Title: Role Management in .Net By: Rajat Singh
1Role Management in .Net By Rajat Singh
- CS 795
- Class Presentation
2Authentication and Authorization
- Authentication User proves his/her identity
- Provides Set of Credentials
- Windows/Forms/Passport authentication
- Authorization What actions and resources a user
has authority to access - Checks credentials to authorize access
3Role Management
- A role is a logical categorization that grants
members of the role specific permissions. - Helps to make security decisions based on the
user running the code - An abstract concept that can be used to represent
any kind of grouping to assign a set of
4Role Management, User Identity, and Membership
- Identify users to determine whether the user is
in a specific role or not - Establish user identity in two ways
- Windows authentication Identify users using
their Windows domain account name. - Forms authentication Use role management to
define roles and assign membership user IDs to
those roles.
5Enabling Role Manager
- By Default Role Manager is disabled
- Enable it via Web.Config
- Role manager feature includes a roles management
API that allows
ltsystem.webgt ltroleManager enabled"true"
/gt lt/system.webgt
6Role Management API
- Creating roles and deleting roles
- Assigning roles to users
- Deleting users from assigned roles
- Determines programmatically whether a user is in
a role - Getting information about which users are in
which roles.
7Key Roles Methods
- CreateRole() To create a new Role
if (!Roles.RoleExists(Manager))
Roles.CreateRole(Manager) else
Message.show(Role Already Exists)
8Key Roles Methods contd.
- DeleteRole() Deletes an existing role
try Roles.DeleteRole(delRole) Message.show(
Role deleted) catch(Exception ex)
Message.show( Role cannot be deleted)
9Key Roles Methods contd.
- AddUserToRole() Adds user to a role
try Roles.AddUserToRole(user,
role) Message.show( User Added to specified
Role) catch(Exception ex)
Message.show( User cannot be added specified
10Key Roles Methods contd.
- GetRolesForUser() Gets a collection of roles to
which a user belongs. -
try string rolesArray rolesArray
Roles.GetRolesForUser() List1.DataSource
rolesArray List1.DataBind() catch
(Exception ex) Message.show( User
doesnot have any role)
11Key Roles Methods contd.
- GetUsersInRole() Gets a collection of users
belonging to a specific role
try string users users
Roles.GetUsersInRole( Manager) List1.DataSourc
e users List1.DataBind() catch
(Exception ex) Message.show( User
doesnot have any role)
12Key Roles Methods contd.
- RemoveUserFromRole() Removes a user from a
specific role -
try Roles.RemoveUserFromRole( John,
Manager) catch (Exception e)
Message.show( Not Successful)
13Web Administration Tool
- In ASP.NET 2.0"Web Administration Tool" can be
used to create the users and then assign roles to
them. - Demo!!!
- Programming .Net Security OReilly
- http//www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/praveenalw
ar/praveenalwar08082006090541AM/praveenalwar.aspx - http//msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/5k850zwb(