Title: Star Poster Program
1Star Poster Program
Dedicated to changing the world one poster at a
time through the visual voices of youth.
Together we can make a difference.
2Star Poster Program
Art does not exist merely to entertain and
It must edify.
It must improve our collective existence.
So long as there are wrongs to be righted, ugly
social conditions requiring change, art must
participate in the development of attitudes,
which can lead eventually to better societies.
(Feldman 1973)
3Star Poster Program
The Star Poster Program currently has three
components to utilize.
Lessons on the Elements of Art
Lessons on Creating Posters
Poster Contests.
4Star Poster Program
Three primary functions
1. The Star Poster Program teaches children to
create posters in light of social responsibility.
2. Another major focus of this program is for
educators to help teach some of the basic
Elements and Principles of Design.
3. The ultimate goal of the Star Poster Program
is to help children make a commitment,
attestation, and effort toward the improvement of
our collective global society.
5Star Poster Program
Peer influence has long been recognized for
affecting behavior and is a fundamental part of
this program. The Star Poster Program focuses on
affecting and effecting change through school,
business, and community cooperation regarding
social conditions such as,
- Reducing violence in schools,
- Drop-out prevention,
- Lowering drug abuse,
- Bullying prevention and awareness,
- Environmental concerns
- Child abuse, and
- Health and safety.
6Star Poster Program
Poster Contests
For children ages seven (7) to twelve (12).
Organized according to Division, Classes, Categ
ories, and Size.
7Star Poster Program
Poster Contests
Division The three (3) age divisions for
competition are Ages 7-8. Ages 9-10. Ages
11-12. These are based on the chronological age
level a participant will be at the date the
scheduled judging is to take place.
8Star Poster Program
Poster Contests
Classes A Technical. Technical class posters
may contain
1) computer generated imaging (pictures,
graphics, and lettering,
2) photographs (including clippings from
published materials),
3) cut and pasted/glued lettering and/or graphics
from published materials, and
4) images made from traced stencils.
9Star Poster Program
Poster Contests
Classes B Free-hand. Posters that are
composed entirely without the aid of stencils or
electronic and photographic devices (copiers,
printers, cameras, computers). This includes
clippings from published materials.
10Star Poster Program
Poster Contests
Categories There are four (4) categories of
1 Horizontal posters
2 Vertical format posters
3 3-D posters may be kinetic (having parts that
move), vertical, square, or horizontal.
4 Irregular posters may be horizontal,
vertical, square, or oval in general appearance
however, their edges may not conform to a single,
simple geometric shape.
11Star Poster Program
Poster Contests
The minimum poster size of each category is 216
square inches in area.
The maximum dimensions of each category cannot
exceed 616 square inches in area.
3-D posters cannot be more than 4" deep.
12Star Poster Program
Poster Contests
AWARDS All entrants will receive recognition by
the judges based upon points awarded as a result
of the evaluations.
Superior 35.5 - 40.0 points
Excellent 30.5 - 35 points
Grand 22.5 - 30 points
Honorable 22 points and under
13Star Poster Program
Poster Contests Themes
The sponsoring organization will decide on a
theme for competitions. Each competition should
have one basic theme of social concern such as,
school dropout prevention, reducing school
violence, tolerance, peace/non-violence, global
warming, etc. Each theme should have one
specific topic for example, Let Peace Shine is
a specific topic within the theme of peace.
14Star Poster Program
Poster Contests Themes
It is important that the tone of these topics be
positive in nature.
Non-Violence is cool.
Step up to Peace
Peace is Tight
15Star Poster Program
Each person participating in the poster
competition can have no more than one (1) entry
per Class and Category a total of two (2). For
example, a participant may enter
one Technical/horizontal piece and one
Free-hand/3-D poster.
16Star Poster Program
Judging Contests
Three (3) judges are required for each poster
competition. Each judge will complete a Judge's
Score Sheet and a fourth person should fill out
the Judges Tabulation Sheet. It is up to the
sponsoring organization if the judges are to
receive some form of compensation for their
17Star Poster Program
Judging Contests
CRITERIA When evaluating posters, the judges
will consider the following four criteria. Each
of these areas can be awarded up to 10 points.
18Star Poster Program
If youd like to sponsor a Star Poster Program in
your area, contact
Ursidae Enterprises P.O. Box 81 Lampasas, TX 76550