Title: Diapositiva 1
Chabier de Jaime cdejaime_at_educa.aragon.es Centro
de Estudios del Jiloca Calamocha (Aragón)
Vendôme, 27 Octobre 2006
2What is a cabecero black poplar?
- Trunk
- Bolling
- Main branches (balks)
- Roots
- Leaves
- Flowers
- Fruits
3What is a cabecero black poplar?
- Traditional management and changes in a trees
- Planting
- Formation
- Productive prunning
- Maturity
- Bolling growing
- Decay and dead
4What is a cabecero black poplar?
- Trunk size (Pancrudo river basin)
5What is a cabecero black poplar?
6Cabecero black poplar product of a agroforestry
- Balks for building
- Local and abundant resource
- Absence of another forests
- Varieties selection
7Cabecero black poplar product of a agroforestry
- Balks for building
- Very good attributes
8Cabecero black poplar product of a agroforestry
- Combustible
- Traditional use
- Domestic (cold and long winters)
- Local industry (ovens)
- Present use
- Home (trivial)
9Cabecero black poplar product of a agroforestry
- Livestock food
- Fodder
- Grazing (tree pasture )
- Livestock trials
10Cabecero black poplar product of a agroforestry
- Borders farming properties protection front
erosion rivers
11Cabecero black poplar product of a agroforestry
- Another uses
- Wood packing
- Public festivities (bonfire)
- Lightning conductor
- Gardening
- Carpentry
12Cabecero black poplar product of a agroforestry
- Importance in the farming economy
- An ancient use
- More than a complement for farming economy
- Investment at long-term
- Competition with agrarian production
13Cabecero black poplar hidrologic importance
- Stabilization and restoration of beds
- Improves hidrologic behaviour basin
- Damps the influence of the basin in bed
- Draws form and line in bed
14Cabecero black poplar hidrologic importance
- Hidrological functions of riverside vegetation
- Stops rain with leaves and branches
- Retains particles of the ground
- Keeps ground qualities
15Cabecero black poplar ecological importance
- Improvement of water conditions in rivers
- Shady cuts down water temperature
- Making refuge for acuatic animals
- Soaks up water contamination
16Cabecero black poplar ecological importance
- Making local microclimates
- Cuts down termic oscilation
- Humidifies the air
- Slows down the wind
17Cabecero black poplar ecological importance
- Bark surface
- Cavities
- Hollows
- Crevices
- Broken branches
- Fallen trunks
18Cabecero black poplar ecological importance
- Fungi
- Lichens
- Mosses
- Unicelular alga
- Vascular plants
19Cabecero black poplar ecological importance
- Nematodes
- Artropods
- Molluscs
20Cabecero black poplar ecological importance
21Cabecero black poplar ecological importance
- Rise of the biodiversity in adjacent ecosistems
- Lineal border efect (ecotone)
- Lonely forestries
- Biological corridors
22Cabecero black poplar scenic value
- Cultural landscape
- Historic landscape
- Country landscape
- Territorial identity
23Threats for the cabecero black poplar
- Abandoning of the traditional management
- Lost of vigour at the main branches
- Vulnerability against the wind (fallen branches)
24Threats for the cabecero black poplar
- Abandoning of the traditional management status
in Pancrudo river basin
25Threats for the cabecero black poplar
- Decrease in the subsoil water level
- Decrease of global rains
- Increase in water extractions of rivers and
subsoil - Canalization of rivers and irrigation ditchs
26Threats for the cabecero black poplar
- Decrease in the subsoil water level
27Threats for the cabecero black poplar
- Abandoning of the traditional management
status in Pancrudo river basin
28Threats for the cabecero black poplar
29Threats for the cabecero black poplar
30Threats for the cabecero black poplar
- Agricultural intensification (concentration of
pieces of ground)
31A traditional resource with new values
- Country landscape of quality as a turistic
resource - Ecological importance
- Wood (renewable energy)
32A traditional resource with new values
- Artistic value
- Ethnologic value
- Historic interest
- Enviromental Education