Title: Title V Changes and Permit Modifications
1Title V Changes and PermitModifications
- EPA Region 4
- Scott Miller
- (404) 562-9120
2Title V General
- Changes do not require affirmative action from PA
to process - Modifications require PA response with Possible
EPA/affected state/public review - Changes/modifications required for new applicable
requirement or change in existing applicable
3Title V Changes
- 502(b)(10)
- Emissions trading under the SIP
- Emissions trading under federally enforceable cap
- Off-Permit
4Title V Modifications
- Administrative Permit Amendment
- Minor Permit Modification
- Group Minor Permit Modification
- Significant Permit Modification
5Section 502(b)(10) Change
- 70.2 Section 502(b)(10) Change
- APC-S-6, Section I.A.27
- 70.4(b)(12)(i)
- APC-S-6, Section IV.F.1
6Section 502(b)(10) Change
- Changes that contravene an express permit term.
Such changes do not include those that violate
applicable requirements or contravene
federally-enforceable permit terms that are
monitoring, reporting, recordkeeping, and
compliance certification
7Section 502(b)(10) Change
- Cannot be a title I modification
- Cannot exceed emissions allowable under the
permit (whether expressed as a rate of emissions
or in terms of total emissions)
8Title I ModificationDefinition
- modification as defined under NSPS, NESHAPS
- modification as defined under PSD/nonattainment
NSR - contemporaneous net-outs are modifications at
existing major PSD source
9Section 502(b)(10) ChangeProcedures for Facility
- Give 7-day advance notice prior to operating the
change at facility to PA and EPA
10Section 502(b)(10) ChangeNotice Requirements
- Brief description of the change
- Date on which change will occur
- Any change in actual emissions
- Any permit term no longer applicable as a result
of the change - Responsible official certification
11502(b)(10) ChangesAdvantages and Uses
- Low amount of process required by permit reviewer
to utilize - Subpart Kb tank additions where there are already
Kb tanks at the facility - Consider use when change is within allowable
permit limits
12Section 502(b)(10) ChangeProcess Weight
- Emission limit is set and enforced as an emission
rate allowable under the permit - Adding emission units subject to PW can be
processed as a section 502(b)(10) change - Activities that go from insignificant to
significant provided no monitoring
13Section 502(b)(10) ChangeErrors
- Forget to include actual emissions instead of
potential - Someone other than responsible official submits
certification - Failure to describe affected emission unit and
applicable requirement
14Section 502(b)(10) ChangeApplicability Errors
- Submit for no change in applicable requirements.
Dont care! - Forget minor NSR is place to set PTE limits and
submit PSD avoidance limits or request change to
avoidance limits - Not for case-by-case PTE limits
15Emissions Trading Under the SIP
- 70.4(b)(12)(ii)
- APC-S-6, Section IV.F.2
16Emissions Trading UnderEnforceable Cap
- 70.4(b)(12)(iii) (APC-S-6, Section IV.F.3)
- Facility must request
17Off-Permit Changes
- 70.4(b)(14)
- Changes not addressed or prohibited by the title
V permit - Very small universe of changes
- Changes not subject to minor NSR construction
permits - Not in Mississippi regs.
18Off-Permit ChangesNotice Requirements
- Facility must make contemporaneous notice to
PA/EPA - Describe change, including date, change in
emissions,pollutants emitted and any applicable
requirement that applies
19Permit ModificationsAdministrative Amendments
- 70.7(d) (APC-S-6, Section IV.E.1)
- Correct typographical errors
- Identifies a change in name, address, responsible
official etc. - Requires more frequent monitoring or reporting by
the facility - State-only conditions
20Permit ModificationsAdministrative Amendments
- Incorporates into title V permit requirements
from preconstruction review that meet procedural
requirements of 70.7 and 70.8 - EPA/affected state/public review
- Sometimes referred to as merged NSR
- Allows for only one public notice for PSD/title V
21Permit ModificationsAdministrative Amendments
- One 45-day EPA review period for PSD/title V
action - Can apply to minor permit modifications without
the need for public review
22Permit ModificationsAdministrative Amendments
- PA has 60 days from receipt of request by
facility to make the change - Submit change to EPA for inclusion in title V
permit - Can receive benefit of permit shield if goes
through public notice
23Permit ModificationsMinor Modifications
- 70.7(e)(2) (APC-S-6, Section IV.E.1)
- Do not violate applicable requirement
- Do not involve significant changes to existing
monitoring, reporting, recordkeeping - Do not require case-by-case emission limitation
24Permit ModificationsMinor Modifications
- Do not seek to establish or change a permit
condition for which there is no underlying
applicable requirement - Are not title I modifications
- modification as defined under NSPS, NESHAPS
- modification as defined under PSD/nonattainment
25Permit ModificationsMinor Modifications
- Significant change in monitoring-change in the
parameter monitored as opposed to parametric
range for monitoring - Cant use to set or amend PTE limits to avoid
26Permit ModificationsMinor Modifications
- Application requires a description of the
change,emissions resulting from the change,any
new applicable requirements - Completed forms to notify EPA and affected states
- Sources suggested draft permit
27Permit ModificationsMinor Modifications
- Within 90 days of receipt of request or 15 days
after the end of EPAs 45-day review period,
whichever is later-must take action on the
application - Within 5 working days of complete application,
submit a notice to EPA that one has been received
28Permit ModificationsMinor Modifications
- After proposed permit terms are developed, send
proposed permit to EPA for its review - No public notice required
- May issue after EPA review or upon receipt of
comment/no comment from EPA on proposed permit
29Permit ModificationsMinor Modifications
- No permit shield allowed for minor permit
modifications - Significant modifications are place where permit
shields are granted after initial title V permit
issued - To get a shield, public notice must be involved
30Permit ModificationsMinor Modifications
- Use minor modification procedures where a
facility will need new allowable emissions
assigned - Recall that process weight already assigns
allowables in equation form - Use for updates to parameter ranges in the permit
31Permit ModificationsMinor Modifications
- May use to add NSPS-affected emission units that
are made so by construction provisions - Sulfur dioxide limits under the SIP etc.
32Permit ModificationsMinor Modifications
- Facility may undertake the proposed change upon
submittal of the application to MDEQ - Facility does so at its own risk - NO PERMIT
33Permit Modifications Group Minor Modifications
- 70.7(e)(3) (APC-S-6, Section IV.E.2)
- Allows for quarterly processing of minor permit
modifications for facilities - Idea is that some facilities have multiple minor
permit modifications going on at once - Not usually the case
34Permit ModificationsGroup Minor Modifications
- Procedures much like those for minor permit
modifications except done on a quarterly basis
35Permit ModificationsSignificant Modifications
- Every change that doesnt fit into the other
categories - Significant change to monitoring, reporting, and
recordkeeping - Setting PTE limits
- title I modifications
36Permit ModificationsSignificant Modifications
- Keep in mind the ability to use the
preconstruction review process in concert with
the administrative permit amendment - You can avoid two public notice procedures and
get expedited EPA review on the front end
37Permit ModificationsSignificant Modifications
- 70.7(e)(4) (APC-S-6, Section IV.E.3)
- Procedures are the same as for initial permit
38Ideal Title V Permit
- Allows for changes to be undertaken with as
little delay and paperwork as possible - Little effort and foresight can cut time to
implementation of operational changes - Multiple vehicles designed into title V
regulations for accommodating changes - Reduce recordkeeping/reporting
39One ToolAlternative Operating Scenarios
- 40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(i)(9)
- (APC-S-6, Section III.A.9)
- Permit should include all alternative operating
scenarios REQUESTED BY THE FACILITY in title V
application - If you can dream it and write it, then install it
in the title V permit
40Alternative Operating Scenarios
- Facility may request inclusion of alternative
scenario at any time - Alternative operating scenario can be a different
means of compliance with an existing standard or
an entirely new applicable requirement - Why wait to trigger and applicable requirement if
you think one is coming?
41Alternative Operating Scenarios
- Examples
- HON-affected facility desires multiple compliance
options stated to show compliance with MACT
standard - Other examples
42Streamlining Multiple Requirements
- Streamline multiple applicable requirements to
which a process unit may be subject into ONE set
of requirements - Perform a streamlining analysis per
- EPA White Paper II
- Basis of Streamlining found here
- http//www.epa.gov/ttn/oarpg/t5/memoranda/wtppr-2.
- Once again, REQUESTED BY THE FACILITY not an
automatic - Imation Example
45Facility A
- A chemical manufacturer becomes subject to the
miscellaneous organic NESHAP MACT standard as an
existing facility. No operational change
triggered the requirement and there is no
facility-specific considerations involved in
permit update.
46Facility B
- A cement manufacturer adds an additional piece of
crushing machinery to the raw mill. The piece of
equipment is subject to process weight PM
standards and general opacity std. but not to
MACT std. The Pm std. and opacity limits are in
the title V permit.
47Facility C
- A chemical manufacturer changes a process by
adding a new constituent. The change does not
increase actual or potential emissions nor
triggers other air regulatory requirements.
48Facility D
- A pulp and paper mill accepted a production limit
to avoid the need to go through a PSD BACT
analysis. The facility desires a production
increase and will request such from the
permitting authority.
49Facility E
- A facility responsible official has left the
company and the company designates another
company official as the responsible official.
50Facility F
- A facility wishes to utilize the facilitywide
emissions averaging approach to compliance with
the hazardous organic NESHAP MACT standard. This
approach requires process-point specific
considerations to comply with a facilitywide
average in lieu of the promulgated MACT std.
51Facility G
- A chemical manufacturer desires to change a
monitoring technique for compliance with a VOC
std. from monitoring scrubber liquid flow rate as
listed in the existing title V permit to
measuring condenser temperature at another point
in the process.
52Facility H
- A facility is located in a state where there is
an option to undergo an enhanced NSR process in
the regulation. By that we mean, the State will
take a construction permit through the same
45-day EPA review period and 30 day public
comment period as provided for in the
regulations. - How to modify the title V permit?
53Facility I
- A facility becomes subject to a new NOx standard
per a new regulation adopted by the state agency.
The permit needs to be updated to include the
new limit and prescribed monitoring in the new