Title: An Introduction to Artificial Life
1An Introduction to Artificial Life
- The Choice Methodology A New Foundation of
Structured Machine Life
Christopher A. Tucker
Department of Adaptive Systems Institute of
Information Theory and Automation Academy of
Sciences, Czech Republic tuckerca_at_utia.cas.cz http
2Topics covered in this lecture
- A Hierarchy of Life Forms
- Cognition Hierarchy Mimicked Forms Under
Consideration - The Choice Complex
- The Research Question
- Experience Emergence
3Topics covered in this lecture
- Three Theoretical Assumptions
- Research Paradigms
- Experimental Methods
- Choice Hardware Software
- The Queen-Drone Autonomous System
4The Cognition Hierarchy
5The Choice Complex
- If a machine can make a choice and if it did,
would it be a meaningful one? - Empirical testing by embedding behavior in
6The Research Question
- If a machine can directly experience entropy, is
the consequence an emergence of consciousness?
7Theoretical Assumption 1
- If a machine can make a choice, it portrays some
level of consciousness
8Theoretical Assumption 2
- Only if a machine mimics biological life can it
have access to those kinds of experiences.
9Theoretical Assumption 3
- If a machine has knowledge of its death, it
fosters emergent behavior.
10In order to satisfy the research question, the
- Choice
- Determines Experience
- Life Conditioning Survival Adaptations
- Entropy
- Mimic
- Form Function
- Determines Experience
- Fosters Behavior
- Forecasts Evolution
12Life Conditioning Survival
- Knows that it has life functions within a set
of statesits operational lifeand also knows the
inverse. - The ability to die fostering emergent behavior in
the form of survival adaptations
13Entropy Death
- Catalyzed by a unique circuit in the machine
mainframe - A special circuit attached to a generic robotics
- The Mimic or Animae (synthetic animal)
- Satisfies the condition of form
- Satisfies the condition of function
15An Artificial Life Prototype
The Experiment
Based on the theoretical principles
- How are all these ideas put together in a
reasonable methodology whereby we can test some
of the notions illustrated? - How can we generate reproducible results and
publish our ideas? - How can we create a methodological framework to
extend to future versions and generations of
machines? - How can we advance the knowledge of science?
17Experimental Conditions
- The machine should be made to exist on its own
with as little interference from humans to be as
a close an approximation to life as possible. - Two Experimental Conditions
18Experimental Conditions
- There can be no qualitative comparison with human
19Experimental Conditions
- No superposition of one intelligence system with
another, all objects in the system remain equal.
20Motif Environment, Intelligence, and Behavior
The properties commonly ascribed to any object
are, in last analysis, names for its behavior.
21The Hardware Paradigm
22Choice Hardware
23The Wireless Power System
24A Prototype Wireless Power Transmitter
25Hardware Layout
- Cooperating with the transmitting array, there is
a third card that is onboard in the physical
Note Card less conversion circuitry
26Method of Power Delivery
- Two methods under consideration
- CW at radio frequency
- Pulsed power at near-audio frequency
27CW Radio Frequency
- Tests already conducted and proof of prototype
accomplished (2004)
At a transmission carrier frequency (f0) of 78MHz
28Pulsed Power
- Currently under development for a upcoming
research grant sponsored by the University of
29Choice Hardware Software
30The Entropic Circuit
The Core of the Domain-Specific Robotics Platform
31The Software Paradigm
- Power ChoiceA, B, C, high, mid, low signals
exchanged between Tx and R'x - Coupled to 802.11x device
- Power delivered relative to feedback between
power and load sensors - Relationship modeled in software diagram
32Queen-Drone XML Layout (Software Controller)
33What are the first experiments?
- Test the existing wireless power system
- Apply software controller (choice)
- Refit a physical robot with the Entropic Circuit
- Deploy and test
- Watch the magic happen!
34Results of Physical Prototype
- Fully autonomous animae
- Adapted to its environment
- Dynamic model of living systems
35Project goals over the next 24 months
- Test the tenets of distribution of energy
information in a cybernetic paradigm - Allow a continuous operation of the machine
- A long-term study of behavior
- The Entropic Circuit to test survival in
artificial forms - Understanding the feature of choice in living
36Goals already accomplished since inception of
- Software architecture deployed in
www.o2active.cz - Commercial application of the choice complex
- Testing of transformation-based logic (Ashby
1957) - Includes properties illustrated in this lecture
- Decentralized parallel processing with drone
A paper containing the information in this
lecture is slated for publication in early in
2007. In the meantime
Paradox Technologies
You Dream It, We Build It http//www.paradoxtechno
38Thank you
A special thank you to UTIA-AS and Dr. Kárný