Title: Title goes here
1Phase 2 Performance Management Change Readiness
Calls March 10th 11th, 2009
- Welcome
- Follow up from previous calls
- Agency Readiness Checklist System Preparation
Activities - Group Build Requirements
- Training Update / Resources
- Change Management and Communications
- Change Readiness Survey Results
- Open Discussion
3Follow up from Previous Calls
- ESS/MSS Access and Usage Reports
- Queries email, Reports To
- Spam filter firewall issues
- Change Requests from Phase 1
- Process Timeline
4System Preparation Activities
- Agency Readiness Checklist
- Review Discussion
- Due Dates for Preparation Activities
- Changes to Spam Filters March 27, 2009
- Execution of Computer Access Strategy - ongoing
- Continue to monitor Reports To ongoing
- Managers Accessing MSS
- Employees Accessing ESS
- Addresses for employees February 27, 2009
5Agency Preparation Activities
- Group Build Information
- Paper-based Process
- All paper-based (manager and employee)
- Partly paper based (manager computer, employee
6Communication Messages for Managers and
- March messages
- Overview on new performance management system
- Overview on Competencies
- April messages
- Overview on Goals
- May messages
- Individual Development Plans (IDPS)
- Begin Training
- June messages
- Transitioning from Current PMF to new PMF
- Training
- Resources available
7Change Management and Communication Activities
- Competency Presentation
- Process Timeline
- Agency Head Communications
- March 5th Workforce Services Forum (exhibit
table) - Performance Mgmt Initiative Overview
- ePerformance quick reference guide
- Competency Management
8Process Timeline
9Training Update
- Human Resource Administrator System Training
- Confirmation confirmations being sent
- March 16th, 17th, 18th, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 30th,
31st - April 1st, 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th,
22nd, 23rd - Madison Room 19th floor Sloppy Floyd West Tower
- 800 a.m. to 500 p.m. (1 hour lunch)
- HR Community Training
- April 20th, 21st, 23rd, 28th
- May 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th
- Johnson Room 19th floor Sloppy Floyd West Tower
- 830 a.m. to 500 p.m. (1 hour lunch)
- For HR directors and/or the group responsible for
training your managers - http//www.cviog.uga.edu/ttt
10Training Update (contd)
- Manager Training Resources
- HR Community Training Materials
- Manager Webcast
- Job Aids
- Managers Guide
- Employee Training
- Employee training available via Webcast
- http//www.spa.ga.gov/employees/ePerformResources.
11Talent Management Help Desk
- Ensure a successful transition to the enhanced
Performance Management Process - HR Administrative Guide also provides detailed
how to steps - If you need additional assistance, please call
the State Accounting Office helpline at
404.657.3956 or 888.896.7771. Press option 2,
then press 2. - If you would like to e-mail your question(s),
please contact us at talentmanagement_at_spa.ga.gov - The Help Desk hours of operation are 800 am to
500 pm Monday - Friday
12Upcoming Calls Activities
- March 24th and 25th No Call (HR Training)
- Friday, April 24th Training Feedback
Readiness Calls - 3 times to call in 930 a.m., 1100 a.m., or
130 p.m. - May and beginning of June
- Agencies will be reorganized into groups based
upon cutover schedule - Weekly calls based upon cutover schedule
- June 23th 24th Agency Readiness Call
- July - Agency status calls as needed
13Questions, Comments, Feedback
- Question and Answer Session
- Action Items
- Next Steps
- Thank you for your participation!
14Performance ManagementTalent Management Team
- Rhonda Howard, Project Manager
- rhonda.howard_at_spa.ga.gov 404-463-7147
- Ronnie Witcher, Program Director
- ronnie.witcher_at_spa.ga.gov 404-657-2379
- Janet Hecht, Ph.D., HR Projects Coordinator
- janet.hecht_at_spa.ga.gov 404-463-3534
- Al Brown, PHR, HR Consultant
- al.brown_at_spa.ga.gov 404-657-2848
- Kimberly Walker, MHRM, HR Specialist
- kimberly.walker_at_spa.ga.gov 404-657-0365
- Tara Brown, HR Specialist
- tara.brown_at_spa.ga.gov 404-657-0358
- Craig Southern, HR Generalist
- craig.southern_at_spa.ga.gov 404-657-2151