Title: The Universe Just After the Big Bang
1The Universe Just After the Big Bang
Color represents small variations in temperature.
Temperature of gas tells you its
density. Exaggerated Contrast
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- Previous graph proves the universe obeys flat
geometry. - Geometry is determined by the density of the mass
in the universe, so we now know that density. - Knowing the density tells us the speed of sound.
4NucleosynthesisA Cosmic Game of Chutes and
- We know how protons, neutrons and electrons
behave when they are hot and dense. We know
density based on curvature. We know temperature
based on color. - We also know what atoms were created so we can
figure out what reactions took place.
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6No Stable Elements With a Mass of 5 or 8
- Possible to get over the gaps (fusion in stars
does it) - But you must have a simultaneous 3-way collision
which is rare. - That rarity tells us how dense
- the protons and neutrons were.
8Be 10-17 sec
5Li 10-22 sec
8Li 0.8 sec
5He 10-23 sec
3H 12 years
7No Stable Elements With a Mass of 5 or 8
- He-4 is more stable than hydrogen.
- The universe is about 75 hydrogen and 25
helium. - Knowing the density of the early universe, how
long would it take to convert 25 of the hydrogen
into helium? - Tells us how long it took the early universe to
cool below the critical temperature. - 20 minutes.
5He 10-23 sec
3H 12 years
8- Curves show how much of each element there should
be (y-axis) if the universe started with a
density of n (x-axis) - Horizontal bands are the margin of error on the
observed amount of each element. - The yellow band is the only density that works
for all of the elements.
9Back to the Shape Question
- The size of the WMAP spots tells us the geometry
of the universe is flat - The cause of the geometry is the density of
matter in the universe. - Ratios of He and Li tell us the density.
- Lets compare the WMAP and the nucleosynthesis
10Density of protons and neutrons in our universe
Density of total mass needed to make the universe
- We know the universe is flat.
- Curvature depends on total mass
- Nuclear reactions depend on protons and neutrons,
electrons. - Therefore if they disagree, it must be because
there is mass in addition to the protons,
neutrons and electrons. - But what is that mass?
12Things it isnt / doesnt do
- Isnt Protons, Neutrons, Electrons.
- Isnt Quarks, Muons, Pions, Neutrinos, etc.
- Doesnt give off light
- Doesnt heat up
- Doesnt collide with other particles going
through it. - In two slides Ill tell you about neutrinos and
address your questions. - Doesnt have any interactions at all except
through gravity. - It is in this room right now not interacting with
13Things Near the Center Orbit Faster
Unless there is lots of mass around the outside
that we cant see
14Not Dark Matter, But Similar
- Mean Free Path
- On average, how far does a particle travel before
bumping into something? - Depends on density
- Air molecule at sea level
- 65 nm.
- Neutrino traveling through solid lead.
- 1 light year or 5.9 billion miles.
- Thats an average. There are trillions of them
going through the earth every second, so
sometimes scientists get lucky and one of them
hits their detector. - The only reason you can touch the table is
protons and electrons interact with each other. - Neutrinos dont interact with protons or
electrons (very much). - Dark matter doesnt interact with protons or
electrons at all (except through gravity)
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17Zombie Mystery
- The mystery that died How will the universe
end? - Gravity slows down the expansion. Eventually
gravity wins and everything collapses back
together. - Gravity slows down the expansion, but not enough.
As things get farther apart, gravity gets weaker
and the universe expands forever and ever. - Conclusion Universe will expand forever.
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19Zombie Mystery
- The Mystery is Reborn
- Looking far away tells information about long
ago. - Long ago, the expansion was slower than it is
now. - Gravity should make the expansion decelerate
(regardless of whether gravity wins or expansion
wins). Something else is making everything in
the universe repel each other. - Observed. Now we just need to figure out why.
- Having too much energy could do this, but we
dont see the energy just to give it a name,
lets call it Dark Energy.
20- We dont know what dark energy is, but we know
how much of it there must be to make the universe
accelerate. - We dont know exactly what dark matter is but we
have ruled out all but a couple options. We have
multiple ways of measuring how much of it there
needs to be and that all agree pretty well.
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22The majority of the universe is composed of dark
23Nagging Question
- The CMB started out orange, 3,000 Kelvin, cool
enough for electrons and protons to make atoms. - Before that it was much hotter and much dense.
- More density means more nuclear reactions, so why
did only 25 of the helium get fused into
hydrogen? - Before that it was denser still.
- Infinitely dense? Almost infinitely dense?
- Why didnt it make a giant black hole?
24Why Wasnt There More Fusion
- Thousands of degrees electrons cant stay bound
to protons. - Millions of degrees nuclear reactions occur
- Billions of degrees so hot that energy (light
and KE) spontaneously turns into a pair of matter
and antimatter particles, that then annihilate
each other and change back into energy (light and
KE). - Trillions of degrees too hot for protons to
form. Matter is exclusively quarks ( - To make a proton or neutron three quarks join.
- Before the universe became a fog of glowing
orange hydrogen, it was a trillion-degree
mass/energy/quark soup.
25Why Didnt it Make a Black Hole?
- Really dense means lots of gravity that pulls
objects toward it. - Universe was really dense everywhere, so which
way should the object be pulled? - Cant make up its mind, meanwhile universe