Title: Jasdeep Singh Principal - Experienced Professional
1Jasdeep Singh
Graduate Assistant at University of Connecticut
School of Business
2(No Transcript)
3Jasdeep Singh is an Indian American who grew up
in South Windsor, Connecticut and attended the
University of Connecticut for his BS undergrad
(1997-2002) and Master of Arts in Teaching
(2002-2003). He currently attends the University
Of Connecticut School Of Business and he is doing
a Master of Business Administration (MBA).
Formerly, he went to the University of Hartford
and earned a Doctorate of Education in
Educational Leadership.
4Jasdeep Singh has managed budgets of over six
million dollars, managing personnel, structural,
and programmatic components. Jasdeep is truly a
great professional as he has led many projects
that have earned great repute and success.
5Jasdeep Singh worked as the Principal at
Riverside Magnet School, East Hartford, CT for 3
years. He outdid as the Principal at Wolcott
Elementary School, West Hartford CT for 3 years
as well.
6While working there, Jasdeep Singh led two public
schools recognized as high-need, each with over
400 students, 80 staff, and multiple departments.
He has great communication and change management
skills through which he has proven his abilities.
Find out more about him at his official site