Title: KEK Beam Test Analysis
1KEK Beam Test Analysis
- Hideyuki Sakamoto
- MICE Collaboration Meeting, Osaka, 2006/03/01
- Data Analysis
- VLPC stability study
- Mapping
- Simulation
- Light yield
- Efficiency
- Residual cut
3VLPC stability study
- Checking items
- Pedestal mean
- Pedestal width
- Gain
- Noise rate
4Checking Scheme
- For stable RUN (1257 - 1433)
- First 8 channels at each AFE board are checked.
- Each components are determined by fitting with
triple Gaussian - Pedestal peak P4 -0.0370.03
- Pedestal width P6 3.80.03
- Gain P5 P4 17.80.3
- Noise rate P2 / P1 0.030.002
- For low gain AFE (104, 107),
- only pedestal is checked.
5Common Mode
- In order to suppress the electric noise on AFE
board, each channel is subtracted by common
mode defined at each ADC chip. - 2048 channels are divided by an unit of ADC chip
(16 channels). - Pedestal is defined at every ADC chip (so
2048/16128 channels), as common mode. - Common mode is an average of a summation of 12
channels. (Here, two maximum and two minimum
channels are rejected)
6Pedestal distribution after common mode
AFE 106 Channel 1
Common mode
RMS 1.5 counts
RAW DATA common mode
RMS 6.8 counts
RMS 6.4 counts
Fitting this distribution by triple Gaussian
7Mean of pedestal
Fluctuation is less than 1 count for all AFE.
8Width of pedestal
Fluctuation is less than 2 for all AFE
MEAN 12.1 RMS/MEAN 0.02
MEAN 17.5 RMS/MEAN 0.02
Gain is stable within 2
10Noise Rate
MEAN 0.03 RMS/MEAN0.08
Noise Rate is stable within 10
11Lack of VLPC data
- We had 2048 channels data from VLPC per event,
but data is less than 2048 at several runs. - The reason why data is not 2048 is considered
that connection of LVSB link cable was not stable
Number of VLPC data
12Summary of stability study
- The stabilities of pedestal peak, pedestal width,
noise rate and gain about fist 8 channels of each
AFE board are checked throughout RUN. - All components are stable for almost RUN. The
maximum values of fluctuation of each component
are summarized as follows. - There found the lack of VLPC data for several
runs. This is considered that VLSB link cable was
not unstable.
- Checking items
- Checking scheme
- Original mapping
- Modified mapping
- Results by Arons check
14Checking Scheme
- Using beam data
- 3 GeV/c, 0 deg-rotated (RUN1255,1299)
- Total number of events is 142,352.
- Mapping is checked by difference in fiber number
between view of another station as a function of
fiber number.
15Original mapping
These fiber at these connector is assigned to
those of station A The confirmation like this way
is done for X view of all another station.
Station B X view
Fiber _at_Station A X view - Fiber _at_Station B X
Fiber _at_Station B X view
16Modified mapping - version 12
Station B X view
Fiber _at_Station A X view - Fiber _at_Station B X
For in the same way
Fiber _at_Station B X view
Station D X view
Residual (cm)
Fiber (bundle)
18List of modification
Clear Fiber
- Reversed order
- Connection of scifi into a MICE is reversed.
- Connectors for station D were newly
- designed to solve this problem
- Skipped by 1
- One (multiplexed) bundle of scifi is not
- connecting into a MICE connector hole.
- Swapped by 1
- One bundle of scifi is connecting into the next
- MCE connector hole.
- Swapped by 2
- Same as 3) but into two next hole.
19Table of alignment error
Item number shown at slide17
Reversed order for these old stations is
consistent with Log book
Clockwise order whereas others are anticlockwise
20Results by Arons check
21Summary of Mapping
- Mapping check is done by beam data of 3GeV/c, 0
deg-rotated RUN. - There found four kinds of miss connection,
reversed, 1-skipped, 1- and 2- swapped
connection. - Fixing the connection error at a level of 3HF is
hard (impossible) even using beam data or
cosmic-ray test. - So, At the time of connecting 3HF bundle into
MICE connector - Careful Attachment and
- Correct Recoding
- are necessary !!
- Calculating items
- Set-Up (Design value)
- Deposit Energy _at_ SciFi
- Residual Distribution _at_ Each Station
- Hit Efficiency per View
- Track Reconstruction
- Residual Of Reconstructed Momentum
23Set-Up Detectors
24Set-Up Fiber sheet
- Scifi.
- Diameter350um
- gt()core350umx88
- gt()clad350umx6(one side)
- Pitch420um
- Distance280um
- Materialscinti.
- gt()corescinti.(Polythylene)
- gt()cladPMMA
- () from Kuraray catalogue
- View
- Distance0.63mm
- MaterialAir
- gt polyurethane adhesive(PSILRA1000) (temporary)
- Mylar
- Thickness25um
- Material(Polyethylene terephthalate) C10H8n
25Deposit Energy
Station B X-VIEW
- Deposit energy in a view is calculated
- There are two peaks in the distribution according
to times passing through 3HF fiber
One bundle
One bundle
26Light Yield Distribution MC
- Light yield is calculated by distributing deposit
energy with Poisson and Gaussian - Two parameters are assuming
- Production energy of one photon (MeV/photon)
- Gain
Without Clustering
- Clustering is adding the light yield of
neighboring fiber bundle - The ratio of crossing two bundle is
- about 1/3 to crossing only one bundle of
fiber - Gaussian mean
- 9.4 0.1 p.e.
- 10.1 0.3 p.e.
- Clustering contributes to light yield about by 1
- From next slide on, clustering is applied
With Clustering
28Light Yield Distribution DATA
Station B X-VIEW
- Momentum1.0 GeV/c
- Rotation0 degree
- B-Field 0 Tesla
- Run1224-1228
- Event selection
- Timing cut by L1 Acceptance
- Residual cut
- PID by TOF of D1 D2 counter
29Comparison with DATA Proton
Station B X-VIEW
Agreement with DATA
Data is saturated around 50 p.e. , so events over
40 p.e. are unified by one bin.
30Comparison with DATA Pion
Station B X-VIEW
Agreement with DATA
MC distribution is reproducing DATA
31Efficiency vs Light Yield
- Estimating efficiency as a function of light
yield at several threshold. - Light yield is fitted mean of MC distribution.
- Efficiency is determined by the ratio of /event
with the threshold to /event without threshold.
32Residual Distribution MC
- Residual at each station is calculated
- in the setup of vacuum and including
materials - Input momentum is 3 GeV/c
Including materials
33Cut value for residual
- Determining cut values of residual for each
station - Hit events rejecting by residual cut are
considered as noise hits. - Or Mapping error
- Cut value
- Station B 0.2 cm
- Station A,C,D 0.1 cm
Including materials
34Residual Distribution DATA
X view
Station A
Station B
- Momentum-3.0 GeV/c
- Rotation0 degree
- B-Field 0 Tesla
- Run1255,1259
- Efficiency per view
- Station B 84
- Station A 94
- Station C 92
- Station D 88
- The reason why the efficiency is such small
considered as - Mapping error and/or
- Fiber or VLPC channel is dead
- Under checking
Station D
Station C
35Track Reconstruction
- Assuming Uniform B-Field and NO scattering
- Chi2 to be minimized
- Input xi,yi, i1,4
- Output x0,y0,p0,R,L
- Degree of freedom 8-53
36MC v.s. reconstructed pt pz
- Why is Reconst. longitudinal momentum so broad?
- Bug?
- Effect of scattering?
- NOW checking this.
37Example of failed
Failure due to small turning angle
? Dq(Dz95cm)39 deg
38Broadness of fitted Pz
- This problem occurs when turning angle, Dq
becomes small - Dq Dz L -1 Dz 0.3 B Pz -1
- Small Dq ? Small B or Large Pz
- B4T,Pz200MeV/c ? L17cm gt Dq (Dz1m) 337deg
lt NO Problem - In T585
- B1T,Pz400MeV/c..etc.. ? 1/8 times as MICE42deg
- For analysis, using TOF for Pz reconstruction
- Chi2 assuming helical fitting
- Chi2 with TOF for pz determination
Only Pt is estimated by this chi2 Pz is
determined by TOF
40Fitted Pz distribution
GREENchi2 with TOF
41Summary of Simulation
- Simulation for KEK beam test was held
- Light yield is calculated from distribution of
energy deposit - It is good agreement with DATA
- Efficiency is estimated as a function of light
yield with several threshold - Efficiency is smaller than that estimated by
Poisson distribution (e.g. 97.0 lt 99.4 ) - Cut value for residual distribution is calculated
- For station B 0.2 cm
- For other station 0.1 cm
- In DATA, efficiency with residual cut is smaller
than the expectation. One of the reason is
considered as Mapping error and/or dead channels.
Now under estimation.