Title: 2005 EMISSION REVIEW Preliminary Results
12005 EMISSION REVIEWPreliminary Results
- Vigdis Vestreng, Met.no/MSC-W
- TFEIP 6-7 June 2005, Copenhagen
- Review program
- Developments 2004-2005
- Compliance tests
- Timelinessformats
- Completeness
- Consistency
- Key source analysis
- Comparability tests
- Cross Pollutant. New!
- Re-calculation
- Inventory comparison (LRTAP-NEC)
- Timeseries, Martin Adams, AEA-T
- IEFs, Martin Adams, AEA-T
- Transparency Accuracy
- Conclusions
3Annual review - Review Procedures
- Submission deadline 15 Feb. 2005 (Parties)
- Initial checking at UNECE Secretatiat (Brinda)
- Acknowledgement/Reminder to Parties (Brinda)
- Emission data to EMEP Centres 10th March 2005
- SyntAss Part I Web 26th May 2005 (Vigdis)
- Replies to SyntAss Part I 1 July 2005 (Parties)
- SyntAss Part II EEA/EMEP Report 15 July
- (VigdisMartin)
4Developments 2004-2005
- New version of reporting template (V-2004-1)
- MSC-W has developed programs for key source
analysis and for testing of Completeness,
Consistency, Cross Pollutant ratios,
Recalculations and Inventory comparisons - AEA-T/ETC-ACC has performed Timeseries checks and
IEF calculations - SyntAss Part I ONE shareable document,
- 1 month response time (extended from last yr)
5Timeliness format 2005 Reporting33 reported,
17 in 2004 format, 1 in own format, 24 within
deadline (left)
67 included in review, up 2
49 within deadline, down 6
6COMPLETENESS 2003 reporting (Sorted by total)
84 within 80 completeness ! BUT..
7Completeness Emissions values(All pollutants
Average over all countries 12
8Completeness Values reported per pollutant
9Pollutant without reported emissions
- 38 pollutants zero values for all reporting
Parties All Annex I POPs (Aldrin, Chlordan,
Chlordecone, Dieldrin, Endrin, Heptachlor,
Hexabromo-biphenyl, Mirex, Toxaphene, Annex II
POPs (DDT ), Additional reporting (SCCP) - Emissions occur from a maxium of 27 pollutants.
10Completeness Percent values per sector of
reported data. Average for all countries
Most values Totals, 1A1a, 1A2, 1A3b, 1A4a (PP,
Manufacturing, Traffic, Other Com./Inst. Plants)
No values 4B2, 4B5, X (Buffalos, Camels/Lamas,
11Completeness of 2003 National totals
Range 6-63 of total
41 consistent!!
75 within 80 consistency
13Least aggregated sectors contributing to 95 of
reported national totalsEU-18
14Comparability tests Cross Pollutant
- Differences between NATIONAL TOTAL emissions from
two reporting years (2005-2004) larger than 10 - Flagged ALL PARTIES (EXCEPT US) WHERE IT WAS
SK -
16Re-calculation Few pollutant example
17Inventory comparison (LRTAP-NEC)
- 12 possible comparisons, 6 with differences
larger than 3
Many more and larger differences from last yr (10
occurancec less than 3 ).
18Timeseries IEFs
- 11 IIRs received AT, SE, SI, BG, CZ, DK, MD,
FI, CY, BE, BY - 18 Parties reported the Extensions and Footnotes
sheets. Of those, less than half provided any
information on NE, IE, Other, FS (2), FU (2),
FSFU (3) - Prefilled NAs removed for 11 of 17 Parties.
Replaced by other notation keys (mostly NO or
blanks ). SI report C. No consequences for
template? More prefilled NAs? - Lack of independant estimates to compare with
(Pacyna / Berdowski/ TNO/IIASA not really
20Extentions Footnotes
21Other messages to the Parties
- Report all sectors (also the aggregated sectors).
- BE, DK, FI, HU, MC do not report aggregated.
- Do not report blanks
- Do not report zeros instead of notation keys
- PCB littles reporting, WHY?
- DK uses NR (only country)
- NL diff .between SNAP and 2002 GL Only country.
- NEC larger, includes international inland
shipping Civil Aviation (Domestic, LOT) - Difference in notaionkeys reported to NEC and
LRTAP (NL) - PM10 smaller than PM2.5 (DE 1A3b, IE 1A4b)
- TR no totals reported
- Report to NEC and not to LRTAP and visa versa (PT)
22Conclusions - I
- Review testing and SyntAss has been improved
- No need to make editorial changes to template in
2005 - Timeliness can still be improved!
- Completeness and consistency is generally good
but no reason why they should not be 100 - Emission values reporting is low
- Average 12 values reported.
- Max 66 values (FR PMs).
- Maximun of 57 values reported in one sector
(TOTAL). - Only three sectors does not have any reported
values - Still large differences in the use of notation
keys despite Parties apparently use the same
definitions - Reporting of NATIONAL TOTAL 2003 ranging from
6-63 of total number of Parties.
23Conclusions - II
- Key source analysis for EU-18 (and each
individual Party) can help Parties prioritize
where to start estimating or reducing emissions - Comparability tests
- Cross Pollutant strong test 2-3 ratios
flagged - Many and large Re-calculation are detected (no
explanation) - 6 (50) countries included in Inventory
Comparison had differences larger than 3 -
24Conclusions - III
- Underreporting of IIRs and Footnotes
- Almost no reporting of unceratinty
- Difficult to find independant expert estimates
and to judge the accuracy of the reported
26NL. Aviation why higher in nec?
- From last years review it became clear that the
differences seen in the submission from the
Netherlands (-18 difference for SOx) to the
LRTAP and the NEC is due to the different
definitions of the 1997 and the 2002 Guidelines
(2002 GL). The emissions reported to the NEC for
the sectors 1 A 3 a ii (i) Civil Aviation
(Domestic, LTO) and 1 A 3 d ii National
Navigation, are higher than those reported to the
LRTAP in particularly for SOx and NOx, as shown
in the table above. The difference between the
Guidelines with respect to the domestic
transport, is only reflected in the submission
from the Netherlands?? And maybe Estonia?? The
other Parties report the same totals according to
the 2002 GL as to the 1997 GL.
27Delete? 2003 reporting - Notation key usage.
Sorted by value
28Key source analysis EU-18
29Extentions Footnotes
- 18 Parties Reported the 2 extra sheets
- Less than half of those Parties provided any
information on Extentions, NE, IEOther - The definitions of notation key were said to be
used in accordance with the Guidelines
definition - FS (2), FU (2), FSFU (3)