Title: Glyn Humphreys
1Glyn Humphreys
Glyn Humphreys is Professor of Cognitive
Psychology and currently Head of the School of
Psychology. He has broad research interests
covering visual cognition (object word
recognition, visual attention) cognitive
neuropsychology (agnosia, neglect, frontal lobe
disorders, dyslexia) computational modelling of
normal and disordered cognition functional
imaging and TMS
Current grants MRC programme grant Spatial
representation and selection in the brain
(1997-2002) MRC co-operative group Selective
perception and action (1998-2003) MRC component
grant Attention and action (1999-2002) MRC
component grant Neural mechanisms of
figure-ground coding (2000-2003) BBSRC project
Flexible coding of space in the brain
(2000-2003) Stroke Association programme
Attentional and executive deficits
(2001-2006) Wellcome Trust project Retrieving
actions from objects (2000-2003)
2Glyn Humphreys - recent publications
Humphreys, G.W. (2001) A multi-stage account of
binding in vision Neuropsychological evidence.
Visual Cognition, 8, 381-410. Humphreys, G.W.
Forde, E.M.E. (2001). Hierarchies, similarity and
interactivity in object recognition On the
multiplicity of category specific deficits in
neuropsychological populations. Behavioural and
Brain Sciences, 24, 453-509. Humphreys, G.W.
Price, C.J. (2001) Cognitive neuropsychology and
functional brain imaging Implications for
functional and anatomical models of cognition.
Acta Psychologica, 107, 119-153. Humphreys, G.W.
Riddoch, M.J. (2001) Detection by action
Evidence for affordances in search in neglect.
Nature Neuroscience, 4, 84-88. Kumada, T.
Humphreys, G.W. (2001). Lexical recovery on
extinction Interactions between visual form and
stored knowledge modulate visual selection.
Cognitive Neuropsychology, 18, 465-478. Chainay,
H. Humphreys, G.W. (2002) Neuropsychological
evidence for a convergent route model for action.
Cognitive Neuropsychology, 19, 67-93. Kumada, T.
Humphreys, G.W. (2002) Early selection
influenced by perceptual load in a patient with
frontal lobe damage External vs. internal
modulation of processing control. Cognitive
Neuropsychology, 19, 49-65.