Title: Navy Altimetry
1Navy Altimetry NOWCAST/FORECAST Sensitivity in
Undersea Warfare Systems
- Guillermo Amezaga LT, USNR
- Advisor Prof. Peter Chu
- Second Readers Eric Gottshall, CDR USN
- Past Thesis Michael Perry ENS, USNR
- Steve Mancini LCDR, USN
- Collaborator David Cwalina
- Todd Drury
2Past Thesis
- Michael Perry, June 2003
- GDEM vs MODAS with 3 altimeters
- March 15, 2001
- 117 vs 1633 profiles
- 35.0-40.0N
- 70.0-75.0W
- Area coverage is an effective metric for
comparing weapon presets
3Past Thesis Process Flowchart (Mancini,2004)
Relative Difference
4Thesis Process Flowchartfor NOWCAST/FORECAST
Relative Difference
5Thesis Process FlowchartNavy Altimetry
Relative Difference
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7Area of Interest (AOI)
- Taiwan
- High Oceanographic variability
- NE/SW Monsoon
- Meso-scale (Eddies)
- Typhoons
- Tactical Significance
- SCSMEX data availability
- MODAS validation
- POM validation
- Hydrographic data availability
8Taiwan (AOI)
(From Laing et. al., 2001)
9Snapshotof Variability
(From Laing et. al., 2002)
100m depth
30m depth
10Satellite orbitology
- GEOSAT Follow On (GFO)
- JAN 2001
11TPX launched AUG 1992 Exact overhead repeat 10
days Orbit 1336 km 66 degree inclination Circular
GFO launched FEB 1998 Exact overhead repeat 17
days Orbit 800 km 108 degree inclination 0.001
13Satellite orbitology
- GEOSAT Follow On (GFO)
- JUL 2001
- South China Sea Experiment (SCSMEX) validation of
- SCSMEX was large scale multi-national experiment
in the SCS - Main goal of gaining insight into the water and
energy cycle of the Asian monsoon cycle (Chu et
al, 2001) - SCSMEX provided a unique opportunity to evaluate
both the POM and MODAS. - SCSMEX was conducted in the SCS from April
through June 1998. - During SCSMEX, the oceanographic data set
included 1742 CTD and mooring stations (Chu et
al, 2001).
17SCSMEX Observation
- SCSMEX provided a unique opportunity to evaluate
both the POM and MODAS - SCSMEX was conducted in the SCS from April
through June 1998 - Oceanographic data set included 1742 CTD and
mooring stations (Chu et al, 2001).
(From Chu et. al., 2001)
18Methodology of SCSMEX evaluation of MODAS
- Both observational and climatology where used in
the verification of the value added of MODAS (Chu
et al, 2004) - The observational data was used as the benchmark
to determine the error statistics for MODAS and
climatology data. - MODAS has added value if the difference between
MODAS and observational data is smaller than the
difference between climatological and
observational data. (Chu et al, 2004).
19Methodology of SCSMEX evaluation of MODAS (POM)
- MODAS, climatology , and observational data are
represented by (temperature, salinity). The
difference in between MODAS and observational
data is - And, the difference in between climatology and
observational data is
20Methodology of SCSMEX evaluation of MODAS (POM)
- The bias , mean-squareerror (MSE), and
root-mean-square-error (RMSE) for MODAS ,
Where, N is the total number of horizontal points
(Chu et al, 2004)
21Results of SCSMEX evaluation of MODAS
- MODAS provides reasonably good temperature and
salinity NOWCAST. (Chu et. al., 2004) - Gaussian-type distribution of errors
- Mean Temperature error nearly zero (deg C)
- Mean Salinity error of -0.2 ppt
- MODAS temperature NOWCAST better than salinity
22Results of SCSMEX evaluation of MODAS
(From Chu et. al., 2004)
23Results of SCSMEX evaluation of POM
- POM without data assimilation has capability to
predict circulation patterns, temperature fields
reasonably well, but has no capability to predict
salinity fields. (Chu et. al., 2001) - POM errors for temperature have a Gaussian-type
distribution - POM errors for salinity have a non-Gaussian type
distribution - Data assimilation enhances POM HINDCAST
performance - POM errors for BOTH temperature and salinity have
Gaussian type distribution
- MODAS is the US Navys premier dynamic
climatology tool. - MODAS provides the capability of modifying the
historical climatology with remotely sensed SSH
and SST - Dynamic MODAS assimilates in situ measurements of
the temperature and salinity by method known as
Optimum Interpolation techniques (Fox et al
2002). - The surface structure projected downward using
empirical relationships of the historical data
which relates both SST and SSH to the subsurface
temperature (Fox et. al., 2002).
- POM is a general three dimensional gridded model
that is time-dependent and utilizes primitive
equations to model general circulation with
realistic topography and a free surface (Chu et
al, 2001). - POM was specifically developed to model nonlinear
processes and mesocale eddy phenomena.
25Navy Altimetry requirements for MODAS and
numerical models
- A minimum of one instrument is required. With
only one instrument, this data must be used in
conjunction with systems such as MODAS and NRL
Layered Ocean Model (NLOM). (NRL/FR/7320
26Process Flowchart
Relative Difference
27Weapons Acoustic Preset Program (WAPP) Objectives
- To Provide the Fleet with an On-Board Automated
Interactive Means for Generating Mk 48 Mk 48
ADCAP Acoustic Presets and Visualizing Torpedo
Performance - Base Computations on In Situ Environmental,
Tactical, Target, and Weapon Parameters - Track the Evolution of Weapon, Tactical, Target,
and Environmental Models - Provide Interfaces to
- Support Fleet Exercises, Training, and Program
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29Data SourcesProjected Environment (NUWC, NPT,
RI, 2005)
Latitude/Longitude Date-Time Group
DBDB-V v4.2 Level 2
Bottom Depth
Shallow/Deep Water
GDEM-V v3.0
Sound Speed Profile
Sound Speed Profile
HIE (SN v5.3)
Open Water/MIZ/Ice Cover
Under Ice
SMGC v2.0
Historic Wind Speed
Sea State
BST v1.0
Bottom Sediment Type
Bottom Type
VSS v6.3
Volume Scattering Strength Profile
30Generated Output
- Percentage Area Coverage
- ASUW and ASW Scenarios
- Shallow, Mid, and Deep Search Bands
- High and Low Doppler Targets
- Values Normalized Over Acoustic Modes
31Acoustic Preset ModuleRanked Listset
- List Set of Search Depth/Pitch Angle/Laminar
Distance/Effectiveness Values - List Set Ranked Based on Acoustic Coverage
Effectiveness and Recommendation Made Accounting
for Cavitations and Depth Separation - Laminar Distance Utilized in Weapon Order
Generation for Gyro/RTE
32Acoustic Preset Module Signal Excess Display
- Signal Excess Selectable from Pull-Down Menu
- Provide a Visual Interpretation of Mk 48 Acoustic
Performance Over Depth Band of Target
335 Tactical Scenarios Evaluated
- HD Deep ASW
- LD Deep ASW
- LD Shallow ASW
34WAPP output for MODAS and POM
- Here, the subscripts m denotes MODAS and p
denotes. (Manicini, 2004)
The relative difference was calculated using
statistical package, which produced absolute
values of the relative differences (RD) in area
coverage (AC) for the identical SD/SA combination
generated by WAPP,
35WAPP output for MODAS and POM
MEAN 18.04 STD 7.76
MEAN 12.08 STD 5.51
36WAPP output for MODAS and POM
37WAPP output for MODAS and POM
38Scenario Prob (RDgt0.1) () Prob (RDgt0.15)() Mean Std Dev
MODAS HD Deep ASW 43.75 3.25 11.3 4.88
POM HD Deep ASW 6 0.25 8.98 2.95
MODAS LD Deep ASW 23.75 3 9.66 4.41
POM LD Deep ASW 3 0.74 7.59 3.56
MODAS LD Shallow ASW 25.75 3 10.04 4.76
POM LD Shallow ASW 3.25 1 7.58 3.62
MODAS HD ASUW 81 71 19.83 7.89
POM HD ASUW 54 21.21 12.73 5.79
MODAS LD ASUW 73.5 65.25 18.04 7.76
POM LD ASUW 55 13.25 12.08 5.51
POM out performs MODAS
39Navy Altimetry Sensitivity
In January 2001, the orbital coverage by TPX for
the ECS and SCS did not vary. The same orbital
track was updated every ten-days. GFO orbital
change every 17 days. GFO orbital track
overlapped the TPX orbital track during the
ten-day period of 21-31 January 2001.
41Analysis of Input Data
42MODAS SSP delta in ECS JAN 05, 2001
43STATS in ECSJAN 05, 2001
44STATS in ECS JAN 05, 2001
45SSP in ECS JAN 05, 2001
46Analysis of Input Data
47MODAS SSP delta in SCSJAN 05, 2001
48STATS in SCSJAN 05, 2001
49STATS in SCS JAN 05, 2001
50SSP in SCS JAN 05, 2001
51Process Flowchart
Relative Difference
Key assumption GFO is more accurate than TPX
52WAPP output for MODAS and POM
- Here, the subscripts mg denotes MODAS-GFO and mt
denotes MODAS-TPX
The relative difference was calculated using
statistical package, which produced absolute
values of the relative differences (RD) in area
coverage (AC) for the identical SD/SA combination
generated by WAPP,
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56MODAS SSP delta in ECSJAN 05, 2001
57MODAS SSP delta in ECSJAN 10, 2001
58MODAS SSP delta in ECSJAN 15, 2001
59MODAS SSP delta in ECSJAN 20, 2001
60MODAS SSP delta in ECSJAN 25, 2001
61MODAS SSP delta in ECSJAN 30, 2001
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65MODAS SSP delta in SCSJAN 05, 2001
66MODAS SSP delta in SCSJAN 10, 2001
67MODAS SSP delta in SCSJAN 15, 2001
68MODAS SSP delta in SCSJAN 20, 2001
69MODAS SSP delta in SCSJAN 25, 2001
70MODAS SSP delta in SCSJAN 30, 2001
71Mean RD decreasing
72Conclusions (Mancini, 2004)
- WAPP output is sensitive to satellite altimetry
data assimilation - Especially when MODAS fields differ significantly
in the depth zone of interest (due to better
depiction of mesoscale features by the field with
altimetry) - Satellite altimeter data contributed as much as
an 80-90 chance of having a different engagement
outcome - Assuming RD of 0.1-0.2 in AC is enough
73Coverage Score 47.7
Coverage Score 33.8
In the first case on the left the percentage of
tracks that wind up in the lobe is 94.2. Of
these 46.7 will enter homing. When the
likelihood is taken into consideration an overall
coverage score is derived which is 47.7. For the
second case 89.6 of the tracks wind up in lobe,
but only 16.3 enter homing, for an overall
coverage score of 33.8. As you can see the delta
in the overall coverage score is significant.
( Cwalina, 2005)
74Analysis of Input Data
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77uillermo, Enclosed is a file with two
depictions of a torpedo sweeping through an area
of uncertainty. Each dot represents a plausible
contact position with an associated speed and
course along with a likelihood. The targeting
algorithms determine the appropriate gyro and
run-to-enable to best cover the area. This plays
out as an animation in MABLAB and generates some
statistics. I took a snapshot during the middle
of the run. It is interpreted as follows A dot
is red until the acoustic cone of the torpedo
passes over it. When this happens the torpedo has
had a detection opportunity on the dot and it
turns yellow. It takes some time (based on the
waveform/beamset and signal processing logic)
for the torpedo to go through the detection,
acquisition, and verification phase. If the dot
remains in the lobe for this time then it is
likely that the torpedo would be able to enter
homing on the dot target and the dot would turn
green. For these two cases the vertical
acoustic coverage differs by 20 and affects the
size of the cone in the horizontal plane. Each
dot is considered a track. In the first case on
the left the percentage of tracks that wind up in
the lobe is 94.2. Of these 46.7 will enter
homing. When the likelihood is taken into
consideration an overall coverage score is
derived which is 47.7. For the second case 89.6
of the tracks wind up in lobe, but only 16.3
enter homing, for an overall coverage score of
33.8. As you can see the delta in the overall
coverage score is significant. I hope this gives
you a feeling for the impact of some of the
acoustic coverage differences on the targeting
problem in general.
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83MODAS SSP delta in ECS (North)JUL 10, 2001
84STATS in ECSJUL 10, 2001
85STATS in ECS JUL 10, 2001
86SSP in ECS JUL 10, 2001
87Analysis of Input Data
88MODAS SSP delta in LZ (South)JUL 10, 2001
89STATS in LZJUL 10, 2001
90STATS in LZ JUL 10, 2001
91SSP in LZ JUL 10, 2001
92Process Flowchart
Relative Difference
93Acoustic Preset Module Ray Trace Display
- Ray Trace Selectable from Pull-Down Menu
- Provide a Visual Interpretation of Mk 48 Acoustic
Performance - Impact of Boundary Interactions and Refraction
Shown - Variable Target Depth Bands(Near-Surface, Depth
Zone of Interest, Target Max Depth) - Effects of Reverberation Apparent for Low Doppler
94Acoustic Preset Module Signal Excess Display
- Signal Excess Selectable from Pull-Down Menu
- Provide a Visual Interpretation of Mk 48 Acoustic
Performance Over Depth Band of Target