JAIIB/Diploma in Banking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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JAIIB/Diploma in Banking


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: JAIIB/Diploma in Banking

JAIIB/Diploma in Banking FinanceLEGAL

01.. Identify which one is correct.
  • a.. A contract of guarantee has two persons
  • b.. A contract of indemnity has two persons.
  • c.. A minor can take an education loan as a
  • d.. A pledge in respect of company advance has to
    be registered with ROC.

02..The award of a Banking Ombudsman will be
reviewed by
  • a.. The Executive Director of RBI
  • b.. The Deputy Governor in charge of Rural
  • Planning and Credit Department of RBI.
  • c.. The Finance Secretary
  • d.. The Banking Ombudsman himself

03..Which is not correct (Banking Ombudsman)
  • a.. The maximum amount the Banking
  • Ombudsman can award as compensation is Rs.10
  • b.. Limitation period for filing of the review
    application is one month.
  • c.. Failure to honor guarantee does not come
    under its purview .
  • d.. None of the above

  • 04..Means an agreement reached by the parties
    either by conciliation or mediation under the
    scheme (Banking Ombudsman)
  • a.. Mutual agreement
  • b.. Mutual Consent
  • c.. Reconciliation
  • d.. None of the above

  • 05..Which one is appropriate (Banking Ombudsman)
  • a.. A complaint can be lodged by a bank on
    another bank
  • b.. Complaint can neither be given in writing
    (manually) nor electronic means
  • c.. RRB is not within the purview of this scheme
  • d.. Central Government is the authority to
    appoint a Banking Ombudsman

  • 06.. A complaint alleging deficiency in banking
    service may be filed with the Banking Ombudsman
    having the jurisdiction
  • a.. Issue of drafts to customers and others
  • b.. Inordinate delay in collection of bills
  • c.. Both a b
  • d.. Only b

  • 07..No complaint to the Banking Ombudsman shall
    lie unless the complainant had before making a
    complaint to the Banking Ombudsman made a written
    representation to the bank and either the bank
    had rejected the complaint or the complainant had
    not received any reply within a period of one
    month after the bank concerned received his
    representation or the complainant is not
    satisfied with the reply given to him by the

  • 08.. The complaint is made not later than one
    year after the cause of action has arisen.
  • ..The complaint is not in respect of the subject
    matter, which was settled through the office of
    the Banking Ombudsman in any previous proceedings

  • 09.. If a complaint is not settled by agreement
    within a period of one month from the date of
    receipt of the complaint or such further period
    as considered by Banking Ombudsman, he can pass
    an award.
  • .. He shall be guided by the evidence placed
    before him, the principles of law and practice,
    directions, instructions and guidelines issued by
    RBI from time to time to pass the necessary

  • 10..A person has applied for a loan . The bank
    has not sanctioned the loan since the bank felt
    the person was not eligible. The person
  • a.. Can approach the bank once again
  • b.. Cannot take up the matter with the bank
  • c.. Can refer the matter to Banking Ombudsman
  • d.. Can request Banking Ombudsman to instruct the
    bank to sanction the loan

  • 11.. A bank not agreeing to accept the Award
    passed under the Banking Ombudsman scheme may
    file a review application before the Review
    Authority within one month from the date of
    receiving copy of the Award. Banks application
    to be approved by the banks Chairman or in his
    absence by the Managing Director or any other
    officer of equal rank.

  • 12..Reserve Bank of India appoint one or more
    persons as Banking Ombudsman for a period not
  • a.. Exceeding 4 years at a time
  • b.. Exceeding 3 years at a time
  • c.. Exceeding 2 years at a time
  • d.. Exceeding 1 year at a time

  • 13.. Banking Ombudsman ( identify the odd one)
  • a.. Non-acceptance of applications for loans
    without furnishing valid reasons to the
  • b.. Refusal to accept taxes, as required by the
  • c.. Acceptance of small denomination coins
    tendered for any purpose
  • d.. Non-adherence to the fair practices code as
    adopted by the bank

  • 14..With regard to complaints relating to credit
    card operations, the banking ombudsman shall
    take into consideration
  • a.. The loss of complainants time
  • b.. Expenses incurred
  • c.. Financial loss, harassment and mental anguish
  • d.. All of these

  • 15.. A copy of the award need not be sent to the
    complainant under the Banking Ombudsman Scheme.
  • a.. True
  • b.. False
  • c.. It has to be sent not only to the complainant
    but also to the bank named in the complaint
  • d.. It is the discretion of the Banking
    Ombudsman and not mandatory to send the copies of
    the award

  • 16.. The banks covered by the Scheme of Banking
    Ombudsman has to appoint specified officer at
    their Regional / Zonal Offices.
  • a.. Not required
  • b.. Not essential
  • c.. Not specified officer
  • d.. None

  • 17.. A complaint has been filed against a Bank
    (Banking Ombudsman Scheme). The Banking ombudsman
    directed the bank concerned to furnish necessary
    information. Then it is to be carried out by
  • a.. Designated officer of the bank for this
  • b.. Nodal Officer of the bank
  • c.. Chief Manager or the person equivalent to his
    position in the Regional / Zonal Office of the
    bank concerned
  • d.. None of them

  • 18.. Ashis Kumar is an Advocate. He is not
    satisfied with the service of the bank which has
    delayed his collection of cheque. He has taken up
    the matter with the bank concerned. Since he has
    not got a proper response, he has decided to
    approach Banking Ombudsman.
  • a.. He will not be entitled as per the scheme
  • b.. He can very well take up the matter
  • c.. There is bar for the advocate to involve
    themselves in approaching Banking Ombudsman
  • d.. Asish Kumar has the option to request his
    friend Advocate to represent him

  • 19.. It has been observed by a customer while
    going though the entries in the account (pass
    book), that the bank has debited wrongly his
    account. On account of that the customer has to
  • He wish to refer the matter to Banking
  • a.. He can, provided he takes up the matter first
    with the bank concerned in writing
  • b.. Considering the seriousness of the matter
    there is no need to refer the matter to the bank
    concerned that too in writing
  • c.. Straight away take up the matter with Banking
    Ombudsman and intimate the Bank concerned
  • d.. Straight away take up the matter with Banking
    Ombudsman and there is no need to intimate the
    bank, since Banking Ombudsman is part of RBI
    which is always considered superior.

  • 20.. Limitation period for filing of the review
    application against the award of the Banking
    Ombudsman is
  • a.. 90 days
  • b.. Not 90 days
  • c.. Not available since review is beyond the
    purview of the scheme
  • d.. None

  • 21..The Banking Ombudsman
  • a.. May reject a complaint, at any stage
  • b.. Can reject a complaint not before 45 days
    of receipt of such complaint
  • c.. Can not reject a complaint
  • d.. Has to pass an order in respect of any
    complaint made to him and does not have the
    powers to reject

  • 22..Thorat is the agent of a bank who has assured
    that the bank would extend certain specific
    services and succeeded in giving a credit card to
    one Thomas. Later on the bank has not provided
    the services assured. Thomas can refer the matter
  • a.. Only to the bank concerned
  • b.. To the Banking Ombudsman after following the
    steps required in the scheme
  • c.. Thomas cannot refer the matter to Banking
  • d.. Such complaints are beyond the purview of the

  • 23..Banking Ombudsman - A bank wish to file an
    appeal before the Appellate Authority. The same
    should be with the previous sanction of the
  • a.. Board of Directors of the Bank
  • b.. Nodal Officer
  • c.. Designated Official
  • d.. None of these

  • 24..A compensation claimed is around Rs.16 lacs
    in a complaint filed against the bank. Then the
  • a.. Can also be brought under the Banking
    Ombudsman Scheme
  • b.. Can be brought under the Banking Ombudsman
    Scheme for compensation up to Rs.10 lacs and for
    the balance to be taken up with the competent
  • c.. Can not be brought under the Banking
    Ombudsman scheme
  • d.. Can be brought under the Banking Ombudsman
    Scheme as a special case based on merits

  • 25..SARFAESI Act 2002, extends to whole of India
    including the State of Jammu Kashmir. Also
    applicable to housing finance companies.
  • .. The act is effective from 21.06.2002. It also
    covers the earlier loans which were outstanding.

  • 26.. SARFAESI Act has
  • a.. Prospective effect
  • b.. Retrospective application
  • c.. Effect from 21st June 2002 only
  • d.. Effect from 21st June 2002 cases taken up on
    that day and there after only

  • 27..Based on the observation of the Supreme
    Court in the Mardia Chemicals vs Union of India
    case, the Government of India issued notification
    amending the provisions of the SARFAESI Act.
    The amendment stipulates payment of 50 amount
    instead of 75 as originally enacted. (When

  • 28..Bank Z had advanced on the collateral
    security of the third party deposit receipt of
    N, to L. The bank has also obtained a personal
    guarantee of D to secure the loan. For recovery,
    Z can use the provisions of SARFAESI Act.
  • a.. Allowed
  • b.. Not allowed
  • c.. Since pledge and only personal securities the
    provisions of the Act not applicable
  • d.. There may not be any need since the Fixed
    deposit can be adjusted for the loan outstanding.
    Additionally personal guarantee is also available
    for the bank

  • 29.. The provisions of the SARFAESI Act will
    protect the interest of the secured creditor
    (lending banker) irrespective of
  • a.. Defective Documents and any type of charge
    on the security
  • b.. Non availability of Limitation on the
  • c.. Both a b
  • d.. None of the above

  • 30.. For a mortgaged property to sell the same
    permission of the competent court essential. As
    per provisions of SARFAESI Act
  • a.. The same continues
  • b.. The same is not continuing
  • c.. Since there is no intervention of court
    contemplated under this Act, even for mortgaged
    property, the secured creditor can sell the
    property without courts permission
  • d.. Under the Act, the mortgaged property cannot
    be considered at all.

  • 31.. ABF Bank has advanced to a partnership firm.
    The security include Pledge of Gold ornaments of
    one of the partners, Hypothecation of vehicle and
    stock and Pledge of Fixed deposit of the firm.
    The borrowing has not become NPA though there is
    a default.
  • a.. Provisions of SARFAESI Act not applicable
  • b.. Provisions of SARFAESI Act applicable
  • c.. Provisions of SARFAESI Act not applicable for
    vehicle and stock
  • d.. Provisions of SARFAESI Act applicable for
    vehicle and stock but not for pledge of gold
    ornaments / Fixed deposit

  • 32.. Which one is not associated with SARFAESI
  • a.. Obligor
  • b.. Hypothecation
  • c.. Security Receipt
  • d.. None of the above

  • 33..Which one is not coming under the purview of
  • a.. Moveable property under the possession of the
    secured creditor
  • b.. Moveable assets under the possession of
  • the debtor who has offered the security to the
    secured creditor
  • c.. Immoveable assets not under the possession
    of the secured creditor
  • d.. Immoveable assets with the mortgagor

  • 34..Identify the odd one (Securitization matter)
  • a.. Hypothecation of stock
  • b.. Mortgage of Machinery
  • c.. Personal guarantee of the Managing Director
  • d.. Goods in transit offered as security

  • 35..Appellate Tribunal is constituted by
  • a.. Central Government
  • b.. As per the provisions of the appropriate Act
  • c.. As per the provisions of the Recovery of
    Debts due to Bank and Financial Institutions
  • d.. Both a c

  • 36..Take over of loans or advances from the Bank
    or Financial Institution for the purpose of
    recovery is known as Asset reconstruction.
  • . The word Board is used in the Act refers to
    the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

  • 37.. The SARFAESI Act is applicable to
  • a.. Regional Rural Banks
  • b.. Nationalized Banks Co-operative banks
  • c.. State Bank of India and their Associate banks
  • d.. Both b c and not to a

  • 38..Acquisition of any right or interest, of any
    bank or financial institution, in any financial
    assistance, by any securitization company or
    reconstruction company, for the purpose of
    realization of such financial assistance is
    known as
  • a.. Asset Reconstruction
  • b.. Securitization
  • c.. Both a and b
  • d.. Reconstruction

  • 39.. As per the provisions of the SARFAESI Act, a
    borrower is one
  • a.. Who has obtained finance from a banker
  • b.. Who has given the guarantee for the person
  • c.. Who has created any mortgage in favor of the
    bank for obtaining finance
  • d.. All of these

  • 40.. SARFAESI Act applicable in respect of
  • a.. Temporary Over draft in a current account
  • b.. Overdraft on the security of shares
  • c.. Both a b
  • d.. Work in progress taken as security

  • 41..Default should have been committed by the
  • . The borrowers account should have been
    classified as NPA as per the guidelines of RBI.
  • . The Act is applicable only to a Secured
    creditor and not to an unsecured creditor

  • 42.. Bank U has lent to A a sum of Rs.5 lacs on
    the hypothecation of a van. Identify the
    Originator as per the provisions of the SARFAESI
  • a.. Borrower A
  • b.. Bank U
  • c.. Neither A nor U
  • d.. Debtor A

  • 43.. He is the owner of a financial asset that is
    acquired by a securitization or reconstruction
    company for the purpose of securitization or
    asset reconstruction.
  • a.. Originator
  • b.. Lending Bank
  • c.. Lending Financial Institution
  • d.. All the three

  • 44.. Obligor is a person liable to pay to the
    lender (originator).
  • As per the contract terms and conditions or
  • He has to discharge any obligation in respect
    of a financial asset whether existing, future,
    conditional or contingent or and includes a

  • 45.. Identify the Obligor in respect of a loan
    given to one N by bank J. The security offered by
    N include his gold ornaments, two wheeler and
    collateral security of his flat.
  • a.. N
  • b.. J
  • c.. N J
  • d.. None

  • 46.. Under the provisions of the Act (SARFAESI)
    which one is not considered as Property
  • a.. Future Receivables
  • b.. Know how
  • c.. Land
  • d.. None of these

  • 47.. Qualified Institutional Buyer (odd one)
  • a.. Bank
  • b.. Insurance company
  • c.. A CEO of a leading MNC
  • d.. An Asset Management Company

  • 48..Which one is not pertaining to Hypothecation.
  • a.. A charge in or upon any movable property
  • b.. Right in favour of the creditor
  • c.. Possession also with the lender
  • d.. Retaining the ownership with the owner of the

  • 49.. The securitization company or reconstruction
  • Company to raise funds from qualified
  • institutional buyers by formulating schemes.
  • .Separate scheme wise accounts to be
  • Maintained.
  • .The Scheme invites subscription to security
  • receipts proposed to be issued by such company
  • under the scheme.

  • 50.. Bank R is the secured creditor and W is
    the borrower who happens to be the defaulter
    .The branch head is C. W has given his land as
    security which is under his possession. The
    outstanding liability is shown under NPA.
    Identify the Obligor Originator.
  • a.. R and C respectively
  • b.. W and R respectively
  • c.. W and C respectively
  • d.. R and W respectively

  • 51.. Who will receive the Security receipt from
    whom.? (SARFAESI Act)
  • a.. Secured Creditor from Principal Debtor
  • b.. Institutional Investor from Securitization
  • c.. Securitization company from Institutional
  • d.. Secured Creditor from Reconstruction company

  • 52..Identify the regulatory authority for all
    securitization and reconstruction companies.
  • a.. SEBI
  • b.. RBI
  • c.. Company Law Board
  • d.. IRDA

  • 53..GNMV, the secured creditor. After completing
    the formalities / procedures (as per SARFAESI
    ACT) the assets mortgaged by RJJH were purchased
    by a Securitization and Reconstruction company
    called JFI for Rs.30 lacs. Then
  • a.. JFI will issue a security receipt to GNMV
  • b.. GNMV will receive debentures from RJJH
  • c.. RJJH will issue security receipts to JFI.
  • d.. GNMV will get debentures from JFI

  • 54..In Mardia Chemicals vs Union of India
    Supreme Court as declared that
  • A.. SARFAESI Act is Constitutionally valid
  • B.. Except a part of Section 17(2)
  • C.. To Deposit 75 for appeal, the Apex court
    was not in favor
  • D.. All the above

  • 55.. A reconstruction company
  • a.. is engaged as property developer
  • b.. is formed for the purpose of asset
  • c.. is registered with SEBI
  • d.. is not registered under the Companies Act

  • 56..The Government of India has
  • a.. issued an order
  • b.. issued a notification amending the Sec17(2)
    of SARFAESI Act.
  • c.. Instead of 75, the borrower filing an appeal
    has to deposit 50
  • d.. Both B C are appropriate

  • 57..A Mutual fund, an Asset Management
    Company and a Foreign Institutional Investor
    would like to invest in Securitization and
    Reconstruction company as as qualified
    institutional buyers. Then they will have to
  • a.. Register with SEBI
  • b.. Register with SEBI is not a must
  • c.. Register with SEBI is a must
  • d.. Register with SEBI when directed only

  • 58..J F D a Securitization and reconstruction
    company acquired financial asset from PNM, a
    secured creditor. In view of the same, JFD would
  • a.. Purchaser
  • b.. Seller
  • c.. Owner
  • d.. None of these

  • 59..The Securitization Company not only to be
    registered under the Companies Act but also needs
    registration from RBI as per
  • A.. RBI Act
  • B.. Companies Act
  • C.. SARFAESI Act
  • D.. SEBI Act

  • 60.. A person who is holding 15 of the paid up
    equity capital of the reconstruction company is
    known as
  • a.. Sponsor
  • b.. Obligor
  • c.. Originator
  • d.. Institutional investor

  • 61.. Identify the beneficiaries of the trusts
    formed by Securitization company. ICE is the
    Securitization company. GZH is the Secured
    creditor. BDE is the Institutional investor.
  • a.. GZY
  • b.. BDE
  • c.. ICE
  • d.. None of them

  • 62.. A security receipt is
  • A.. Similar to Banks Term Deposit receipt
  • B.. Issued to Securitization Company
  • C.. Issued by Securitization Company
  • D.. Issued to a Secured Creditor and also to an
    Institutional Investor

  • 63... The Securitization company can acquire
    financial asset without execution of any deed of
    assignment or transfer in its favor by the
    original creditor.
  • a.. True
  • b.. False
  • c.. Without agreement it cannot be legally valid
  • d.. Deed of Assignment is a must.

  • 64.. Debenture as per the provision of SARFAESI
  • a.. Appears on the left hand side of the balance
  • b.. It is shown as liability representing
  • c.. It is for payment of consideration to be
    paid to the bank for acquisition of financial
    asset from it
  • d.. It represents the money borrowed.

  • 65..SARFAESI Act
  • a.. Security Receipt issued by Securitization
  • b.. Security Receipt is not issued to a Secured
  • c.. Security Receipt is issued to Institutional
    Investors who are also called Qualified
    Institutional Buyers
  • d.. All the above

  • 66.. Identify the incorrect one (Reconstruction
  • a.. It has to obtain registration certificate
    from RBI.
  • b.. It has to have minimum capital of Rs.100
    crores at the time of registration
  • c.. It can formulate separate schemes for
    acquisition of financial assets
  • d.. It has to disclose the risk factors to the

  • 67.. The Security receipt (not having any
    interest or right and so on in immovable
    property) issued to the holder by the
    Securitization company attract registration as
    per the Registration Act,1908.
  • a.. True
  • b.. False
  • c.. Registration compulsory for such receipts.
  • d.. None of the above

  • 68..As per the provisions of the SARFAESI Act,
    the charge against property to be registered with
  • a.. Registrar of Companies
  • b.. SEBI
  • c.. RBI
  • d.. None

  • 69.. A Limited Company has been sanctioned a
    Bills limit and the outstanding liability has
    been classified as NPA. Then the provisions of
    SARFAESI Act includes
  • a.. Book debts
  • b.. Assignment of Book debts
  • c.. Hypothecation of Book debts
  • d.. None

  • 70..Bank G E H has advanced to SSS a sum of
    Rs.2.75 lacs. It has been classified as NPA. OPQ
    a Securitization company has shown interest to
    take over the assets offered by SSS as security
    to Bank G E H. Identify the Secured Creditor, Who
    will issue Debenture to whom and the Debtor.
  • a.. G E H , OPQ to G E H and SSS
  • b.. G E H , OPQ to SSS and G E H
  • c.. G E H , G E H to OPQ and SSS
  • d.. G E H , SSS to OPQ and G E H

  • 71.. Whenever any lender takes any security from
    the borrower, the lender gets interest in that
    security. As per the SARFAESI Act this is known
  • a.. Secured interest
  • b.. Charged interest
  • c.. Secured creditors interest
  • d.. None of these

  • 72..ABC and co has not paid the debt. Declared
    NPA. Securitization process held. The secured
    creditor JIT has handed over the security to the
    securitization company STB. Then ABC paid some
  • a.. JIT can use the funds so got
  • b.. JIT has to hand over the same to ABC
  • c.. JIT has to hand over to STB
  • d.. None

  • 73..This evidences the purchasers undivided
    right, title and interest in the security.
  • a.. Deposit Receipt
  • b.. Security Receipt
  • c.. Both a b
  • d.. Only a

  • 74.. A securitization company is contemplating to
    change its name.
  • a.. They can do so by informing the appropriate
  • b.. Seek approval from SEBI after the change
  • c.. Needs prior approval from the Company Law
  • d.. None

  • 75..Securitization or reconstruction companies
  • a.. Do invest their own funds to acquire assets
  • b.. Do not invest their own funds to acquire
  • c.. Use the money invested on risk assessment and
    act on careful considerations for asset
    acquisition decision.
  • d.. Excepting a other two are appropriate

  • 76..Cancellation of Certificate of Registration
    for a Securitization company possible (odd one)
  • a.. The company ceases to receive or hold any
    investment from a qualified institutional buyer.
  • b.. The company continues to receive or hold any
    investment from a qualified institutional buyer.
  • c.. The company fails to comply with any of the
    directions issued by the Reserve Bank
  • d.. The company fails to obtain prior approval
    of Reserve Bank of India for change in management

  • 77..The securitization or reconstruction company
    whose registration is cancelled can prefer an
    appeal within 45 days from the date of
    communication of order, to Reserve Bank of India
    Governor . The company is required to be given a
    hearing before rejecting the appeal.
  • a.. Appropriate
  • b.. Not 45 days but 30 days and Not RBI but
    Central Government
  • c.. Only change is 30 days instead of 45 days
  • d.. Not RBI but Central Government

  • 78..The securitization transaction involves
  • a.. Acquisition of financial assets and undivided
    interest therein
  • b.. Issue of security receipts in favor of the
    investors for the purpose of raising money from
  • c.. Both a and b
  • d.. None

  • 79..This, for the payment of consideration, is to
    be paid to the bank or the financial institution
    for the acquisition of financial asset from it.
  • a.. Debenture
  • b.. Security Receipt
  • c.. Security Deposit
  • d.. Security Interest

  • 80..Under the Securitization process, debenture
    issued period not to exceed
  • a.. 5 years
  • b.. 6 years
  • c.. 7 years
  • d.. 9 years

  • 81.. Under the Securitization process the
  • a.. To carry interest which cannot be less than
    one and half percent above the Bank Rate as on
    the date of issue of the debentures
  • b.. To carry interest which cannot be more than
    one and half percent above the Bank Rate as on
    the date of issue of the debentures
  • c.. To carry interest which should be equal to
    the Bank Rate as on the date of issue of the
  • d.. Not to carry any interest

  • 82.. XZY bank has decided to dispose off the
    security to a Securitization company BDG for
    consideration. The debtor being a Limited company
    (RTU(P) Ltd.,). XZY has decided to give a notice
    to the debtor.
  • a.. XZY to give notice to ROC as well
  • b.. XZY need not give any notice to ROC
  • c.. Giving notice is not compulsory
  • d.. Giving notice is optional and hence there is
    no need for XZY to give a notice to ROC

  • 83..If there is a dispute among the bank,
    securitization company and the qualified
    institutional buyer, then the same to be settled
    by conciliation or arbitration as provided in
  • a.. Reserve Bank of India Act
  • b.. SARFAESI Act
  • c.. Arbitration and Conciliation Act
  • d.. Both a c

  • 84..An institutional investor MNG wish to
    transfer the security receipt (Which has an
    undivided interest in the financial asset) to
  • a.. Registration under the Registration Act
  • b.. Registration optional
  • c.. Registration need not be insisted.
  • d.. Registration of Security receipts does not

  • 85..If the cause of default in a unit is any
    mismanagement or lack of expertise on the part of
    the existing management, the securitization or
    reconstruction company has the powers to take
    over the management or change the management.
  • This power can be exercised even when there is
    no default

  • 86.. The power given to the secured creditor,
    as creditor has overriding effect over the
    provisions related to mortgage in
  • a.. The Registration Act
  • b.. The Contract Act
  • c.. The SARFAESI Act
  • d.. The Transfer of Property Act

  • 87..The Securitization company can set up
    separate trusts scheme wise and act trustees for
    such schemes as provided in the Securitization
    Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve
    Bank) Guidelines and Directions,2003. The
    beneficiaries of such trusts are
  • a.. Debenture holders
  • b.. Lending bankers
  • c.. Debtors
  • d.. None of them

  • 88...Acquisition of financial asset from the
    originator, by Securitization or reconstruction
    company is known as
  • a.. Reconstruction
  • b.. Securitization
  • c.. Transfer of Assets
  • d.. Purchasing

  • 89.. Securitization company is a company
    registered under the Companies Act,1956 for the
    purpose of securitization. It also needs
    registration from RBI under the provisions of
  • .. Security agreement includes an agreement,
    instrument or any other document or arrangement
    under which security interest is created in
    favor of secured creditor

  • 90.. The minimum capital requirement for
    securitization or reconstruction company, at the
    time of registration is
  • a.. Rs. 30 Crore
  • b.. Rs. 75 Crore
  • c.. Rs.100 Crore
  • d.. None of the above

  • 91..TT has created a mortgage by way of deposit
    of title deeds with the secured creditor bank
    JJ. This represents
  • a.. Security Receipt
  • b.. Secured Debenture
  • c.. Security Agreement
  • d.. Secured Debt

  • 92..Secured debt means a debt which is secured by
    any security interest.
  • ..Secured Asset means the property on which
    security interest is created.
  • .. The powers given by SARFAESI Act for
    enforcement of securities are against secured
    assets only

  • 93..Security Receipt is issued
  • a.. To Debtor by the Secured Creditor
  • b.. To Qualified Institutional buyer by the
    Reconstruction Company
  • c.. To Securitization Company by the Secured
  • d...To Securitization company by the
    Reconstruction company

  • 94. .Which one is appropriate. (SARFAESI)
  • a.. RJS is the institutional investor and will
    receive Bonds in lieu of Debentures
  • b.. TRK is the Securitization company will issue
    Security receipt as well as Debentures
  • c.. GU is the Secured creditor and will receive
    security receipt from the secured debtor
  • d.. JNS a borrower of the bank will handover
    Debenture in lieu of payment towards outstanding

  • 95.. Depending on the nature of security asset
    RBI has the powers to specify different amounts
    of owned funds for different companies.
  • ..The company can formulate separate schemes for
    acquisition of financial asset.
  • .. The securitization or reconstruction company
    can act as trustees for such trusts and manage
    the assets held in trust.

  • 96..STV a Securitization and Reconstruction
    company wish to have funds by way of deposits.
  • a.. They can approach public for the same.
  • b.. Cannot raise funds by way of deposits
  • c.. If need arises with the permission of RBI
  • d.. They can raise funds by way of Deposits on
    Private placement basis only.

  • 97..The Securitization or reconstruction company
    can acquire financial asset without execution of
    any deed of assignment or transfer in its favor
    by the concerned bank or the financial
  • .. Assignment is complete on the acquiring
    company issuing debenture or bond and
    incorporating therein the terms and conditions of

  • 98.. As per RBI guidelines,
  • a.. an acquisition of funded assets should not
  • include take over of outstanding
  • if any, of any bank or financial institution
    to lend
  • further.
  • b.. terms of acquisition of security interest in
  • fund based transactions should provide for
  • relative commitments to continue with bank
  • financial institute till demand for further
  • arises

  • 99..Which one is correct (Securitization matter)
  • a.. Security receipt is not in favor of investor
  • b.. Security receipt is issued with permission
  • Company Law Board
  • c.. Security receipt can be transferred by the
  • secured creditor
  • d.. Security receipt is issued in favor of the
    institutional investor

  • 100..Bank F decides that the financial asset now
    be acquired by the securitization company VR. The
    Asset was given as security by L , an individual.
    In such an event, a notice of such development
    to be given to
  • a.. L and such notice is not compulsory.
  • b.. Such notice is not optional
  • c.. The Obligor, which is compulsory as per the
  • d.. VR

  • 101.. If the obligor is a company there is no
    need for modification of charge, when the notice
    regarding acquisition of financial asset by a
    securitization company, is not given to the
    debtor company.
  • However, if such notice is given to the
    obligor company, then notice to the Registrar of
    companies becomes essential.

  • 102.. Bank J had advanced to U who had
    defaulted leading to a securitization company
    acquiring the financial asset. In fact no notice
    has been issued to U. After some time, U remits
    some amount towards his dues to J from where he
    had availed the financial facility.
  • a.. J to retain the funds
  • b.. J has an obligation to remit to the
    securitization company
  • c.. J first of all should not accept such payment
    since his contract with U is over on account of
    securitization transaction.
  • d.. J has to find out the reason why U had not
    paid earlier when the liability was outstanding
    with them.

  • 103..The securitization or reconstruction company
    raises funds for acquisition of asset by issue of
    security receipts. Public/individual investors
    are barred from investing in a securitization or
    reconstruction company by the Act.
  • .. Realization of the asset is held and applied
    towards redemption. i.e., repayment of
    investments as assured while issuing the security

  • 104.. In case there is no realization and
    repayment by the securitization or reconstruction
    company, then the qualified institutional buyers
    are entitled to call a meeting of all qualified
    institutional buyers making investments in that
    scheme and the resolution passed in the meeting.
  • a.. The first institutional buyer has the right
    to call for such meeting
  • b.. The qualified institutional buyers holding
    not less than 75
  • of the total value of security receipts has
    the right
  • c.. Any one of the Institutional investor who
    takes the lead gets the priority
  • d.. The Institutional Investor identified and
    nominated by RBI for this purpose has the right

  • 105..NPN has got a security receipt from a
    securitization company called BCB. NPN wish to
    retain the security receipt. Then
  • a.. Such security receipt need not be registered
  • b.. Such security receipt has to be registered
  • c.. Such security receipt cannot be transferred
  • d.. Such security receipt has to be retained by
    NPN who is the original institutional investor
    and hence there is no question of registration /
    non registration.

  • 106..Asset reconstruction means acquisition of
    any right or interest of any bank or financial
    institution in any financial asset for the
    purpose of realization. Powers to take measures
    for asset reconstruction are given without any
    prejudice to the provisions contained in any
    other law

  • 107.. The SARFAESI Act is silent about the
    grounds or reasons on the basis of which action
    of acquisition can be taken. Therefore, loan
    agreements between bank/financial institution and
    the borrower are required to be taken into
    account as provisions of this do not have
    overriding effect on existing contracts and laws.

  • 108.. When the asset is acquired for
    reconstruction there is limit of six years for
    such reconstruction.
  • a.. Correct
  • b.. Incorrect
  • c.. Not 6 years but 5 years
  • d.. It is 7 years and not 6 years

  • 109..RTM a Securitization company is taking over
    the financial asset from the secured creditor
    BB. Then BB will get
  • a.. Debenture
  • b.. Security Receipt
  • c.. Commitment
  • d.. None of these

  • 110..Which one is incorrect
  • a At the time of enforcing securities as per the
    provisions of SARFAESI Act, the Securitization
    company may itself acquire secured assets for use
    or resale, if such resale is through a public
  • b.. The Securitization company is permitted to
    set up trusts who can issue security receipts.
  • c.. While issuing security receipts detailed
    disclosures are not required to be made by the
    Securitization company
  • d.. While issuing security receipts detailed
    disclosures are required to be made by the
    reconstruction company.

  • 111..A Securitization company can act as a
  • If appointed by any Court
  • If appointed by any Tribunal
  • If appointed by the Central Government
  • Either a or b

  • 112..Which one is correct (Securitization aspect)
  • a.. During the planning period (which is 12
    months) an asset can be classified as Standard
  • b.. Non performing Asset is linked to the
    securitys strength or weakness and not to over
    due period
  • c.. Maintaining capital adequacy optional
  • d.. Raising funds by way of deposits not

  • 113..Provisions of mandatory arbitration and
    conciliation not applicable to the dispute by or
  • a.. Secured Creditor
  • b.. Obligor
  • c.. Qualified Institutional Investor
  • d.. Securitization or Reconstruction Company

  • 114..Who has the powers to issue guidelines under
    the SARFAESI Act
  • a.. SEBI
  • b.. RBI
  • c.. Central Government
  • d.. Law Ministry

  • 115 ..Under the SARFAESI act a secured creditor
    can enforce the security interest created in his
    favor without the
  • of the Court or Tribunal.
  • ..The act deals with how the notice to be given
    by the secured creditor asking for repayment of
    the out standings.

  • 116..The secured creditor bank to give a notice
    asking the debtor to clear the liability in full
    within 60 days from the date of notice.
  • .. The above is applicable to such debtors who
    have defaulted and classified as NPA.
  • .. There is no bar for the creditor to seek the
    other legal remedies such as resorting to filing
    of suit in a competent court

  • 117..Identify which one is not incorrect.
    (SARFAESI Act)
  • a.. Notice as per the provisions of the act to
    be given to the Creditor.
  • b.. Notice as per the provisions of the act is a
    statutory notice.
  • c.. The Act does contemplate a reply form the
    borrower to the notice.
  • d.. When the offer of sale of property is
    accepted by the purchaser and the secured
    creditor accepting the offer confirms the sale,
    the purchaser need not deposit any token
    deposit of the offer price.

  • 118.. Bank DT has decided to invoke the relevant
    provisions of the SARFAESI Act, by giving the
    first notice calling for clearance of the dues.
    Then as per Sec 13(2) of the SARFAESI Act the
    first notice to be given asking for clearance of
    full liability within
  • a.. 30 days
  • b.. 60 days
  • c.. 60 days from the date of notice
  • d.. 60 days from the receipt of notice

  • 119.. Debtor DD has been asked to repay
    outstanding liability of Rs.25.73 lacs (as per
    provisions of SARFAESI Act) by his Secured
    Creditor banker KK. DD has sent a reply in
    writing giving his sides version. The bank
    responded to the notice and made their position
    clear. Based on that reply, DD wish to file an
  • a.. in the high court
  • b.. in the DRT
  • c.. Not possible / nor permissible
  • d.. In the appropriate court for their

  • 120.. For a Public Sector bank an Authorized
  • a.. General Manager
  • b.. At least a Chief Manager
  • c.. Senior Branch Manager
  • d.. As identified and nominated by the Board of

  • 121..The secured creditor in an anxiety to
    recover his funds would like to publish a
    possession notice without issuing the first
    notice as per the relevant provisions of the
  • a.. Not Permissible
  • b.. Permissible
  • c.. Not necessary to issue any notice before
    releasing the possession notice in a leading
  • d.. It is left to the Authorized Officer to take
    appropriate action like issuing of possession
    notice to safe guard the interest of the lending

  • 122..For classification of any account as NPA it
    is important that the classification is done as
  • A.. Directives of Head Office of the Bank
  • B.. Viewpoints of R B I
  • C.. Guidelines of the Concerned Banks Corporate
  • D.. None of these

  • 123..An authorized officer issues the second
    notice as per the provisions of the SARFAESI Act
    known as
  • a.. Recalling
  • b.. Possession
  • c.. Take Over
  • d.. Auction

  • 124..If the offer of sale of property is accepted
    by the purchaser and the secured creditor
    confirms then the purchaser has to deposit
  • a.. 25
  • b.. 75
  • c.. 50
  • d.. No such pre condition

  • 125..Which one is correct,
  • a.. The authorized officer has to publish
    possession notice in two leading newspapers.
  • b.. Both papers should be in vernacular language
  • c.. Before 60 days of sale of immovable property
    the borrower should be given notice about the
  • d.. If the price of secured asset is coming less
    than the reserve price, the authorized officer
    to sell the asset at a lower price with the
    consent of creditor only and not that of the

  • 126..The authorized officer is authorized to
    issue sale certificate. Such certificate is
    conveyance of immovable property and requires
    stamping as per the provisions of Stamp Act.
  • a.. True
  • b.. False
  • c.. Relevant State Laws
  • d.. Central Laws

  • 127.. As the powers of enforcing securities need
    to be exercised prudently, fairly and with due
    care and caution the Rules framed under SARFAESI
    Act provide that Authorized Officer should be of
    the level equivalent to Chief Manager of a public
    sector bank or equivalent or any other authorized
    person exercising powers of superintendence,
    direction and control of the business or affairs
    of the creditors, as the case may be

  • 128..For taking possession and then sale of
    immovable property, the secured creditor is
    required to serve a possession notice on the
    borrower and by affixing the possession notice on
    the outer door or at the conspicuous place at the
  • ..The authorized officer is required to publish
    the possession notice in two leading newspapers,
    one of which should be in vernacular language.

  • 129..Kamath is the Authorized officer of a bank.
    The price for secured asset (Flat) is coming less
    than the reserve price, then Kamath decides to
    sell the asset at a lower price to the highest
    bidder. Under the circumstances
  • a.. The decision of the Authorized Officer cannot
    be questioned and his decision will be final
  • b.. He can take independent decision
  • c.. With the consent of the borrower and the
    secured creditor, he has to take his decision
  • d.. Without consulting any one he can take his
    own decision

  • 130..When the secured creditor is required to
    take possession or control of the secured asset
    or to sell such secured asset, he can take the
    help of the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or
    District Magistrate.
  • ..For seeking their help a request in writing is
  • ..To approach the authority within whose
    jurisdiction the secured asset or documents
    related to it are situated.

  • 131..When the secured creditor takes over the
    management of business of a borrower, he may
    publish a notice in a newspaper published in
    English language and in a newspaper published in
    Indian language in circulation in the place where
    the principal office of the borrower is situated,
    for appointment of
  • a.. If the borrower is a company as defined in
    the Companies Act, 1956 to be the directors of
    such company, or
  • b.. In any other case, to be the administrator of
    the business of borrower.

  • 132.Any person, including borrower, aggrieved by
    any of the measures taken by the secured creditor
    or his authorized officer for taking possession
    of the security may make an application along
    with the prescribed fees to the Debt Recovery
    Tribunal having jurisdiction within 45 days from
    the date on which such measures are taken.

  • 133..As per the provisions of the SARFAESI Act,
    the DRT has to dispose off the application
    preferred seeking justice, within a period of
  • a.. 30 days
  • b.. 45 days
  • c.. 60 days
  • d.. 90 days

  • 134..As per the provisions of the SARFAESI act,
    against the DRTs order, appeal can be filed to
    the appellate Tribunal within 30 days from the
    date of receipt of the order of Debt Recovery
    Tribunal. The Tribunal has the powers not to
    entertain such an appeal unless the borrower
    deposits 75 of the debt claimed by the secured
    creditor. (Now stands reduced to 50)
  • a.. True
  • b.. False
  • c.. Neither 75 nor 50 but 25
  • d.. Continues to be not less than 50

  • 135..A secured creditor is seeking justice under
    the provisions of the SARFAESI Act. Stage is set
    for preferring an appeal before the DRT. The
    amount in dispute is Rs.7.87 lacs
  • a.. DRT does not have the power to entertain such
  • b.. Since jurisdiction of DRT is Rs.10 lacs and
    above what is stated in (a) is appropriate
  • c.. Since it is SARFAESI matter, DRT will have to
    take up the appeal
  • d.. Such appeals to go to Civil Court and not to
    DRT in view of the claim amount (which is less
    than Rs.10 lacs)

  • 136.. SARFAESI Act is not applicable to
  • a.. Urban Co operative Bank
  • b.. Nationalized Bank
  • c.. State Bank of India Associate Bank
  • d.. None of these

  • 137.. The security asset has been sold then the
    proceeds to be appropriate at first
  • a.. Towards payment of cost, charges and expenses
    for the preservation and protection of securities
    including payment of appropriate insurance
    charges and so on
  • b.. Towards legal charges incurred by secured
  • c.. Towards the satisfaction of dues of the
    secured banker
  • d.. Towards payment of fees to the Authorized
    Officer and his team of officials and support

  • 138..B has given his personal guarantee to a loan
    taken by a debtor D. The loan was provided by
    Bank G. As security D gave his asset
    (hypothecation). Since the loan became NPA, G
    took up Securitization measures.
  • a.. B can object that SARFAESI Act provisions not
    applicable to him
  • b.. B cannot object since the SARFAESI Act
    provides that the Creditor can also call for
    payment due to the borrower from the third party
  • c.. B can object that SARFAESI Act not
    applicable to him and hence the secured creditor
    cannot seek remedy under the Act when a guarantor
    is involved
  • d.. B cannot object to the action of the secured
    creditor since the measures taken are mainly
    against D

  • 139.. Registration with Central Registry (Under
    SARFESI) is not required on certain things and
    charges. Identify the Act.
  • a.. Merchant Shipping Act,1958
  • b.. Patents Act,1970
  • c.. Designs Act 2000
  • d.. None of the above

  • 140..Identify which one is incorrect (Central
  • a.. Maintaining the records of the Registry on
    computers in permissible under SARFAESI Act.
  • b.. Registration under the Act is in
    substitution of the other registrations under
    different laws
  • c.. Registration under different laws will have
    priority of charge depending on the provisions of
    respective registration laws
  • d.. Creation of security interest to be
    registered under the provisions of the Act.

  • 141.. A security interest has been created on
    14th of this month. Then it is to be filed with
    the Central Registrar within
  • a.. 30 days after the date of transaction
  • b.. 45 days after the date of transaction
  • c.. Any time before the next step is taken to
    dispose off the security
  • d.. 60 days after the date of transaction

  • 142.. The particulars required to be filed by
    the securitization or reconstruction company or
    the secured creditor, as the case may be. The
    delay in filing the required particulars can be
    condoned by the Central Registrar for a period of
    next 30 days after the first thirty days
    prescribed, on payment of fees not more than 10
    times of the prescribed fees

  • 143.. A security interest is registered with the
    central registrar with delay. However the delay
    was duly condoned and after remitting the fees
    along with penalty the work was got done. Now it
    requires to be modified. Then it is not the duty
  • a.. Secured Creditor
  • b.. Reconstruction Company
  • c.. Secured Debtor
  • d.. Securitization Company

  • 144.. The borrower Keshav sons repaid in full
    the debt. (Securitization process since taken)
    Then the secured creditor DD bank has to file
  • a.. Registration of Security Interest
  • b.. Modification of Security Interest
  • c.. Satisfaction of Security Interest
  • d.. All the above in the same order

  • 145..A record to be maintained at the Head Office
    of the Central Registrar to record transactions
    relating to
  • a.. Securitization of financial assets
  • b.. Reconstruction of financial assets
  • c.. Creation of security interests
  • d.. All the three

  • 146..The Central Registrar has received the
    satisfaction of charge (security interest) from
    the secured creditor within the prescribed
    period, then
  • a.. He can proceed to satisfy the charge
  • b.. He can call for show cause not exceeding 14
    days before proceeding further
  • c.. He can call for show cause not exceeding 30
    days before proceeding further
  • d.. He has to issue satisfaction certificate
    within 7 days

  • 147.. Having cleared the dues with secured
    creditor (securitization measures since initiated
    under the Act) the borrower has to file the
    satisfaction with the Central Registrar within 30
  • a.. True
  • b.. False
  • c.. It is the duty of the Secured creditor
  • d.. It is not the duty of the Debtor

  • 148.. RKK a Reconstruction company failed to
    comply with some of the directions issued by RBI.
    Then RKK is punishable by RBI with fine not
    exceeding Rupees Five lacs for the default. For
    further continuation of the offence an additional
    fine is up to Rs.2000/ per day of default can be
  • a.. Partially Correct
  • b.. True
  • c.. Rs.5 lacs and Rs.10000/- per day respectively
  • d.. Rs.7 lacs and Rs 5000/- per day respectively

  • 149..The provisions of SARFAESI Act not
    applicable in respect of
  • a.. A pledge of movable within the meaning of the
    Indian Contract Act,1872(sec172)
  • b.. Any right of an unpaid seller as per Sale of
    Goods Act,1930 (sec 47)
  • c.. Any security interest created in an
    agricultural land
  • d.. All the above

  • 150..Which one is incorrect (Provisions of
    SARFAESI Act not applicable )
  • a.. Creation of security interest in any vessel
    as defined within the meaning of the Merchant
    Shipping Act,1958.
  • b.. Any case in which the amount due is less
    than twenty five percent of the principal amount
    and interest there under.
  • c.. Any security interest created on an
    hypothecation of asset worth rs.6.5 lacs
  • d.. Creation of any security in any aircraft as
    defined in sec 2 of Aircraft Act 1934

  • 151.. PNC bank has sold the security after
    invoking the provisions of SARFAESI Act. After
    that they wish to proceed in the civil court as
    the liability outstanding is Rs.6.88 lacs plus
    accumulated interest of Rs.2.42 lacs
  • a.. Not possible
  • b.. Possible
  • c.. Impossible
  • d.. Doubtful

  • 152..Bank C has exhausted the measures of
    recovery through SARFAESI Act provisions. Still
    there is a liability of Rs.7.38 lacs to be
    recovered from GH . The original documents has
  • a.. C can still proceed in the Civil Court by
    filing a suit against GH.
  • b.. Since C has opted for Securitization process,
    has to satisfy with whatever they could get by
    disposing of the security
  • c.. Once the SARFAESI Act provisions invoked by
    the secured creditor and the proceedings over,
    automatically the creditor looses his further
    rights against the debtor.
  • d.. Only C has to worry. Whereas GH need not
    worry for the balance amount, since the security
    stands disposed off. Further by opting for
    Securitization measures C has sealed the other
    options to recover legally from GH

  • 153..Bank DOM had lent Rs.9 lacs to one KU, a
    borrower and obtained security in the possession
    of the debtor by way of hypothecation. DOM had to
    use the provisions of the SARFAESI Act which
    resulted in a recovery of Rs. 7.32 lacs only.
    Still the outstanding dues works out to Rs. 3.87
    lacs. Then DOM
  • a.. Cannot proceed against KU under Civil Law
  • b.. Since the bank had availed the support of
    SARFAESI Act has to forego the balance
  • c.. DOM should have applied their mind before
    invoking Securitization Act
  • d.. The bank can proceed against the borrower
    under Civil Law subject to the provisions of
    Limitation Act as well.

  • 154..Bank KA has used the Securitization Act
    provisions and could recover only Rs. 16 lacs .
    Still they will have to recover Rs.11 lacs plus
    interest from SR. Fortunately for KA the
    limitation period on the loan documents is
  • a.. KA has to seek legal remedy through the
    Civil Court.
  • b.. Bank has to seek legal remedy through DRT
  • c.. KA has to forego since they have already
    availed the legal avenue
  • d.. KA may have to approach the borrower straight
    away and request him to settle the balance

  • 155. .Secured Creditor Bank Q has succeeded
    partially recovering the debt. After completion
    they are left with only personal security of the
    borrower L. However the loan documents have
    become time barred . The balance outstanding
    being Rs.10.83 lacs interest and other charges.
  • a.. Q will fail on legal grounds
  • b.. Q will succeed on legal grounds
  • c.. Q to move DRT
  • d.. Q to take up the matter with Banking

  • 156..Whenever the Government makes a rule under
    the SARFAESI Act, the rule is so required to be
    kept before each House of Parliament, while in
    session for a total period of thirty days. Both
    the Houses should agree to the rules as framed
    and they can make modifications therein or decide
    not to make the rules.

  • 157..A borrower knows that the bank (secured
    creditor) is contemplating to seek remedies under
    the provisions of the SARFAESI act. He decides to
    approach the court preventing the creditor to
    proceed accordingly
  • a.. The borrower would not succeed in his
  • b.. The borrower would succeed
  • c.. The court will entertain the borrowers
  • d.. The Secured Creditor can not proceed under
    the circumstances

  • 158.. Bank UT has advanced on the security of
    book debts. Since the payment not forthcoming
    they would like to proceed against the borrower
    WX using the appropriate provisions of SARFAESI
  • a.. Assignment beyond the purview of the Act
  • b.. Assignment within the purview of the Act
  • c.. Bank UT can proceed based on (b)
  • d.. Bank UT can not proceed based on (a)

  • 159.. Bank B a secured creditor has transferred
    the security of the debtor LM to the
    securitization company AY for an agreed sum and
    obtained debentures. Since B has not got the
    money, B can
  • a.. Ask LM to pay
  • b.. Not ask LM to pay
  • c.. Not ask LM to pay since in lieu of money they
    have got the debentures
  • d.. Ask LM to pay in spite of getting debenture
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