Title: Dissociative Disorders
1Dissociative Disorders
2An Overview of Dissociative Disorders
- Depersonalization
- Altered Perception of Self
- Derealization
- Altered Perception of World
3A Self-Test
Some people have the experience of driving a car
and suddenly realizing that they dont remember
what happened during all or part of the trip.
4A Self-Test
Some people find that sometimes they are
listening to someone talk and they suddenly
realize that they did not hear part or all of
what was just said.
5A Self-Test
Some people find that they have no memory for
some important events in their lives (e.g. a
wedding or graduation).
6A Self-Test
Some people have the experience of finding
themselves dressed in clothes that they dont
remember putting on.
7A Self-Test
Some people sometimes have the experience of
feeling that other people, objects, and the world
around them are not real.
8 Dissociation as a Spectrum Disorder
Complex DID
Poly-Fragmented DID
Normal Dissociation
Partial DID
9An Overview of Dissociative Disorders
- Depersonalization Disorder
- Dissociative Amnesia
- Dissociative Fugue
- Dissociative Trace Disorder
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
10The Nature of Depersonalization Disorder
- Primary Features
- Depersonalization
- Derealization
- Impairs Functioning
- Causes Significant Distress
- Runs a Chronic Course
11An Overview of Dissociative Disorders
- Depersonalization Disorder
- Dissociative Amnesia
- Dissociative Fugue
- Dissociative Trace Disorder
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
12The Nature of Dissociative Amnesia
- Several Patterns
- Generalized
- Unable to Remember Anything
- Localized or Selective
- Failure to Recall Specific Events
13An Overview of Dissociative Disorders
- Depersonalization Disorder
- Dissociative Amnesia
- Dissociative Fugue
- Dissociative Trace Disorder
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
14The Nature of Dissociative Fugue
- Memory Loss
- Specific Incident
- Go to Another Location
- Unaware How They Arrived
- Fugue Usually Ends Abruptly
15An Overview of Dissociative Disorders
- Depersonalization Disorder
- Dissociative Amnesia
- Dissociative Fugue
- Dissociative Trace Disorder
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
16The Nature of Dissociative Trance Disorder
- Differ Across Cultures
- Sudden Changes in Personality
- Possession by Spirits
17An Overview of Dissociative Disorders
- Depersonalization Disorder
- Dissociative Amnesia
- Dissociative Fugue
- Dissociative Trace Disorder
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
18The Nature of Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Formally
- Multiple Personality Disorder
- May Adopt 100 Identities
- Alters
- The Nature of Alters
- Persons Identity is Dissociated
19The Nature of Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Host Identity
- One Who Asks for Treatment
- Attempt to Hold Alters Together
- A Switch
- Abrupt Change in Personalities
- Usually Instantaneous
20The Nature of Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Average Number of Alters?
- 15
- Onset in Childhood
- Linked to Extreme Abuse
21The Nature of Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Unspeakable Childhood Abuse
- 97 of Cases
- Escape Into Fantasy World
- Become Someone Else
- Do What It Takes to Survive
- DID as a Means of Coping?
22The Nature of Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Suggestibility
- Hypnotizability
- Similar to Dissociation
- Are These Related to DID?
23The Nature of Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Abuse Controversial Issues
- False vs. Real Memories
- Do Therapists Plant Memories?
- Can False Memories be Created?
- Elizabeth Loftus
- Other Related Research
- Consequences of the Debate?
24Treatment of Dissociative Disorders
- Dissociative Amnesia Fugue
- Usually Improve on Their Own
- Stress Reduction and Coping
- Dissociative Identity Disoder
- No Controlled Research
- Treatments are Similar to PTSD