Title: Christophe Long
1- Christophe Longépé
- How EA has impacted business transformation in
French companies - Open Group
- EA Practitioners Conference
- April 23rd 2007
- Introduction
- Short history of IS Urbanism in France
- Presentation of Cigref
- Presentation of Club Urba-EA and its tools of
urbanism - EA in French organizations
- 2006 Results of the Observatory of Urbanization
(Club Urba-EA) - Case study Risk channel urbanization at SG
- What were the objectives ?
- What was done ?
- What are the results ?
- Appendix
- French publications
- Training programs in French universities
3A short history of IS urbanism in France (1/2)
- IS urbanism started in France 10 years ago
- 1996 Mainly in Bank, Insurance and Telecoms
- 1997 First structured approaches
- 1998 Publication of Urbanisation des systèmes
dinformation by J.Sassoon - 2000 Founding of Club Urba-EA
- 2001 Publication of Projet durbanisation du
S.I. by C.Longépé - 2002 Quick expansion (Enterprises, Teaching,
4A short history of IS urbanism in France (2/2)
- Banks, Insurances and Telecoms are quite active
- Industries and Public services started 5 years
ago - In most companies on the CAC 40
- Urbanism departments exist
- IS maps are made
- Weaknesses
- Links with business strategy
- Business processes description
- Many publications (cf. appendix 1)
- More and more teaching programs in French
universities (cf. appendix 2)
5Presentation of CIGREF
- Association of Large Companies
- 127 members
- Mission
- Promoting uses of IS as a factor of value
creation and source of innovation - Activities and services
- Sharing and networking
- Publishing reports, newsletters
- Influence
- Training
- Research
- Web site www.cigref.fr
6Presentation of Club Urba EA
- Inter-companies Association
- 60 Large organizations, 90 members
- Missions
- Sharing and networking
- Promotion of urba-EA
- Research
- Production of deliverables
- Activities
- Mardi de lurba (monthly)
- Special events (3 days / year)
- Workshops projects
- Web site www.urba-ea.org
7Tools of Club Urba-EA the Framework
8Tools of Club Urba-EA the IS Urbanization
9Tools of Club Urba-EA EA index
6. Urbanization management and communication
1. Knowledge of IS as is
2. Master data repositories management
5. Flows complexity management
4. IS building management
3. Knowledge of IS to be
6 axis to understand IS urbanization maturity
(with 2 to 4 criteria per axis)
10EA in French organizations Global EA Index 2006
Club Urba-EA
- 14 large companies
- In 2006 Air France, CCF, EDF, GDF, Renault,
RTE, SNCF, Société Générale - Since 2007 AREVA, AXA, CNCE, La Poste Courrier
International, PSA, RATP - In 2006, 40 IS were analysed through the EA index
11EA in French organizationsGlobal EA Index 2006 -
Club Urba-EA
Main results
- Knowledge of IS as is 50 have been designed
- Master data repositories management business
departments not involved - Knowledge of IS to be weak, except the
knowledge of business objectives - IS building management migration plan partly
defined, satisfying governance, urbanists well
involved in projects - Flows complexity management little
standardization - Management and communication suitable
structures and resources, efforts to be done in
communication and training
12EA in French organizationsFocus on Axis 2
Master Data Repositories Management
6 sectors
40 IS
Services industry is in the lead
13Case study Risk channel urbanization at SG
14Case study Risk channel urbanization at SG
- What were the objectives of the study ?
- Taking into account the implications of Basle 2
- Optimizing the speed of data collection
- Optimizing the regulatory and operational
reporting processes
- Improving the quality and exhaustiveness of the
collected data
- Identifying the opportunities for reducing the
number of data-warehouses in order to improve
Group coherence and reduce costs
- Providing the users with a global vision of the
Risk Business channel IS
- Constituting the reference framework for the
investments rationalisation
- Clarifying the target Business channel IS
positioning with regard to exchange mechanisms
and repositories
15Case study Risk channel urbanization at SG
16Case study Risk channel urbanization at SG
- Business Risk channel objectives
- Existing architectures
- Target architectures
- Permanent enrichment
An updated framework
- Means of communication for the whole channel
- A common language
- Knowledge available for new projects and for
process improvements.
What does it bring ?
For the SG Group, better consistency in Risk
17Appendix 1 Bibliography
- Urbanisation des systèmes dinformation. Jacques
Sassoon. Hermès (1998) - Le projet durbanisation du SI. Christophe
Longépé. Dunod (1ère édition 2001 3ème 2006) - Les systèmes dinformation, art et pratiques.
Gérard Balantzian. Editions dorganisation (2002) - Service Web avec SOAP,WSDL,UDDI, ebXML
Jean-Marie Chauvet Eyrolles Paris (2002) - La systémique. Daniel Durand, PUF Paris (2002)
- Pratiques de lurbanisme des systèmes
dinformation. Club Urba-SI. Publibook (2003) - The Enterprise Architecture IT Project.
Christophe Longépé. KoganPage (2003) - Convaincre pour urbaniser le SI. Jean-Christophe
Bonne et Aldo Maddaloni. Hermès (2004) - Urbanisation et BPM. Yves Caseau. Dunod (2005)
- Urbanisation du business et des SI, Gérard Jean,
Hermès (2005)
18Appendix 2 Teaching programs
IAE - Sorbonne