Title: Arp High School Programs
1Arp High School Programs
2Know WHO You Are.
- Work with people? Work on a team?
- Work outside? White-collar job?
- Quite working conditions?
- What are your values?
- Family important?
- Environments you tolerate?
- Learn new things?
- Leader or Follower?
3Career Investigation
- Resources available in the counselors office
- Resources available on the Arp Home Web site.
- Resources available in the Student Career 4
Year Planning Guide.
4(No Transcript)
5Parent/Student Resources Index
6 7(No Transcript)
8The Federal Government has classified most jobs
in 7 Categories or Families
- Ag Science Technology
- Fine Arts Communications
- Human Development Management
- Business Marketing
- Industry Business Technology
- Personal Protective Service
- Health Science Technology
9The Department of Education tells us that
children should select a career by the 4th grade
to be really competitive.
Select a Job Families that represents a job of
interest to you. Finding the general Career
Family will assist each student in making wise
decisions while at Arp High School.
10Once you have selected a Career Family, find the
corresponding courses and note the electives
offered for that Career Familyhttp//www.arp.sprn
11Helping children reach their career goal is the
major emphasis of the Arp High School
experience.Gaining College Credit while at Arp
HS is one way to help children accelerate.
12College Credit Can be Gained in 6 Ways.
- AP (Advanced Placement) Courses
- Articulated Courses
- Concurrent Courses
- Distance Learning Courses Internet
- Courses (Virtual High School)
- Credit by Exam
- EOCs (End of Course) Tests/CLEP
13Articulated Courses These may change from year
to year. We keep these on the Arp Web site 8
14Career Booklet http//www.arp.sprnet.org/curric/ca
15Each Career and Technology Department at Arp High
School has a Coherent Sequence of Courses that
should be followed. These charts are available
in your handout and on the Web. Courses selected
by students need to follow the correct order and
sequence as designated by the charts. Remember
this as you make your plans.
16Information is provided for you about our special
programs. Pre-AP and AP English. We also offer
AP Biology and AP Calculus. You will see how AP
credits work into your childs High School Plan.
17Now we are ready to begin the High School Plan.
All students at Arp High School will complete
the Recommended or the Distinguished Achievement
Program. Only students with special needs will
be considered for the Minimum Plan.so place an X
in the appropriately.
18We will assume all of you are Recommended until
the End of this Planning Session. At the end
of this session, you will be able to tell if your
Plan will include the Distinguished Achievement
19All students planning to go to college should
participate in the AP classes. It is our
experience that if they do not participate, they
are not prepared for college. We have been able
to increase our college completion rates
dramatically in the last 5 years because of this
20On your 4-Year Plan you have just a few decisions
to make. The first one is.AM I GOING TO
COLLEGE? If yes, then choose as many of the AP
classes as needed for your particular career
path. Our first issue is Englishhow many credits
of English does one need according to the
Recommended Program?
21Since EVERYONE must take English all 4
yearsplace the X next to the English course for
each of the 4 years. How many Math credits do we
all need? ALL students MUST take Algebra I,
Geometry Algebra II.
22If you received credit for Algebra I in 8th
grade.what is your next math class your 9th
grade year? If your Career Family was technical,
medical, or engineeringyou will want to take
Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calc and AP Calc. You
can circle those now.
23Social Studies. You have absolutely NO choices
to make in Social Studies. You must take World
History World Geometry US History Government /
24Physical Education? 4 Years in Band ? Take as a
PE Credit (but then can only use partial credit
for Option Elective) 4 Years Athletics? If NO,
on all the abovethen decide what 2 years you
want PE credit and circle.
25Health / Speech All students MUST take to
graduate. Write this option in the space marked
OTHER on a year of your choice.
26Language Other Than English Arp HS offers
Spanish at this time. We are working on the
possibility of Distance Learning for other
languages. We will notify you. Spanish I
credit in 8th grade? DAP Plan? Three years
27Fine Arts? Theatre Arts or Band or Art
I Technology Credit? BCIS I in 8th Grade? Write
on Plan above the chart. All students headed for
college are highly recommended to take BCIS I
(articulated). Must take this before ANY OTHER
Tech course.
28Electives are now chosen from Option I Option
II Option III Make sure a total of 7 credits are
accumulated for each high school year.
29Turn to Page 46 and briefly read through the
additional requirements for the DAP Plan. At Arp
HS we offer the AP tests, the Articulated
Courses, and in Web Mastering Video
Technology Digital Graphics the Original
Research/ Project
30To properly select your Electives, look at your
career family and use the electives for your
career field. If you need assistance, I will
walk around the room to assist you. Remember
that H.S. classes are Weighted Classes At this
time I will answer questions.