Title: Temperature Fluctuations in H II Regions
1Temperature Fluctuations in H II Regions
- Manuel Peimbert
- Antonio Peimbert
- María Teresa Ruiz
- César Esteban
- Jorge García-Rojas
- Leticia Carigi
Bright Line Abundance Calibrations at Low- and
May 28th, 2005
Minneapolis, Minnesota
- t2 Determinations
- Recombination Lines
- Solar vs. H II Region Values
- H II Galactic Abundance Gradient
- NGC 6822
- Calibration of Pagels Method
- Primordial Helium
3t2 Determinations
? Te Ne Ni dV
? Ne Ni dV
? (Te - T0)2 Ne Ni dV
t 2
T02 ? Ne Ni dV
Te(4363/5007) T0 1 (91300/T0 -3) t 2/2
Te(Bac/Hb) T0 (1 1.70 t 2)
Te(He I lines) T0 (1 k t 2) k1.8
Te(4649/5007) f1 (T0 , t 2)
4Abundance Determination Methods
- Any line ratio from two ions of different
elements can be used to determine their abundance
ratio - Permitted Lines
- (Recombination Lines)
- H, He, C, O
- Forbidden Lines
- (Collisionally Excited Lines)
- O, N, S, Ar, Cl, etc.
5Ne and Te Line Intensity Dependence
6Abundance Determinations using CELs_V, and
assuming t 2?0.00
- It is not easy to determine t 2.
- One of the methods used to determine t 2 is to
find the value necessary to reconcile the
measured RL intensities with the measured CEL
intensities. - Observations where t 2 can be measured using
different methods T(Bac), T(He), LRs/LCEs, etc.
usually find consistent values for all
Recombination Lines are 1000 - 10000 times
fainter than Collisionally Excited Lines.
8O II Recombination Lines, Multiplet 1
- Due to their faint intensity lt 0.0006 I (Hb) and
to blends - with other lines, it is usually not possible to
measure all 8 - lines of this multiplet.
Peimbert, 2003, ApJ, 584, 735
9O II Recombination Lines, Multiplet 1
- O abundance depends on the total sum of the
intensities from all 8 lines of the multiplet. - The relative intensities of the lines within the
multiplet are not constant. - The relative intensities of the lines, depend on
the populations of the 4 fine structure levels
from the upper level of the transition. 2s 22p
2(3 P)3s 4D03/2 - When the electronic density is high, there is
efficient collisional redistribution among the
levels. - When the electronic density is low, there is not.
- We have obtained the critical density
observationally (Ncrit 1325 cm-3 Ruiz, et.
al, 2003, ApJ, 595, 247).
10Intensity Dependence on Density
Peimbert, Peimbert, Ruiz, 2005, ApJ, submitted
11Density Dependence Equations
I (sum)
1 Ne /1325
I (46386196)
I (sum)
1 Ne /1325
I (464176)
0.301 -
I (sum)
1 Ne /1325
I (4649)
0.397 -
I (sum)
1 Ne /1325
12Galactic Abundance Gradients
Esteban et al. 2004
13Chemical Evolution Model of the Galaxy
Carigi et al. ApJ, 2005
14Galactic Gradient
- We have also found the O/H abundance as a
function of Galactocentric distance. From
observations of H II Regions we found a solar
vicinity abundance of 8.79 dex with a gradient of
-0.044 dex kpc-1. (Esteban et. al, 2005, ApJ,
618, 95). - This value is consistent with the O/H 8.66 dex
Solar value derived by Asplund et al. (2005), and
with galactic chemical evolution models that
estimate that, in the 4.6 Gy since the Sun was
formed, there has been an 0.13 dex increase in
oxygen abundance of the ISM (Carigi et al. 2005,
ApJ, 623, 213).
15Galactic Abundances From Collisionally Excited
Lines, Assuming t 20.00
- Abundances found from studies based on oxygen
forbidden lines, are almost a factor of 2 lower
than those we found from solar studies and
galactic evolution. - Pilyugin et. al (2003, AA, 401, 557) find
O/H 8.52 dex in the
solar vicinity. - Deharveng et. al (2000, MNRAS, 311, 329) find
O/H 8.53 dex in the solar
vicinity. - The slopes of these gradients are similar to that
- derived from recombination lines.
16NGC 6822 V Observations
- We have used these equations to correct the total
intensity for the unobserved lines, in order to
determine the O/H ratio. - After correcting for these lines, we measure
O/H 8.42 dex this value is
approximately 2 times higher than O/H 8.16 dex
the value obtained using CELs, assuming t 2
0.00. - This value is consistent with the O/H value
measured from A supergiants found in NGC 6822.
Peimbert, Peimbert Ruiz, 2005, ApJ, submitted
17H II Region and Stellar Oxygen Abundancesa
Peimbert, Peimbert Ruiz, 2005, ApJ, submitted
18H II Regions in M101
19Pagels R23 Method
DE Dopita Evans, 1986 EP Edmunds
Pagel, 1984 MRS McCall et al., 1985 TPPF
Torres-Peimbert et al., 1989
20Primordial Helium
Peimbert, Peimbert, Luridiana, 2002
21Summary I
- Well observed Recombination Lines are better than
Collisionally Excited Lines, to determine
chemical abundances. - The best studied Recombination Lines, that are
suited for heavy element abundance
determinations, are probably those of the
multiplet 1 of O II and 4267 of C II. - It is necessary to know the intensity of all the
lines in the multiplet in order to accurately
determine the O abundance. - The intensity ratios of lines within this
multiplet do not coincide with LTE computations
for densities Ne lt 10 000. For these densities it
is better to assume the ratios given by our
equations. - For H II regions the abundances determined from
multiplet 1 of O II are approximately a factor of
2 higher than those determined using the
OIII4363/5007 traditional method.
22Summary II
- Recombination Line abundance determinations are
consistent with solar abundance determinations,
and with determinations made with NGC 6822
supergiants. - If possible it is better to calibrate Pagels
method with O recombination lines. - If Pagels method is calibrated with models it is
better to adjust 3727 and 5007 to the models than
4363/5007. - For O poor H II regions the models by CLOUDY
predict 4363/5007 temperatures smaller than
observed, this indicates the presence of
additional heating sources not considered by
CLOUDY. - The presence of a typical t2 value reduces Yp by
about 0.007. For example from 0.250 to 0.243.
23The End
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