Title: How Humans First Altered the Global Climate (William Ruddiman)
1How Humans First Altered the Global Climate
(William Ruddiman)
- Presenter Chris Simmons
- November 13, 2006
2The Main Idea
- CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and CH4 (Methane) have
varied according to regular cycles for the past
several hundred years, according to ice core
evidence - About 10,000 years ago, this 400,000 year-long
cycle ended and both gases gradually began
increasing when they should have been decreasing - This cycle breakdown also corresponds to the time
period of the advent of horticulture/pastoralism/a
griculture as a human subsistence strategy - Ruddiman argues that the changes in GHG cycles is
directly correlated to the change in human
cultural development
3Natural Methane and CO2 cycles
- As we have seen in class, the Earths major
orbital/axial changes (and related solar forcing
changes) occur on 22,000, 41,000, and 100,000
year cycles (precession, obliquity, and
eccentricity respectively) - 3 Km long ice cores in Vostok (with air bubbles
bubbles preserved in each ice layer) record
atmospheric composition and show cyclical GHG
4The Methane Cycle
- Methane follows the precession cycle
- Most atmospheric methane is formed from the decay
of wetland vegetation (Methane is also known as
swamp gas because of this) - Most of the worlds continental landmass and
wetlands are in the Northern Hemisphere, so
methane levels are closely connected to solar
radiation variation in the Northern Hemisphere
5The Methane Cycle
- Strong sunshine in NH results in high methane
output - More meltwater in high latitude continental
regions - Greater monsoon activity in Asia (greater heating
of land/ water, more evaporation and
precipitation possible) - As the NH summer becomes aligned with the
aphelion, wetland activity decreases and methane
levels drop - Thus, methane levels generally bottom out around
now (NH summer is furthest away from the sun, SH
summer closest to sun)
6An Illustration of the Methane Cycle
7The Recent Breakdown in the Methane Cycle
8Some Values for the Natural Methane Cycle
- Maximum MethaneInterglacial period, NH summers
at the perihelion700 ppb - Minimum Methane450 ppb when NH summer reaches
the aphelion - RECENT REVERSAL We are now in the aphelion, and
over the past 5,000 years methane has been 250
ppb above the expected value
9Carbon Dioxide Cycle
- Similar type of predictable pattern as Methane
through most of the Vostok Core - The sum effects of precession, eccentricity, and
obliquity produces predictable CO2 variations - peak at 275-300 ppm at very beginning of each
warm period, decline steadily - minimum245 ppm
- RECENT REVERSAL 8,000 years ago, began
increasing when it should have been decreasing,
as much as 40 ppm above cyclical average by start
of the industrial era.
10An Illustration of the Carbon Dioxide Cycle
11The Recent Breakdown in the Carbon Dioxide Cycle
12Properties of Greenhouse Gases (Particularly
- CH4 is a very important greenhouse gas a
relatively small increase in Methane can have a
large impact on the longwave absorptivity of the
atmosphere - Demonstration using MODTRAN3, a moderate
resolution radiation transfer model, available
at - http//geosci.uchicago.edu/archer/cgimodels/radia
13An Atmosphere of No CO2 or Methane (At 70 km,
looking down)
Ground T, K 272.20 (fixed for average
Midlatitude Winter) Iout, W/m2 250.352
14An Atmosphere of No CO2 and 10000ppm Methane (At
70 km, looking down)
Ground T, K 272.20 (fixed for average
Midlatitude Winter) Iout, W/m2 234.37
15An Atmosphere of No CO2 or Methane (At 70 km,
looking down)
Ground T, K 272.20 (fixed for average
Midlatitude Winter) Iout, W/m2 250.352
16An Atmosphere of 10000ppm CO2 and No Methane (At
70 km, looking down)
Ground T, K 272.20 (fixed for average
Midlatitude Winter) Iout, W / m2 218.23
17Model Output Conclusions
- Carbon Dioxide absorbs near the wavelength of
maximum emission of the Earth (mid to thermal
IR), Methane absorbs at significantly shorter,
higher energy wavelengths (near IR) - Extreme values of Carbon Dioxide (without any
Methane present) lead to greater warming than the
same extreme values of Methane (without any
Carbon Dioxide present)Methane saturates
sooner due to less radiation emitted at higher
near-IR wavelengths - However, lets look at a more realistic scenario
with less extreme variation..
18Todays Atmosphere of 330ppm CO2 and 1.75ppm
Methane (At 70 km, looking down)
Ground T, K 272.20 (fixed for average
Midlatitude Winter) Iout, W/m2 228.247
19An increase of 0.25ppm of Methane (CO2 kept
Ground T, K 272.20 (fixed for average
Midlatitude Winter) Iout, W/m2 228.184
So we have an increase of 0.063 W/m2 flux at the
20An increase of 0.25ppm CO2 (Methane kept constant)
Ground T, K 272.20 (fixed for average
Midlatitude Winter) Iout, W / m2 228.247
So we have an increase of lt0.0005 W/m2 at the
surface (several orders or magnitude less than
with the same increase in Methane)
21Things to Learn from this Demonstration The
Properties of Methane
- Given reasonable initial GHG levels, a small
increase in CH4 has a much larger impact on
global temperature than the same small increase
in CO2 - Methane absorbs at shorter, higher energy
wavelengths than CO2 and absorbs across a longer
spectrum of wavelengths than CO2 - So, smaller impacts (pre-industrial human
activities) on methane levels can drive
significant climate change, hence the authors
and others focus on human-related methane
increases - Post-industrial Methane has increased over 1ppm
since 1750.
22Changes in Human Cultural Development
- Before 10,000 years ago, humans lived primarily
in foraging cultures - Also called hunting and gathering
- After the end of the last ice age, humans began
cultivating crops and keeping livestock - this required deforestation, fire burns, etc,
which allowed for increasing CO2 and CH4 - Horticulture, Pastoralism, and Agriculture
widespread across much of the world by 5,000
years ago - Allowed for increased population density (more
food than before with foraging cultures)
23Pre-industrial Humans Influence on Methane Levels
- Rice Paddies Humans create their own wetlands
by trapping rainwater and runoff - particularly in SE Asia
- increases methane Levels (author stresses this is
the reason for reversal 5,000 years ago) - Livestock Cows and other animals release
methane in feces and belches, and human waste as
well adds to methane(yes, and it does make a
difference!). - Greater population associated with agricultural
subsistence means more waste and livestock.
24Pre-industrial Humans Influence on Methane Levels
- Agricultural and Deforestation Fires perhaps
the primary source of methane increases - NIWA Study http//www.niwascience.co.nz/pubs/mr/
25Agricultural Burns
- The NIWA group analyzed isotopic signatures of
Carbon in methane found in the Vostok ice core - Can track how methane was produced by its carbon
isotope ratio (rice paddies vs. vegetative
fires). - fires produce more Carbon-12, which becomes the
carbon element of methane molecules - Low Carbon-13/Carbon-12 ratios in ice cores
reveal that much of the atmospheric methane of
the past few thousand years has been connected to
burns. - thus, more grassfires/wildfires than one would
expect producing higher methane levels
(anthropogenic) - Native Americans and other groups used burning as
a primary means or replenishing the land,
agricultural burns still practiced today around
the world.
26Increase in Carbon Dioxide
- Deforestation for agriculture removes trees that
provide important carbon dioxide sinks - we know from tools used to cut down trees that
this process began 8,000 years ago in China,
Europe - silts and clays eroding from previously-forested
hillsides can also provide clues to deforestation
rates - Much of the deforestation in N Europe took place
during Charlemagnes time, Domesday book from
1100s indicates 90 of England deforested at
that time. - Cautionary Note most important deforestation
effects will be in tropical regions that hold the
most extensive forests (lack of data in this
27An Ice Age Prevented?
- 250 ppb Methane, 40 ppm Carbon Dioxide from
expected levels. What are the consequences of
these increases? - average warming of 0.8C (with all models
sensitivities) - Authors individual climate model run 1.5-2C
cooling, last ice age was only 5-6C cooler than
today - put 1.5C cooler temps in model, significant
glaciers start forming in Canada - ice age might have been only a few thousand years
away without this anthropogenic,
agriculture-related warming, so weve essentially
delayed the next ice age
28Pandemics and GHG Levels
- Pandemics reduce agricultural activity and aerial
coverage - allow trees/vegetation to grow back (in 50 yrs)
- leads to decreasing CO2
- Major Pandemics Justinians Plague, Bubonic
Plague Outbreaks, the Native American pandemics
after discovery
29Pandemics and GHG Levels A Critical View
- Pandemics do not always cause significant changes
in agricultural activities - Immediately after the Black Death, some villages
were abandoned, but most land was recultivated
within a few years, and the population rebounded
within 100 years - Urban areas most affected by the Black Death
- Europe has a very small land area and its
forests CO2 sink is small on a global scale
30Pandemics and GHG Levels A Critical View
- The North American Pandemic might have had a
greater impact on global methane increases than
CO2 decreases - Native Americans burnt vast areas (Great Plains),
which produced C-12 rich methane - Pandemic wiped out 90 of native population,
European immigration halted cultural
farming/burning practices in many parts of the
Americas - Lead to methane decreases (NIWA)
- Possible CO2 decrease associated with less
horticultural slash-burning agriculture in the
rainforests of Central America
31Other Thoughts?
- Foraging humans likely set fires as well, so why
is this trend only seen in recent data from the
past 10,000 years? Why not from before the last
ice age as well? Were fires really increased
because of agriculture?