Title: Sperm Enzyme Preparation (Group 6)
1Sperm Enzyme Preparation (Group 6)
- Comparing all Gradient Gel Standards
2Experiment Objective
- Compare all given gradient gel standards and use
their relative mobilities to create the best fit
mathematical model. - Use best model to compare two gel samples
3 Gathering Data
Gels 1 and 2
4Hypothesis (Part One)
- Standards will be reproducible.
5Hypothesis (Part Two)
Has more proteins than
- Measured three times
- Calculated relative mobilities
- Calculated mean measurements
- Best fit mathematical model
7Mathematical Models
- Table of Molecular Weights and the Log of the
Molecular Weights
Protein Molecular Weights Log Molecular Weights
Myosin 200000.00 5.30
beta-Galactosidase 116250.00 5.07
Phosphorlyase B 97400.00 4.99
Serum albumin 66200.00 4.82
Ovalbumin 45000.00 4.65
Carbonic anhydrase 31000.00 4.49
Trypsin inhibitor 21500.00 4.33
Lysozyme 14400.00 4.15
Aprotinin 6500.00 3.81
8Best Model Determination
Rank Models tried StdError t-inv Error
1 yabXcX2dX3 0.0729 2.5706 0.1873
2 yabXcX3 0.0935 2.4469 0.2287
3 yabX 0.0968 2.3646 0.2288
4 yabXcX2(lnX)2 0.089 2.5706 0.2289
5 yabXcX2 0.0974 2.4469 0.2383
6 yabXc(lnX)d(lnX)2 0.0957 2.5706 0.2461
9Model with its CI
10Comparison Chart
11The Reaction
- The expansion of the Vitelline Envelope due to
contact with sperm over a 30 minute time period.
12Comparing Unknowns to Standards
- Vitelline Envelope control
- Sperm enzyme control
- Vitelline Envelope sperm enzyme (t0 min)
- Vitelline Envelope enzyme (t5 min)
- Vitelline Envelope enzyme (t10 min)
- Vitelline Envelope enzyme (t15 min)
- Vitelline Envelope enzyme (t30 min)
- Sperm enzyme controls between gels 1 and 2 were
SpermEz SpermEz
5.324899 5.232962
5.226104 4.893098
4.938703 4.844403
4.880003 4.805563
4.805201 4.746631
4.74529 4.660919
4.641404 4.593366
4.556522 4.544095
4.322521 4.396276
- Vitelline envelope controls are similar between
gels one and two.
VE-control VE-control
5.025182 4.97541
4.836222 4.858922
4.603148 4.675516
4.556547 4.595335
4.507308 4.541261
4.369169 4.474135
- In gel 1, the vitelline envelope remains the same
throughout the experiment.
VE control t0 t5min t10min t15min t30min
5.04546 5.06347 5.04636 5.04628 5.00209 5.04128
4.85299 4.86845 4.86472 4.85728 4.80612 4.84932
4.63242 4.70620 4.70417 4.69804 4.62657 4.70021
4.59116 4.64479 4.63953 4.63564 4.57749 4.64055
4.54808 4.60985 4.59991 4.59237 4.52437 4.56039
4.42873 4.53289 4.53481 4.52491 4.40474 4.34733
- Vitelline envelope breaks up as the bands become
VE control t0 t5min t10min t15min t30min Enz Control
4.99457 5.03009 5.02913 5.02049 5.30636 5.01015 5.25677
4.87586 4.91907 4.91500 4.92597 5.00280 4.92357 4.91052
4.69793 4.84398 4.84474 4.85187 4.90688 4.84508 4.86121
4.62546 4.70464 4.76903 4.78914 4.84393 4.78317 4.82238
4.57774 4.64180 4.70679 4.70738 4.78363 4.70430 4.76481
4.51925 4.56680 4.61328 4.65542 4.70127 4.63763 4.68454
4.43210 Â 4.53940 4.62324 4.64289 4.56924 4.62371
   4.55644 4.60213 4.45604 4.58022
   4.48425 4.54159 3.96395 4.45204
   3.96678 4.46121  4.27900
    3.96145  4.05928
17Results Standards
- Standards are reproducible.
- Sperm enzyme breaks up vitelline envelope.
- Number of bands increase.
- Small proteins are being detected.