Title: Octave Noubibou
1Octave Noubibou
2What is TAVERNA ?
Web Services to performe Such analysis exist
get sequences
They are highly distributed And required
programming knowledge to link them To a workflow
Multiple seq Alignment
What if a lab scientist without/with little
programming knowledge also wish to run such
experiments ?!!!!!!
The Taverna project has developed an open source
tool, which enable scientist to orchestrate
bioinformatic Web services in workflow without
been confronting to technical details and
complexity of web service programming!!!
5Representation of in silico Experiments The
Taverna Workflow
input 1b
input 1a
input 2
Processor 2a
Processor 1
Processor 2b
output 1
output 2
A workflow is a graph of processors, each of
which transforms a set of data input into a set
of data output
6The Taverna Workbench
7Available Services component
Provides the workflow designer with facilities to
handle and manage the service libraries
Default initial services to be loaded at start
can be configured in the mygrid.properties file
8Service Panel Organization
9How to add new services to the service Panel?
10searching for a service
11Advance Model Explorer
12populating the model
13How to add a service to the model?
14Linking input/output data and services to a
15What if an Input/output has been linked to a
wrong service?
16Example of a complete model
17The workflow diagram
18Running the workflow
19How to specify the input values?
20Are we ready ?
21Which services are completed ?The Status Panel
22Result Browser
23How to get Taverna ?