Title: Guidelines for SC4 Meeting Host
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SC4 Plenary Meeting
Updated 2007/03/29
- Policy
- Meeting Approval Process
- Host Role
- Meeting Promotion
- Meeting Planning
- Meeting Support
- Facility Fees
- Secretariat Operations
- Meeting Room Setup Diagrams
- Post Meeting Reports
3POLICY for Hosting Meetings
- SC4 Plenary Meeting locations are rotated among
venues in Europe, Pacific Rim, and the Americas
to maximize global participation and
representation. - Any entity can volunteer to host a SC4 Plenary
Meeting SC4 determines the suitability of the
offer and makes the final determination to accept
the offer.
SC4 must be assured in advance of approval of
host meeting offer that the venue is safe and
estimated costs/facilities fees are reasonable.
4POLICY for Hosting Meetings
- Every effort should be made to reduce meeting
costs to the minimum. - TC184/SC4 Meetings are not to be used as
marketing opportunities. However meeting hosts
are encouraged to solicit sponsors to help defray
a part of the meeting costs - Sponsor social events
- Provide facilities
- Contribute equipment, manpower and supplies
5POLICY for Hosting Meetings
- Full and detailed financial disclosure of meeting
income and expense is required to be submitted to
the SC4 Secretariat within 60 days of the meeting
closure. - All Plenary Meeting attendees must be treated
equally -- with no discrimination regarding
facility fees.
6POLICY for Hosting Meetings
- Venue for a particular meeting must be located in
a safe place. The meeting location cannot be one
which places meeting attendees personal safety at
risk. - All operations will be automated and use as
little paper as possible. - Note SC4 Meeting Host Guidelines are published
in document N1398c that is posted on the SC4 web
site and distributed at Host Planning meetings.
Extra copies available from SC4 Secretariat.
7POLICY for Hosting Meetings
- Meeting participation is not conditional upon
payment of any fees - If a meeting facilities fee is to be requested of
attendees, it must be based strictly on direct
costs for hosting the meeting (i.e., only covers
actual expenses of hosting the meeting). - Hosts are not allowed to make a "profit" from the
meeting fees requested of delegates.
8Host Approval Process1
Planned Future Meetings
- Potential meeting host informally notifies
Secretariat staff of interest in hosting a future
meeting with a proposed location and date. - SC4 leadership determines that no known schedule
or other conflicts exist. - Meeting place and date are informally placed as a
tentatively "planned future meeting on the
official SC4 web site and meeting calendar.
9Host Approval Process 2
Scheduled Future Meetings
- Potential meeting host makes formal offer to host
a future meeting with a proposed location and
date via a formal communication on organization
letterhead to the SC4 Secretariat.
10Host Approval Process 3
Scheduled Future Meetings
- Once determined acceptable, Secretariat issues
formal acceptance letter to the host approving
meeting date and venue. - Meeting place and date are placed as scheduled
on the official SC4 web site and meeting
11Formal Proposal Example
12Acceptance Letter Example
13Role of The Host
- Facilitate SC4 Standards Development Process
- Support Operational Needs of Meeting
Participants and the SC4 Secretariat - Maximize Participation and Meeting Effectiveness
- Assume Financial and Organizational Risk for the
Entire Meeting Operation - Make every possible effort to reduce meeting
costs to the absolute minimum
14SC4 Meeting Promotion
- Meeting hosts are encouraged to
- Promote SC4 meetings and activities on web sites
and in selected technical journals - Solicit sponsors for defraying a part of the
meeting costs - Sponsor social events
- Provide facilities
- Contribute equipment, manpower and supplies
15SC4 Meeting Promotion
- Take care to send the correct message!
- Much hard work occurs during SC4 meetings.
- SC4 meetings and activities need to be portrayed
as professional work events not as luxury
tourist diversions - Remember that the SC4 web site is open to the
general public - SC4 future meetings hot links to sponsor site
- Managers approving participant travel requests
may visit these web sites - Carefully consider the message
- e.g., Funchal meeting was advertised as being in
an Industrial city -- SEE NEXT SLIDE and
the background picture depicted that image
16Meeting Room Reservations for FUNCHAL meeting Now
Available Suggest Making the Reservation Now
17Meeting Planning
- General
- Adhere to cut-off dates for registration
- Hotel guest room reservations can be arranged and
controlled via the host and may offer potential
advantages to the host. - Create a secure FTP site for transmitting and
holding electronic documents - (e.g., Funchal meeting successfully used a
travel agency)
18Meeting Planning (Contd)
- General
- Provide a preliminary and final attendee list to
Secretariat and to attendees - Publish a daily one page newsletter to
disseminate daily information to meeting
delegates (meeting room changes, updates, etc.)
19Meeting Support
- Computer Support
- A dedicated desktop MS/DOS computer with CD
drive, floppy drive, and internet access, M/S
Office installed as the official meeting
computer. Often, several additional workstations
available for delegate use are located in the
same area. In addition, provision of wireless LAN
capabilities is very useful. - NOTE This dedicated workstation should be
publicly available for meeting delegates to
access delegate contributions and presentations
generated during the meeting as well as all other
SC4 documents via - (not located in Secretariat Office)
20Meeting Support (Contd)
- Computer Support
- Strongly recommend using a Master or Server
to hold SC4 meeting proceedings and
presentations. - Meeting information and other conference
information should be available under a folder
named SC4 Share.
NOTE Trend is to make wireless LAN capabilities
available on site to support meeting operations.
Even if wireless capability is provided, still
also need a dedicated conference computer since
not all delegates have wireless capabilities.
21Meeting Support (Contd)
- Computer Support
- CD Read/Write drive on Master or Server
- Dedicated black/white printer
- Hookups for laptop connections to LAN
22Meeting Support (Contd)
- Facilities
- Approximately 8 breakout rooms with power
strips, projectors, screens, drinking water - Registration Area
- Meeting Host Office
- Separate Lockable SC4 Secretariat Office
- General Meeting Room to accommodate all attendees
(sometimes up to 100 persons) - Consider using guest rooms (e.g., suites) for
meeting of small groups as a cost saving
alternative this could reduce the number of
separate breakout rooms to be contracted for
23Meeting Support (Contd)
- Facilities
- Arrange local transportation for attendees to get
to meeting activity locations and back. - Recommend all attendees stay in one place and
conduct meetings in that same place, if possible. - SC4 Meeting Room requests are handled by the Host
24Meeting Support (Contd)
- Facilities
- Provide attendees information about the meeting
host country e.g. visa requirements, quarantine
regulations, (on a host-provided website),
specific challenges in getting to the meeting
site, etc. - Recommend wireless contact capability for host
staff during meeting
25Meeting Support (Contd)
- Meeting Supplies
- Copy machine supplies for up to 4,000 copies.
NOTE Suggest hiding copy facilities and
making it cumbersome for delegates to obtain
copying of paper documents. - Supplies for two offices (paper, pens, tape,
staplers staples)
26Meeting Support (Contd)
- Food and Beverage
- REQUIRED morning and afternoon breaks
- OPTIONAL (but traditional) Lunch and breakfast
each day (if provided, strongly recommend simple
and inexpensive variety) - Seriously consider eliminating meals as a cost
saver - Provision for special diets (e.g., vegetarian,
27Meeting Support (Contd)
- Ancillary Events
- Receptions and Social Events are not required but
are traditionally provided (these are excellent
opportunities for the host to showcase their
country and local cultures). - Information about event sponsors can be
appropriately acknowledged. - Try to assess attendance numbers ahead of time
and plan events/sites that are appropriately
sized. - Arrange for shuttle transportation to and from
social events.
28Financial Aspects
- Plan in detail how to specifically handle funds
(credit cards, checks, ) - Advance collection recommended
- Adhere to cut-off dates for meeting registration
- Provide a Preliminary and Final attendance list
to the SC4 Secretariat and to attendees
29Financial Aspects
- Facilities Fees
- ISO does not authorize charging a registration
fee to participate in SC4 meetings but attendees
are expected to help reimburse host for actual
meeting expenses via an optional facilities fee - All attendees must be equally assessed the same
facilities fee (no discounts nor other forms
of discrimination allowed).
30Financial Aspects
Facilities Fees (Contd)
- Attendees are expected (not required) to pay a
reasonable fee to offset facility expenses.
Experience shows that some attendees elect not to
pay the fee. - The Secretariat and ISO Staff do not pay meeting
or facility fees. - Social events Secretariat Staff attends will be
paid for separately. - Secretariat staff will pay for provided meals
and break-time refreshments based upon US Federal
per diem allowance .
31Attendance and Facilities FeeRecent Experience
32SC4 Secretariat Operations
- Provide a separate, secure and lockable room
(SC4 Secretariat Office), dedicated to SC4
Secretariat operations. - SC4 Secretariat office must be convenient for
delegates to access. - Provide workspace and power sources for three
laptops and an additional open work table.
33SC4 Secretariat Operations
- At least one telephone line to allow attendees to
reach the SC4 Secretariat and for SC4 Secretariat
personnel to have internet access. The telephone
should enable local calls and long distance toll
calls (i.e., long distance to be paid by caller
credit card). - Printer with supplies for up to 1,000 pages.
- The SC4 Secretariat may use the same copier as
the host provides for meeting attendees.
34SC4 Secretariat Operations (Contd)
- One (1) projector (beamer) for each meeting that
the SC4 Secretariat participates in, i.e. Sunday
PPC and PPC/Convenors meetings, and - two (2) beamers for the Monday Opening General
Meeting, Wednesday Liaisons General Meeting,
Friday Closing General Meeting, and Friday SC4
Plenary Meeting.
35SC4 Secretariat Operations (Contd)
- Adequate power and extension cords for all of the
above. - Meeting room setup as described in the following
2 Screens 2 Projectors
Power Strips/Sources for Projectors Delegates
All General Meetings (Mon AM Opening Plenary
Wed AM Liaison Plenary Fri AM Closing Plenary
1 Screens 1 Projectors
Power Strips/Sources for Projectors Delegates
All PPC PPC/Convenors Meetings
2 Screens 2 Projectors
U- shape Seating arrangement for National Body
National Body Delegate Seating sequence
determined by Host
Theater Style for Extra Attendees
SC4 Plenary (Business) Meeting Friday AM
39Post Meeting Report
- Summer 2006 Toulouse, France
- 25 - 30 June
- Fall 2006 Hershey Pennsylvania, USA
- 15 20 October
41Tentatively PlannedFUTURE MEETINGS
- Spring 2007 - Brazil ?
- Summer 2007 - Portugal
- Fall 2007 - USA ?
- Fall 2008 - Korea
42- For Information
- Meeting Information and Meeting Request Form
Posted on - WWW.TC184-SC4.Org
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