Title: Air Quality
1 Air Quality 101 Workshops
- January 10, 2006 Salina
- January 19, 2006 Wichita
- January 24, 2006 Overland Park
- Vick Cooper, Section Chief
- Bureau of Air and Radiation
- 785-296-1561
- Vcooper_at_kdhe.state.ks.us
2Kansas Meadowlark
- Who we are
- -The Pollution Prevention Institute at Kansas
State University, Engineering Extension manages
the Kansas Small Business Environmental
Assistance Program (SBEAP).
5Catalysts and Responses
- 1948 Pennsylvania
- 20 deaths from steel mill and sulfuric acid
plants - 1953 New York
- 250 deaths
- Congress passes the Air Pollution Control Act of
1955 - first commitment of federal funds for air
pollution problems
6History of air regulations
- 1963 Clean Air Act
- 1965 Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control
Act - 1967 Air Quality Act
- 1970 Clean Air Act Amendments
- 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments
- 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments
7Then and Now
- 1970s
- EPA had to identify hazardous air pollutants and
identify standards an ample margin of safety - Risk-based
- Courts directed EPA to determine safe pollutant
levels without technological or cost concerns - 1990s
- Congress saw setting health-based standards to
be a long and difficult process. The new approach
was to set technology-based standards.
81990 CAAA overview
- Title 1 Ambient air quality standards
- Title 2 Mobile sources
- Title 3 Hazardous air pollutants
- Title 4 Acid rain
- Title 5 Operating permits
- Title 6 Ozone protection
- Title 7 Enforcement
- Title 8 Miscellaneous
- Title 9 Clean air research
- Title 10 Disadvantaged businesses
- Title 11 Employment transition
9KAQA overview
- The Kansas Air Quality Act (KAQA) implements
elements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments,
and includes the following requirements for air
pollution sources in Kansas - Preconstruction review
- Operating permits
- Annual air emissions fees
- Other air requirements
10Kansas Air Quality Act
- Preconstruction review
- Operating permits
- Annual air emissions fees
- Other air requirements
11Operating Permit Process
- Class I Renewal Process
- Streamlining Class I Permits
- Insignificant activities
- Facility-wide requirements
- Combined Class II and Construction Permits
12NEW Technical Guidance Documents
- Class I Revisions BAR 2005-02
- K.A.R 28-19-11 BAR 2005-01
- Air Quality Regulatory Enforcement (Penalty)
Policy - Air Quality Supplemental Environmental Projects
Policy - Air Quality Compliance Policy
13Operating Permits
- Major Source
- PTE Exceeds 100 Tons Per Year of NOx, Sox, PM10,
VOC, CO - PTE Exceeds 10 Tons Per Year of any single
Hazardous Air Pollutant - PTE Exceeds 25 Tons Per Year Total Hazardous Air
14Operating Permits
- Sources required to obtain a Class I permit
include - Major sources
- Subject to acid rain requirements
- Solid waste incinerators
- Class I permit application process
- 1000 application fee or 500 modification fee
- KDHE has 60 days to determine if it is complete,
both the public and EPA can participate in the
review process - Permit is good for 5 years
15Operating Permits
- Class II Permits
- Can be used to limit PTE to below major source
levels - PTE can be limited in several ways
- Less expensive than Class I, 200 application fee
- EPA and the public can review Class II permits
- Permit remains valid, no renewal unless revoked
- By April 1 annually, KDHE needs records, such as
material usage rates and MSDSs to demonstrate
16Operating Permits
- Class II Permits-by-Rule
- Shortened Class II applications
- Reciprocating engines
- Solvent evaporate sources
- Hot mix asphalt plant
- Maintain records onsite showing usage and update
monthly - Submit emission-related information to KDHE by
April 1 of each year - Submit report if you exceed 85 level of
17Operating PermitsThis Regulation has been
- Class III permits are a registration process if
you are not required to get a Class I or II
permit but are subject to - A Part 60 NSPS
- A Part 61 NESHAP
- Subject to RACT rule (located in Johnson or
Wyandotte Counties) - Have incinerators
18Other Air Requirements
- Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)
Johnson/Wyandotte Counties - Issued when counties exceeds federal standard for
ozone, remain in effect - Part 60 New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
- Apply to newly constructed, reconstructed, or
modified sources
19Other Air Requirements
- Part 61 National Emission Standards for Hazardous
Air Pollutants (NESHAP) - Apply to sources of specific HAP emissions, such
as benzene and mercury - Part 63 NESHAP or MACT standard
- Apply to sources of HAP emissions within source
categories, such as chrome electroplaters,
perchloroethylene dry cleaners, halogenated
solvent vapor degreasers
20Other Air Requirements
- Part 52 Prevention of Significant Deterioration
(PSD) - Complex rule applies primarily to large sources
or large modifications - Requires Best Available Control Technology (BACT)
- Part 75 Acid Rain
- Applies primarily to large power plants
21Air Permit Program Update
- Regulation changes
- Kansas Permits, Approvals and Registrations
- New Source Review Reform
- New Standards under 40 CFR Part 63 MACT
- Expedited Approvals
- Title V Permit Process
- Technical Guidance Documents
22(No Transcript)
23Regulation Changes
- Kansas Permits, Approvals Registrations
- Re-focus permit program on environmental results
- Build more efficient permit system
- Spend less time on in-significant sources
- Air impact vs. source tracking
24Proposed K.A.R. 28-19-300
- Construction Permits
- Establishes small source registration program
- Provides small source exemptions
- Clarifies the term modification under KAR
28-19-300 - Still has PSD disclaimer
- Target implementation Summer 2006
25Proposed K.A.R. 28-119-300(a) (1/2)
- Construction Approvals
- Permits under current regulations, proposed
approvals - PTE exceeds thresholds for PM, PM10, SO2, SO3,
CO, VOC, NOx Lead - PSD or LAER permit includes approval process
- New affected unit under CAA Title IV Acid Rain
permit includes approval process
26Proposed K.A.R. 28-19-300(a) (2/2)
- Construction Approvals
- Project is
- Or causes facility to become a major HAPs source
- Subject to Part 63 standard and triggers major
source construction or reconstruction - Subject to Part 61 standard and triggers
construction or reconstruction - A new incinerator
27K.A.R. 28-19-300(a)Approval Exemptions
- Small combustion sources
- Emergency equipment
- Natural gas compressor facilities lt240 hp total
28K.A.R. 28-19-300(b)Registrations
- Constructing, reconstructing, or modifying under
- Part 60, NSPS
- K.A.R. 28-19-722, Solid Waste Landfills
- K.A.R. 28-19-729, Hospital/Medical/Infectious
Waste Incinerators - Subject to as listed RACT rule
- PTE exceeds 15lb/ 24-hour or 3 lb/hr VOC in
Johnson and Wyandotte counties.
29Whats still called a permit?
- Title V Permits
- PSD Permits
- LAER Permits
- Acid Rain Permits
30New Source Review (NSR)
- Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)
Permits - NSR covers
- Construction of new major emitting industrial
facilities - Existing facilities that make major modification
that significantly increase air pollution
emissions - NSR Reform changed existing PSD regulations
- Plan to adopt 40 CFR 52.21 in Kansas regulations
by June, 2006 - This is a brand new program, we are reviewing
alternatives for implementation.
31NSR Reform
- Vacated by the court
- Clean unit exemptions
- Pollution control projects
- Stayed by the court
- Routine maintenance, repair and replacement
32New MACT Standards 40 CFR Part 63
Description Subpart Compliance Date
Metal Coil (Surface Coat) KKKK 6/10/05
Metal Can (Surface Coat) SSSS 11/13/06
Metal Furniture (Surface Coat) RRRR 5/23/06
Paper and Other Web JJJJ 12/4/05
Site Remediation GGGGG 10/8/06
33Additional Part 63Source Categories
Description Subpart Compliance Date
Boilers DDDDD 9/13/07
Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines ZZZZ 6/15/07
Stationary Combustion Turbines YYYY 3/5/07
34Clean Air Mercury RuleFinal 3/15/05
- Limits mercury from new and existing coal fired
power plants - Parts 60, 72, and 75
35EPAs Air Toxics Website
36Title V Issues
- Semi-annual Reports
- Annual Reports
- Responsible Official
37Semi-annual Reports
Only the ones that are monitoring All Title V
facilities are required to submit semi-annual
reports to KDHE of any routine, continuous, or
periodic monitoring.
38Semi-annual Reports can include
- EPA Method 9 opacity results,
- Qualitative opacity results,
- Any required calculations,
- Through-put limitations,
- All semi-annual reports should include the
Reporting and Source ID Number, - All semi-annual reports are due at KDHE-BAR
within 30 days of every six month anniversary of
the Title V permit for the duration of the
permit, and - Please DO NOT use the annual reporting form for a
semi-annual report.
39Annual Reports
- Annual reports are placed on the CR-02 form that
was included with the Title V permit upon
issuance. - Annual reports are due at the KDHE-BAR within 30
days of every annual anniversary of the Title V
permit for the duration of the permit, - Annual reports must be sent to KDHE-BAR and EPA
Region VII. (KDHE should receive the original and
EPA receives a copy), - From a compliance standpoint, these reports are
taken very seriously, with the possibility of
large civil penalties for failure to report or
for inaccurately reporting.
40Responsible Official
Pursuant to K.A.R. 28-19-511(e), any applicant
form, report or compliance certification
submitted pursuant to these regulations (Kansas
Air Quality Regulations) shall contain
certification by a responsible official of truth,
accuracy, and completeness.
41Responsible Official, Cont.
- Responsible official means one of the following
K.A.R. 28-19-(ccc) - A. For a corporation, president, secretary,
treasurer, or vice-president in charge of a
principal business function, or any other person
who performs similar policy or decision-making
functions, or duly authorized representative is
responsible for overall operation or production.
42Responsible Official, Cont.
- Responsible official means one of the following
K.A.R. 28-19-(ccc) - B. For a partnership or sole proprietorship,
a general partner or the proprietor,
respectively, - C. For a municipality, or state, federal. Or
other public agency, principal executive officer
or ranking elected official, or - D. A principal executive officer of a federal
agency shall include the chief executive officers
having responsibility for overall operations of a
principal geographic unit of the agency or for
affected sources, the designated representative
under Title IV of the federal Clean Air Act. -
- Regulation Changes
- Kansas Permits, Approvals, and Registrations
- New Source Review Reform
- New Standards under 40 CFR Part 63 MACT
- Expedited Approvals
- Title V Permit Process
- Technical Guidance Documents
44Any Questions?
45KDHE Air Permit Program Website
- Bureau of Air and Radiation
- http//www.kdhe.state.ks.us.bar.index.html
- Air Permits
- http//www.kdhe.state.ks.us/airpermit/index.html