalry)
Update Once a year minimum
6 2 Company Profiles Activity
History Major Products and/or Services
Revenue Key employees and biographies SWOT
Analysis offering an objective analysis of
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threat Location and subsidiaries Company
View Top Competitors
Update Once a year minimum
7 3 Country ProfilesPESTLE analysis
Politic Economy Society Technology
Legal Environmental
Update Once a year minimum
8 4 Assess Mergers Acquisition Acquisitions
IPO Mergers Partnership Private
Equity Private Placement Venture Financing
Update Daily basis
9 5 Understand Country Dynamicsmacro-economic
statisticsfor over 200 countries on
- Financial Services
- Healthcare
- Labour Force Employment
- Law Order
- Media
- Political
- Retail
- Technology Communications
- Transportation Logistics
- Agriculture
- Automotive
- Business Environment
- Commodities
- Consumer
- Demographics
- Economy
- Education
- Energy Utilities
- Environment
Update Three to Four Time a Year
10 6 Value Consumer Market- 10 years
history,- Forecasts on the next 3 to 5 years-
Information offered at an international level
Value (USD, EUR, Million, Billion, etc. ..)
Volume (Absolute, Growth, Indexed to 100, etc.
..) Company Share Distribution
(Supermarkets, Retailers, On-Trade, etc. ..)
Update Three to Four Time a Year
11 7 News and CommentsMarketline News
comments offers- Comments on differentes
industries, countries, companies.- Expert point
of view regarding eventual issues in some
industries.- Launch of new products.- Financial
News.- Etc. ..
Update Daily Basis
12Part IIUser Guide
13How to look for Information?
- 1/ Profiles
- -Industry Profiles
- Company Profiles
- Country Profiles
- 2/ Tools and Databases
- Assess MA Activity
- Understand Country Dynamics
- Value Consumer Markets
14 - Profiles
- Industry Profiles
- Company Profiles
- Country Profiles
- Tools Databases
- Assess MA Activity
- Understand Country Dynamics
- Value Consumer Market
151/Profiles 1. Industry Profiles
- a). For Industry Profiles
- Click on Browse all company Profiles
- Or
- 2. Type the kind of industry you are looking for
in Search our Product - Or
- 3. Using the different categories listed in find
16 b). After clicking on Browse all Industry
profile (recommended) or typing a word in
Search our Product Defining your search.
Taxonomy of your search
Types of information available and quantity in
- Possibility to refine your search
- Key Word
- Industrial sector
- Continent then countries
17 b) bis. After clicking on Find Information
Typing a word (expl food), then using the option
Or Selecting the industry which interest you.
18 c). Exploring Industry Profiles
Taxonomy of your search
Interactive Links Types of information available
and quantity in parenthesis
Possibility to download the full file as a PDF
191/PROFILES 2. Company Profiles
- a). To look for a company
- Click on Browse all company Profiles
- Or
- 2. Type the name of the company you are looking
for in Search our Product
20b) Exploring Company Profiles
Interactive links Possibility to download the
full file as a PDF
211/PROFILES 3. Country Profiles
a) For searching information on countries
Click on Browse all Countries Information
Then selecting a continent, and then the country.
22b) Exploitation des Country Profiles
Interactive links Possibility to download the
full file as a PDF
1.Assess MA Activity 2. Understand Country
Dynamic 3.Value Consumer Market
24 1). Assess MA Activity
Financial information are organised in
chronological order
- Possibility to refine your search
- Industry
- Geography
- Deal Type
- Deal Status
- Deal Value
252). Understand Country Dynamics
a). Selecting the continent or the country which
interest you
b). Selecting different indicators
c). Confirmation of your selection
26d). View Results
Possibility to download the table as an Excel
27e). Analyse Results
1. Compare one indicator between different
Possibility to download the graphic in Excel,
PowerPoint or Word
Possibility to amend the graphic Line, Bar or
Stacked bar
2. Compare two indicators in one country.
283. Compare the different indicators between the
different countries selected.
4. Compare the informations with the bubble chart
29 3). Value Consumer Market
a). Select the indicators which interest you
Click on Proceed to country selection
30 b). Select countries
Click on Proceed to next screen
31Possibility to refine your search by checking and
un-checking the tick box, then refreshing with
Currency USD / EUR
- c). Manipulate Table
- In the dropdown
- Compare Countries Comparing the value or the
volume of product or group of products consumed
in each country selected - Compare Categories Comparing the value or the
volume consumed of different products selected in
one or several countries - Getting the results in absolute value, million,
billion, per capita. - Converting the type of information
- Market Value Euro or USD.
- Market Volume.
- Company Shares Listing of the main companies.
- Distribution Information in percentage
(Supermarket, retails, service station, etc. ..)
32Thank You. http//www.marketlineinfo.com/