Title: Marcela Main S.
1Bali Road Map a new negotiation process
Marcela Main S. UNFCCC secretariat MMainSancha_at_unf
- Bali Road Map a new process
- Bali Action Plan long-term cooperative action
- The challenge and the responsibility
3The Bali Road Map
- Art.9
- TT
- Adaptation Fund
4AWGLCA - Bali Action Plan
- MRV nationally appropriate mitigation emission
limitation commitments or actions by developed
countries and mitigation actions by developing
countries - Actions to adapt to climate change and promote
climate-resilient development - MRV finance and technology cooperation to support
5AWGKP Art. 3.9 KP
- Detailed timetable to complete negotiations on
new emission reduction targets for industrialized
countries - mitigation potential and ranges of emission
reduction objectives - possible means to achieve objective
- aggregate emission reductions and allocation of
6Art. 9 KP review
- Second review of the KP to further enhance its
implementation (to be undertaken by CMP.4) - SoP
- Russian Federation proposal
- privileges and immunities
- flexible mechs
- response measures / climate-resilient development
7BAP long-term cooperative action
- Balance
- engage major emitters
- economic growth and poverty eradication
imperatives - Investment opportunities
- Global approach to tied together developed and
developing world
8BAP long-term cooperative action
- Shared vision for long-term cooperative action,
incl long-term global goal for emission
reductions - Enhanced national/international action on
mitigation - Enhanced action on adaptation
- Enhanced action on technology development and
transfer to support action on mitigation and
adaptation - Enhanced action on the provision of financial
resources and investment to support action on
mitigation and adaptation and technology
9(No Transcript)
10BAP financial architecture
- To support and enable action by developing
countries - Tool box
- Investment opportunities
- Positive debate finance and technology to bring
closer the developed and developing world
11BAP catalytic role of the Convention
- Inputs to ensure negotiations deliver what is
needed. - Actions in all sectors of the economy
- UN system, business and other organizations
- Actors to indicate
- what they can deliver
- what they need in the agreement to be able to
12BAP work programme
- AWGLCA-1st session, March 31 April 4, Bangkok
- 30 submissions
- Identify
- areas that need to be further clarified
- issues where work needs to be done and in what
order - inputs needed
13BAP towards an agreed outcome
- Work programme in Bangkok
- Progress in the 4 building blocks
- Breakthrough in finance and technology
- Catalytic role of the Convention
- Stock-taking in Poznan options
- Agreed outcome and adopt decision in Copenhagen
14AWGKP Art. 3.9 KP
- Bangkok, June
- - possible means to achieve objective
- aggregate emission reductions and allocation of
effort - Poznan
- conclusion on mitigation potential and ranges
- 2009
- conclusion on further commitments by Annex I
Parties - conclusion on legal implications
- forward relevant draft decision on further
commitments to CMP.5
15Art. 9 KP review
- Workshop 28-29, April.
- Views on how to address issues identified
- Consideration and report to CMP.4
- October pre-sessional WS
- Consideration of AWGKP work and progress
- Poznan
- CMP to undertake second review and take
appropriate action
16Bali Road Map - the challenge
- A two-year negotiation process
- 2-3 parallel tracks SBs processes
- different order/timing
- different negotiators/expertise/background
- very demanding process (small delegations)
- Interlinkages - coherence
- Chicken-egg debate
- Other external processes
17Working groups brainstorming
- Goals of CEE and Turkey in the context of
European and International climate regime - identify questions to be address to develop
future policies - discuss the ways to address those issues
- find possibilities of cooperation with other
countries/stakeholders - consideration of specific mechs tailored for
your national circumstances
18Bali Road Map - the responsibility
There is high agreement and much evidence that
notable achievements of the UNFCCC and its Kyoto
Protocol are the establishment of a global
response to climate change, stimulation of an
array of national policies, and the creation of
an international carbon market and new
institutional mechanisms that may provide the
foundation for future negotiation efforts (IPCC)