Title: RIDFXIII Project Outlay
1RIDF-XIII Project Outlay
Nabard Loan Component - Rs. 150.27 crores
Convergence - Rs. 183.02 crores Total Project
Cost - Rs. 333.29 crores No of
blocks - 2238 Area proposed - 1,59,060
acres Beneficiaries - 1,00,174
2RIDF-XIII Project Outlay Component wise
4RIDF-XIII District wise details Area in
descending order
5RIDF-XIII NABARD Component Vs Covergence
6RIDF-XIII District wise average cost per acre.
Average per acre cost - Rs. 22624/- per
acre Highest per acre cost - Rs. 41350/- per
acre (chittoor) Lowest per acre cost - Rs. 11538
per acre (prakasam)
7RIDF-XIII Timeline for implementation
8Mainstreaming CLDP
- Bridging the digital divide between NREGS CLDP
using RAGAS - Capturing CLDP history.
- Ongoing programmes (RIDF-IX, X XIII)
- Phase-1
- Block wise Basic info.
- Action plans
- Progress monitoring (monthly)
- Phase-2
- Reports generation
- Payments through work execution module
9RIDF-IX X lessons in retrospect.
- Adhoc, non-participatory planning Process
- Land issues - no specific time frame.
- Budget release irregular, long intervals and
meagre. - Defining responsibilities at field level
- Sub-district - MTA, Para worker,
- Lack of institution building strategy
- No Process monitoring
10How is RIDF-XIII different from RIDF IX X.
- Funds to be released directly to CIG account.
- Plans to be developed based on CRP concept (to be
piloted) - All activities to be linked to RAGAS.
- Quick, timely and sufficient releases.
- Project likely to be completed in a shorter
period unlike RIDF-IX X. - Re-organisation underway in the department would
aid in effective monitoring and implementation.
11RIDF-XIII Draft Circular
- Circular broadly covers the following issues.
- Objectives.
- District wise allocations.
- NABARD Special Terms and conditions.
- Project period.
- Funding pattern.
- Important phases of implementation.
- Institutional Arrangements.
- Reporting mechanism.
- Review and Monitoring.
- Convergence with EGS and IKP.
- Capacity building arrangements.
12RIDF-XIII Draft Circular
- Project period
- Fund support for a period of three years (2007-08
to 2009-10. - Can be completed in a shorter period.
- Funds will be released on submission of
reimbursement claims without reference to the
project period. - Hand holding support can be continued during the
rest of the project period
13Funds Flow
Vouchers / UCs
Individual wage labour A/c
Machine/Rig Owner/Agency/ Individual labourer
14RIDF-XIII Draft Circular
- Important phases of implementation.
- Preparatory Phase
- Planning phase
- Execution phase
- Consolidation phase
15RIDF-XIII Draft Circular
- Institutional Arrangements / Work Flow
- District Level DWMA is responsible for
implementation and monitoring of CLDP in the
district, even in ITDA areas. - Sub-Divisional level Asst. PD is responsible for
the progress in the blocks in his/her
jurisdiction. - Mandal level TAs are responsible . They have to
report to MDO as well as Asst. PD. - Village Level
- Para worker is responsible. For the EGS works in
the identified blocks he will act as Mate for
the selected assignees. - CIG representatives are responsible for giving
leadership to the assignees, conducting meetings
and payments -
16RIDF-XIII Draft Circular
- Reporting mechanism.
- Technical Assistant - to prepare monthly reports
for each block and submit to APD and MDO in the
monthly mandal level review meetings . - Asst. PD - to consolidate monthly and quarterly
reports of all the blocks submit to Addl. Project
Director/Project Director in the monthly
divisional level review meetings. - Project Director - to present the consolidated
reports to CRD Project period. - Review and Monitoring.
- 1. Internal monitoring process
- 2. External monitoring process
17RIDF-XIII Draft Circular
- Convergence with EGS Key issues.
- assignees to have job cards and post office/bank
a/c. - SMC and LD works permissible under NREGA are to
be part of the shelf of works. - Work commencement orders for the works to be
given in time - For the purpose of work, the CIG to be treated as
one or more labour groups. - Para worker to be treated as mate.
18RIDF-XIII Draft Circular
- Convergence with IKP Key issues.
- Key aspects to be ensured in linkage with IKP.
- The livelihood and credit plans to be completed
by the end of the planning phase and submitted to
IKP institutions. - IKP functionaries to be made responsible to
facilitate the process of sanction and grounding
of the livelihood plans of the assignees.
19RIDF-XIII Draft Circular
- Critical steps/areas that can make the
difference - Ensuring the preparation and communication of
assignee wise individual plan in telugu. - Ensuring monthly review meetings at mandal and
Divisional level - Tracking the implementation of the program in the
blocks as per the defined phases and periodical
assessment of blocs/district - Ensuring regular meetings of district and state
level Project Monitoring committee meetings and
addressing the issues raised there in.
20RIDF-XIII Draft Circular
- Critical steps/areas that can make the
difference - Ensuring effective linkages with EGS and IKP and
prompt action to resolve any emerging issues at
mandal/district and state level - Building the capacities of para worker and
Technical Assistant and the perspective of APD
and Addl. Project Director - Using the demonstrated successful experiences and
the experienced resource persons/agencies
22Work and Responsibility Flow
Individual assignees ? Plan the works as per
their needs, execute in their fields and
attend meetings. CIG Representatives ? Conduct
meetings of CIG, Operate bank a/c,
responsible for utilisation of funds Para
worker ? Support assignees in planning,
meetings, execution, maintain records at
block level, ensure quality of works and
keeping record of measurements (not
MB) Technical Assistant ? Overall
responsibility for the implementation
Preparation finalising plans, making
estimates, recording estimates in M.Book,
supervision and support in execution of
works as per calendar. APD ? Review
monitor the progress, Capacity building of
stake holders, ensuring phase wise
implementation outcomes. Addl. PD /
PD ? Provide leadership, review outcomes and
ensure operationalisation of roles
responsibilities of all the stake holders
and ensure capacity building of all the
stake holders
23Important tasks and aspects
- One day orientation meeting with APDs and APOs of
IKP at district level - Preparing District Capacity building strategy
- Ensuring Deployment of Technical assistants for
all the blocks - Formation of Planning teams
- Identification and using services of CRPs
- Ensuring proper planning process at block level
- Ensuring software package for CLDP incorporated
in each MCC by 20th February - Ensuring administrative and technical sanctions
for all the assignee wise plans by 15th March,
24Area Dispersal.
Block dispersal