Title: PGCE at Leeds '
1PGCE at Leeds .
- The final week
- Reflection, evaluation and feedback, planning and
preparation - Thinking forward the NQT year
- CEDP TDA guidance
- http//www.tda.gov.uk/teachers/induction.aspx
- Further professional and development . Masters
in Teaching ??
2PGCE at Leeds
- What did we set out to do ?
- This course aims to provide student teachers
with professional training in the context of the
University of Leeds and its Partnership schools.
By the end of the course student teachers will
have acquired the skills, knowledge and
understanding needed to start an effective
teaching career. These will provide the basis on
which they will build in future years
3Aiming for continuous improvement ..
- Our aim is to provide a rigorous and
professional initial teacher training programme
which enables individual student teachers to
develop the skills, knowledge and understanding
which are needed to be an effective, reflective
and professional new teacher. - How do we measure the extent to which we
achieve our aims ?? - We are monitoring our provision continuously
through our engagements with student teachers and
staff. There are, however a number of formal
procedures through which we gather information. - Link Tutor feedback on school placements,
- TP supervisor feedback on school placements
- Method tutor review of taught programme
- External examiners (including OfSTED) assessment
of effectiveness and appropriacy of the programme
and its staffing university and school-based
4But importantly ..
- Student teacher evaluation of and feedback on
- Placements in schools
- The university-based programme
- Support and guidance
- Communication
- Assessment
5School Placement Surveys
- We need, year on year, feedback on specific
aspects of the school-based experience in
Partnership schools - Providing constructive, professional feedback
which identifies strengths and areas for
development is a KEY GENERIC SKILL for teachers
to develop .. -
- Here are some examples from the first
Placement Survey this year
6Many trainees praised their placement school.
Some exemplar commentsI found all of the
department very supportive and wiling to give up
their time to help meThe department was
friendly and approachableThe school was very
well organized and all the EPS sessions were
given before teaching which was very usefulIt
was very useful to receive a letter from the
school at the first link tutors meeting detailing
the first few days as it set me at ease I felt
is was helpful for me to be left to teach classes
without supervisionThe opportunity to work in
the behavioural unit was a great experienceI
very much enjoyed this practiceEPS sessions
were excellent and provided practical help I
received a great deal of oral feedback which was
very usefulThe support from all the teachers
was excellent
7General Areas for Development Exemplar
commentsI had very little contact with the
ITT Coordinator I would have liked a written
EPS programmeParts of my EPS programme were
postponed and they never took placeI was
placed with a form but the form tutor did not
involve me and I had little pastoral
experienceI felt pushed in at the deep end and
got all the difficult bottom-set classes
8Many trainees commented positively on the
mentoring. I was very grateful and lucky to
have an experienced mentorefficient and
professional mentoringmentor was top notch. I
felt supported and encouraged I had good
support from my mentor, which was absolutely
necessary in this very challenging schoolÂ
9Mentoring areas for developmentI felt it
would been more useful to set a defined time for
mentor meetings as sometimes they were quite
brief My mentor went on maternity leave
continuity was breached when I needed it most
10The PGCE Programmeyour role in evaluation,
reflection, feedback ..
- Relevant Standards .
- Q3b
- Be aware of the policies and practice of the
workplace and share in the collective
responsibility for their implementation - Q6
- Have a commitment to collaborative and
co-operative working - Q32
- Work as a team member and identify opportunities
for working with colleagues, sharing the
development of effective practice with them
11Placement 2 Survey (and 1 if you missed doing it
!)EPS EvaluationPGCE Programme
EvaluationInitial Perceptions Survey
12Transition ..
- From student teacher to NQT
- The induction period lasts for the equivalent of
three school terms. - Although your progress will not affect your
QTS, you must complete induction successfully to
continue teaching in a maintained school or
non-maintained special school in England.?
14Things to consider
- What do I want ?
- What do I have to offer?
- What do I need?
- What am I entitled to ?
- How can I help myself?
15What do I want ?
- Knowing your own personal and professional
priorities is essential if you are to make the
best of your NQT year and the induction period - Your CEDP Profile is not the only important
aspect of knowing what you want, though this
will be the formal record of your professional
wants and needs - You may already have thoughts about your longer
term career aspirations, and how to make sure
that your early career development opportunities
are geared, at least in part to setting you off
on the right path
16What do I have to offer?
- Whether or not you have a teaching job for next
year you should spend some time clarifying, for
yourself and prospective employers, exactly what
you have offer - ITT Profile its unlikely to tell the whole
story but it can certainly help you identify
your professional achievements - CV does it need a re-write ?
- Re-consider your educational stance/ideology .is
it the same as when you started out ? This may
have a direct bearing on what you now have to
offer its about knowledge and understanding as
well as skills . and in relation to the
purposes and possibilities of education as well
as the academic and curriculum subjects ..
17What am I entitled to ?
- There are two main aspects to the induction
period -
- an individual programme of professional
development and monitoring -
- Your induction programme should help you to
become an effective teacher, and build on skills
from your initial training, enabling you to meet
the needs of pupils and provide a strong base for
career-long professional development. -
- Assessment against the NQT induction standards
- Towards the end of each term of your
induction period you should meet your induction
tutor and/or headteacher for a formal assessment.
The main focus is your progress towards meeting
the core standards. - After each of the first two meetings, the
headteacher should make a report to the local
authority or, where appropriate, the Independent
Schools Council teacher induction panel (ISCtip).
This should record your progress towards meeting
the core standards at the end of induction.
18What to expect
- Induction tutorÂ
- You should have an induction tutor throughout
your induction period. He or she will have
day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that you
are provided with an appropriate induction
programme, and will be one of the most
significant influences on the quality of your
programme. - 90 per cent timetable
- The school teachers pay and conditions document
requires headteachers to make sure that teachers
taking part in induction have only a 90 per cent
timetable. This means teaching for no more than
90 per cent of the time that another teacher (who
does not receive a teaching and learning
responsibility (TLR) payment) would be expected
to teach at the same school. Your school should
protect this release time and allocate it at
appropriate intervals. For many newly qualified
teachers (NQTs) this will be on a weekly or
fortnightly basis.The release time is in
addition to any non-contact time that the school
normally allocates, and should be used for
activities that contribute to your induction
programme. - Individualised programme
- Each newly qualified teacher (NQT) should be
provided with an individual programme of
monitoring, support and assessment.  The
programme that you and your induction tutor plan
will reflect - the strengths and development priorities
identified by you and your initial teacher
training (ITT) provider towards the end of your
ITT programme as part of the career entry and
development profile (CEDP) process - the induction standards, and
- the demands of the specific post in which you are
starting your career.
19Development opportunities
- These could includeÂ
- working alongside others and becoming involved in
planning within your department or school - opportunities to observe the teaching of more
experienced colleagues - visits to schools and settings beyond your
workplace - taking part in more formal training events and
courses, and - meeting with your induction tutor to consider
your progress and development. - NB As your confidence grows you will want to
start challenging and testing yourself and your
school should give you opportunities to do so.
However, both you and your school need to be
clear that you must not be disadvantaged by being
asked to undertake a particularly difficult role,
or by shouldering additional responsibilities
without adequate support.Â
20How can I help myself ?
- Take the opportunities provided this week to
reflect on your achievements and areas for
development - Make sure your CEDP reflects exactly what you
want it to its your document - When you take up your first post make your CEDP
available to the headteacher and your induction
tutor. You and your induction tutor will use the
profile as you discuss development priorities and
set objectives for induction. - Play an active part in planning and reviewing
your induction programme. - NB You will already be familiar with setting
objectives from your ITT programme, and know that
they need to be challenging but realistic, with a
precise focus. - Identify what support you require to meet these
objectives. Who will be responsible for what, and
when will activities take place?
21From the horses mouth ..