Title: Gagandeep Singh - An Exceptional Role Model
1Gagandeep SinghAn Exceptional Role Model
As a member of the Golden Gloves Club from 2011
to 2013, where he taught youth how to box,
Gagandeep Singh has been intricately involved in
and left a positive impact in the lives of
impressionable youth.
His voluntary work, whether it be on the Sikh
Temples in his home town or donations to the
poor, precedes him and leaves a legacy of the
importance of community service.
2Gagandeep SinghEducation is the Key to Success
There is no secret to Gagandeep Singhs successes
in life. All that is needed is hard work and
determination. As a student at Hofstra University
in New York where he is majoring in Engineering
and Drawing and minoring in Sociology, and as a
student of life, Singh embodies this belief.
The phrase, children are the future, is not
uncommon and by advocating for the best in their
education, Gagandeep Singh is able to show, by
example just how important educating the youth
is. However it is essential to note that
education for a successful future is not limited
to learning in the classroom. The lessons Singh
has learned through his experiences as a
volunteer, a salesperson, an entrepreneur and as
the Vice President of a New York contracting
company, are testament to this fact.
3Gagandeep SinghThe Importance of Heritage
Through his volunteer work for females in India
and the help he provided to build the Sikh
Temples in his New York community, it is clear
that Gagandeep Singh respects his Indian heritage
and holds it dear to his heart. Though an
American, his parents are both immigrants and it
is apparent that they did not give him the
opportunity to ignore his roots.
4Gagandeep SinghLiving an Active Lifestyle
The benefits of exercise have, quite literally,
been thrown at us time and time again. We know
that exercise is important but it is quite the
struggle to get people to comply. There is
however, the select few that understand the
benefits, and are determined to reap them for
themselves. Gagandeep Singh is one of them.
With his background as a sales representative for
Optimum Nutrition, he is knowledgeable about
living a healthy lifestyle with regards to food
and exercise. He enjoys spending time at the gym
and enjoys boxing. He was previously a member of
the Golden Gloves Club from 2011 to 2013.
5Thank You..!!