Title: Renovating the Science Building
1Renovating the Science Building
Renovating the Science Building a faculty
2Our Science Building is Multidisciplinary
- Specialized Facilities
- Science Education Center
- Planetarium
- Small Animal Facilities
- Greenhouse
- Radioactive Materials Storage
- Volatile Chemical/ Gas Storage
- Potential additional occupants
- Mathematics Department
- would allow for more meaningful interactions with
the sciences - Animal Behavior labs from Psychology Department
- near small animal facilities that are shared
with Biology - Requires construction of additional space
- Departments currently in building
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth Sciences and Science Education
- Physics
- Other programs
- Great Lakes Center
- Environmental Toxicology Labs
- Physical Geography labs
- McNair Program
- Upward Bound program
- New York State Health Department
3The current state of our building- a brief tour
1960s wedding cake design
Lobby is dark and uninviting
Long, dark, univiting hallways
1960s style classrooms
4Teaching labs are in poor condition
Faculty offices are behind labs or other offices
Student Lounge
Student Lounge/Computer lab
30 years worth of wear and tear
Classroom redeployed as computer lab/club
5The renovated science building must provide
modern spaces that allow programs to offer a
pedagogically sound, modern learning experience
for the next 25-30 years
- Spaces must accommodate both traditional methods
and new pedagogies for teaching math and science
6BSC Science Building needs modern
ventilation/hood systems to support teaching
science and doing research
- Modern chemistry instructional labs require one
hood per student and clear lines of sight - Molecular Biology and Anatomy labs need good
ventilation - Geology/geochemistry often requires ventilation
Current Ventilation System in BSC Anatomy Lab
7The Science Building requires air conditioning
and climate control
- Many programs run all summer
- Faculty Research programs
- Undergraduate summer research
- Upward Bound
- Physics Alternative Certification
- Professional development programs
- Scientific instrumentation and computers often
will not function above 78-85ºF - Some instrumentation dumps heat into the space
compounding the problem - Building is currently too hot to grow yeast
(requires 80ºF )
BSC Research lab retrofitted for summer research
8Corridors in building should be comfortable and
- Spaces with light and seating encourage students
to spend time in the building - Students who have a sense of belonging are more
likely to be retained
9Modern science buildings incorporate spaces that
bring people together and encourage
interdisciplinary activities
- An atrium brings people together
- Facilitates faculty-faculty, student-student, and
faculty-student interactions - Can serve as a forum for poster sessions, science
and math open houses, etc.
10Open stairways, clear site lines, and
conversation nooks bring people together and
encourage interdisciplinary activities
11We need a building that gives Buffalo State
Sciences a public face
- A facade that reflects the excellence in teaching
and scholarship within - An atrium can make a big impact both inside and
outside the building
12In contrast to what we currently have.
Main Entrance
13Building elements should advertise who we are
- Building artwork can
- advertise our programs and research projects
- acknowledge our many community partnerships
- Great Lakes Consortium
- Zoo
- Science Museum
- Educational partnerships with the public schools
- Windows provide insight into how science is done
14Consider the advantages of a State-of-the-art
- would give Buffalo State Sciences a higher
profile, public face - would further strengthen our ties to the public
Dickenson Science Building Planetarium and
Observatory -separate entrance to serve public
access needs
15FNSS Science Building Planning Committee
We invite you to visit the building and welcome
your comments
- Kim Bagley - Chemistry (Chair)
- Don Birdd-Science Education
- Lisa Brooks - Psychology
- Mike DeMarco - Physics
- Kim Irvine- Geography and Planning
- Harish Sikka - Great Lakes Laboratory
- Gary Solar - Earth Science
- Greg Wadsworth- Biology
- David Wilson - Mathematics
To arrange a visit call 878-5933