TMS and IMS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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occupational safety and health management system (OHSAS 18001) ... Wheelchair positions in the front saloon with extra handrails and low level bell ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: TMS and IMS

  • PQM
  • Dept. of ICT

Total Management System
  • Organization truly benefited from adopting ISO
    9000 standards as their management system.
  • Subsequently, several management system standards
    will be adopted
  • environmental management (ISO 14001)
  • occupational safety and health management system
    (OHSAS 18001)
  • Other trade quality management standards, such as
    QS 9000 for automobile industries, TL 9000 for
    telecom industries.

Total Management System (2)
  • Instead of launching separate management system
    for quality, safety and environment, organization
  • to reduce the administrative burden
  • align these system with its overall strategic
  • The integration of various management systems
    allows organization to meet future challenges by
  • Total Management System (TMS) to achieve a common
    goal more effectively.

Total Management System (3)
  • A TMS developed on the basis of
  • the ISO9000 framework should be enriched by the
    TQM philosophy
  • the system should be capable of integrating of
    quality with environmental, health and safety and
    social accountability system
  • The integration of various management system is
    only an initial milestone on the journey of
    business excellence.
  • Developing the integrated system towards total
    management approach based on organizations own
    core business process is a total solution to
    further enhance management of an organization,
    thus paving the way for world-class organization

Total Management System (4)
  • The TMS calls for the establishment of
  • a new management model
  • a team-based organization
  • a new documentation structure to cover business
    policy and strategies
  • integrating procedures and work instruction
    guided by different standards

Total Management System (5)
  • The results are monitored by a set of holistic
  • vision-based performance measures
  • integrated management review
  • audit.
  • TMS is a new management paradigm
  • enhances the TQM model to cover the total
    business aspects and focus on business purposed

Total Management System (6)
  • TMS is the development of a new management system
  • flexible sufficiently based on the organizations
    core business processes
  • cater for the requirements of various management
    such as ISO9000, ISO14000, OHSAS 14000.

How to get TMS up and running
  • For effective implementation of the TMS, a series
    of new initiatives are required including
  •         Team-driven organization
  •         Vision-driven performance management
  •         An integrated documentation structure
  •         A methodology for system integration

Important concepts in TMS
  • putting the quality, environmental, health and
    safety system into one book of policies and
    procedures is NOT integrating them
  • TMS ? ISO9000ISO14000OHS18000

Practical problems in TMS
  • Many companies have attempted to establish an
    integrated system in their organization, but only
    a few of them are successful. Many of the their
    management system are either partially integrated
    or still in the process of being completely
    integrated towards a single effect business
    management system.
  • In many cases putting the financial, quality,
    environmental system into one book of policies
    and procedures is not integrating them.

Practical problems in TMS
  • For these systems to be an integral part of a
    companys management system, there must be
    linkages to hide the joints. The notion of
    separate system disappears, even the terms
    disappear such that the management system covers
    quality, environmental, health and safety, and
    finance and security seamlessly.
  • A formal methodology for total integrating
    various management systems, which is based on an
    organizations core business process and flexible
    enough to cater for future changes, is yet to be

Pragmatics approach IMS
  • Some of the certification bodies are at the
    forefront of the promoting of management
    standards and the assessment of integrated
    operating systems
  • known as Integrated Management Systems (IMS)
  • It essentially enables organizations to establish
    and maintain multiple management system
  • Quality Management System,
  • Environmental Management System
  • Health Safety Management System.

  • This integrated assessment uses the models of
    ISO9000, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 in a single,
    seamless process.
  • IMS ISO9000ISO14000OHS18000

Objective of IMS
  • In essence, when an organization is embarking
    registration towards ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and
    OHSAS 18000, the objectives must be to monitor
    the system, learn from observation and
    experience, and be prepared to make improvements
    and changes.

IMS by providing integrated audit
  • The purpose of integrated audits is to establish,
    by an unbiased means, factual information on
  • Having established a total management system
    which involves a very extensive and complex
    changing process, it is necessary to install
    measures, at process level that will feedback
    information on whether the model is being

IMS proposed by BSI
  • Figure below proposed model suggested by BSI in
    addressing the overwhelming need for integrating
    various certification.

Advantages of IMS
  • Hence, IMS provides competitive advantages
  • Reduced management down-time and on-site
  • Identification of best practice across all
  • An assessment report that is relevant to your
    overall business objectives and processes
  • Cost efficiency in service delivery
  • A comprehensive certificate to display

Pros and Cons of IMS
  • Simply putting the quality, environmental and
    Occupational Health and Safety system together
    into one book of policies and procedures is not
    integrating them.
  • Neither is putting the quality manager, safety
    manager and environmental manger in a single
  • There must be linkages to hide the details
  • Although the IMS is not Total integration of
    various management system, it is a step forward
    to address the need of reducing the repetitive
    efforts of managing various system.

  • TQM provides the overall concept that fosters
    continuous improvement in an organization.
  • The TQM is a philosophy stresses a systematic,
    integrated, consistent, organization-wide
    perspective involving everyone and everything. In
    order to have a systematic approach to TQM, many
    methodologies, such as TMS and IMS has been

Benefits of TMS
  • The internal benefits of registration are
  • greater responsibility, accountability and
    quality consciousness among staff
  • better use of time and resources
  • greater consistency and traceability of product
    or services
  • less wastage through product or service failure
  • continual improvements to quality and efficiency
  • improved profit and minimize its OHS risks to
    its employees.

Benefits of TMS (2)
  • The external benefits (customer satisfaction)
  • wider market opportunities
  • increased customer satisfaction
  • improved customer loyalty

  • Total Management System (TMS) is an approach that
    based on total integration of various management
    systems that can sustain the changes in business
    environment of the new era
  • There are still shortcomings in the implementing
  • A pragmatic approach is the so-called Integrated
    Management System (IMS) in which by putting
    various management systems in a synergetic way,
    great benefits can be obtained.

  • TMS as an implementation of TQM
  • IMS is a pragmatic approach to integrate various
    management system.
  • It is a simpler version of TMS

TQM implementation based on TMSCase studies
  • MTRC

MTRC 3 policies
  • MTRC OHS policy
  • MTRC EMS policy
  • MTRC social accountability policy

MTRC OHS policy
  • The Company is highly committed to ensuring the
    health, safety and welfare of its employees. The
    Company shall comply with all occupational health
    and safety legislations and provide all employees
    with a safe working environment.
  • The safety of customers, the public, contractors
    and employees is an absolute pre-requisite of all
    our operations. The Company is committed to
    maintaining a climate of safety awareness and
    employing management systems that will lead to
    continuous improvement in safety performance.
  • Safety is everyones responsibility at all times
    and affects everything that we do. It is an
    integral part of the Companys business strategy.
    Each member of staff has a duty to protect
    customers, the public, contractors and other
    employees of the Company. Nothing is too
    important to preclude the consideration of
  • The Company shall continuously maintain and
    review the existing equipment, passenger trains
    and station layout to ensure safety and
    efficiency of train service.
  • It is the responsibility of the Company to check
    the health conditions of employees to ensure
    their fitness for employment.

MTRC EMS policy
  • ????
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MTRC EMS policy
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  • ?2003???ISO 14001??????????????
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MTRC social accountability policy
  • ?????????????
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TQM implementation based on IMSKMB Case studies
This integrated assessment uses the models of
ISO9000,ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 in a single,
seamless process. IMS ISO9000ISO14000OHS18000
  • TQM is a principle
  • Integrated Management System (IMS) is a method to
    achieve TQM
  • IMS ISO9000 ISO14000 ISO18000
  • Case study of KMB indicate how to implement a IMS
    to achieve TQM

Introduction of EMS in KMB
  • KMB is committed to building a better environment
    through continuous contributions to environmental
    conservation and protection.
  • Preventing pollution and continuously improving
    our environmental performance
  • Enhancing staff environmental awareness

Measures done by KMB
  • First to use Euro engines in its bus fleet
  • More than 2,600 KMB buses are equipped with
    environmentally-friendly Euro engines
  • Use ultra-low sulphur diesel
  • Eco-Driveline on buses
  • Implement waste water treatment
  • Implement Water Recycling
  • Implement solar powered bus shelter
  • Reuse the tyre
  • Training courses for staff

Euro engines
  • Since 2001, the environmentally-friendly Euro III
    engine has been installed on all new buses
    ordered. Compared with the Euro II engine, the
    Euro III engine reduces emissions of nitrogen
    oxides and particulates by 28 and 33
  • Compared with the emission levels in 1992, each
    KMB bus emits 45 less particulates on average,
    significantly improving the air quality in Hong

Use of ultra-low sulphur diesel
  • Since 2001, KMB has used ultra-low sulphur
    diesel, containing only 0.005 sulphur, in it
    entire fleet of more than 4,300 buses. The use of
    ultra-low sulphur diesel is beneficial to the
    environment both in terms of improved air quality
    and in reducing the output of chemicals that
    combine and form acid rain. More than 3,100 KMB
    buses have been equipped with the 'Posilock' fuel
    filling system, as used on aircraft. This device
    not only speeds up the refuelling process but
    also avoids waste by preventing fuel spillage.

Eco-Driveline on buses
  • The system has proved to be effective in reducing
    exhaust emissions by an average of 6 to 10,
    thus further improving the air quality.

Water Recycling
  • The 120,000 litres of water that are used every
    day to clean the KMB bus fleet are treated and
    recycled through the water recycling system

Solar powered bus shelter
  • the solar powered bus shelter is equipped with
    adjustable photovoltaic grids, which generate
    electrical power for the shelter's electronic
    information system and advertising panels.

Reuse the tyre
  • To alleviate the pollution problem caused by
    industrial waste and to fully utilise resources,
    KMB retreads around 33,000 used tyres every year.
    Further, more than 100 tons of tyre chips are
    collected annually and used to manufacture
    playground flooring

Training courses for staff
  • For example, bus captains are instructed to
    accelerate and brake smoothly, to minimise noise
    while buses are in motion, and to switch off the
    engine when arriving at the terminus

KMB's Sha Tin Depot was granted ISO 14001
  • ISO 14001 is the internationally recognised
    standard for environmental management systems,
    providing a framework for organisations to manage
    aspects of their operations that affect the

  • KMB was the winner of the 2001 Business
    Environment Council Environmental Performance
    Award, organised by the Business Environment
    Council, and of the Certificate of Merit Green
    Office Award (Large Organizations) at the 2002
    Hong Kong Eco-Business Awards, in recognition of
    the company's commitment to environmental

Potential benefits of implementing OHSAS 18000
  • Potential benefits of implementing OHSAS 18000 is
    to reduce Costs
  • help reduce accidents and ill health, leading to
    reduced downtime and associated costs

KMB adopting ISO18000
  • Several steps had been implemented by KMB, for
  • Safety Policy
  • Accident / Incident investigation
  • Accident Prevention
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Customer Safety Scheme

Safety Policy
  • A policy is a statement about an issue and says
    what the business intends to do about the issue.
  • KMB has made a policy that the bus driver must
    follow during the time they drive.
  • For example
  • have a good driving behaviour
  • can't force across the traffic light when it
    turns yellow
  • can't force "cut-line" on the road in order to
    avoid the accident
  • ensure no any people standing near the doors by
    using the mirror before closing the doors
  • must steer into the bus stop before let the
    passengers get off the bus to avoid the
    passengers to get accident on the road

Accident / incident investigation
  • All work injuries involving compensation must be
    reported. One of the objectives of accident
    reporting is to establish the facts of each
    accident in order to analyze the causes as
    precursor to remedial action So that Kmb has
    reduced the rate of accident from an average of
    3.33 accidents per million vehicle-km to
  • an average of 2.81 accidents per million
    vehicle-km in 2001

Accident Prevention
  • KMB's Information Technology Department and
    Service Department collaborated to produce the
    'Bus Maintenance Information System' (BMS) to
    monitor operations and enhance overall
    efficiency. And hence the bus maintenance is
    getting more reliable and the number of incident
    is greatly reduced.
  • KMB has also upgraded its air conditioning
    technology by installing the latest compact
    system, which provides integrated and delicate
    control in terms of cooling and air circulation
    by means of an ambient sensor. And hence prevent
    the disease to infect.

Emergency Preparedness
  • Plans for creation of emergency procedures should
    be developed to cover hazard such as the fire,
    buses failure, typhoons. requiring first aid,
    rescue, means of escape, ventilation to protect
    bus drivers and the passengers.
  • For example
  • In case the bus breaks down and stop on the road.
    The bus driver has the responsibility to protect
    the passenger form their safety. inform the
    manager immediately and keep the passengers
    stayed in the bus. and arrange them to take
    another bus in a safe way.

For Customer Safety
  • Seat Belts are installed in each seat in the bus
    to reduce the level of harm to passengers
  • Fire extinguisher is installed to each bus in
    case there is a fire on the bus
  • Hammers are installed near the windows on the bus
    for the passengers to use to escape if there is
    an accident

Social Accountability
  • For Safety of physically disabled people
  • Since it is a little bit dangerous for a
    physically disabled people to get off / get on
    the bus.
  • KMB has developed some special facility to meet
    the needs of them
  • the bus body is lowered to 25cm (around 10 inches
    from ground level and there is no entrance and
    exit steps.

Social Accountability
  • Wheelchair ramp slides out to allow wheelchairs
    to get on.
  • Non-slip material is used in bus flooring.
  • Wheelchair positions in the front saloon with
    extra handrails and low level bell pushes.
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