Title: Zoos and the sustainability message funding
1Zoos and the sustainability message funding
A round peg in a round hole
- Why European zoos are a perfect fit, and how to
tell this to the funders - Case study Twycross Zoo, UK
- Some specific funding opportunities
31. Your turn, Cinderella
Why the fit is so perfect the case for zoos
4A large, socially inclusive audience
..open to new things, but not already converted
5Synergy and existing expertise
Zoos aquaria already teach about the natural
6Financially stable, administratively robust
7and thrilling !
8In contrast to
9 Your message for decision makers?
10Listen, Stupid
13to see...
20The other themes
- Community
- Jobs
- Inward investment
- Entrepreneurship
- Links with universities
- Vocational advocacy
- Cultural elements
21 a fortuitous funding source
Your nice, neat, finished project
squeezed into ?
22Get out of the zoo ghetto
23Become part of the decision making landscape
24And think laterally about your Okapi exhibit
25Why should you? Because
- You want the the money!
- Social responsibility
- A better, more creative, one of a kind project
- It is more fun
- You may be left behind if you dont
262. Case in point Twycross Zoo project
5 million towards new front entrance
27Constituent elements
- Entrance and ticketing facilities
- Retail
- Catering
- Offices
- Snow Leopard enclosure
- Wading bird enclosure
28Project finessed to
- Building itself act as a sustainability icon
- Act in research partnership with universities
- A regional Tourist information centre
- A community centre
- A opportunity to direct young people towards jobs
and training - A shared place where different communities can
see their own cultures reflected in animal and
natural symbolism
29Part 3 specific funding opportunities
- Interreg partnership
- Other funding
- Structural Funds
30EUs LIFE funding
- Nature Biodiversity potentially up to 75 of
your costs - Policy Governance up to 50
- Communication Information up to 50
31LIFE in general
- 2.143 billion
- 78 for projects
- 50 reserved for nature and biodiversity
- Can buy land under LIFE Nature
- 20 of Nature Biodiversity must be concrete
activity (always looking for such projects) - Target of 15 for legitimate trans national
projects (historically would not have made this
32LIFE Policy Governance
- 50 capital funding for an on site zoo project
that offer a innovative, prototypical solution to
a prioritised sustainability problem - Living Rainforest UK drew down 2 million
33LIFE information and communication
- Communication campaigns and other activities
relating to EU sustainability and environmental
policy - Conferences, sharing of experience
34 large, ambitious communication projects that
bring people in, especially children,
..involve the the public, explaining how they
can make a difference, reflect on their own
behaviour, and feeding back to Brussels to
influence EU policy priority to awareness
raising campaigns environment, nature protection
and biodiversity matters.
35The Bad News
- Opens now
- Deadline for submission to national authorities
will be 30/11/07 - From national authorities to Brusselsby end of
calendar year - Provisional long list drawn up by 1/05/08
- LIFE Committee sits 31/07/08
- Grant agreements signed between 16/10.08 and
30/11/08 - Projects start 01/01/09
- Sustainability/environmental budget line inside
EUs external aid - 80 - typical size 2 4 million
- Unsucessful approach by AIDCO to European
Association of Parks welcomes interest of Euro
zoos - Multi zoo projects in developing world
- Zoo audience important
37More funding
- Rural Development Funding
- New Neighbourhood Funding
- Science in Society
- Leonardo funding for professional training
38Structural Funds for zoos in New States within EU
39 Interreg partnership
- Potential benefits
- Capital funding for native species exhibits on
site - Staff to develop the project
- Policy change to increase
- by your government in
- funding your zoo
40In principle partners to date
- The Eden Project, UK
- Fota Wildlife Park, Ireland
- Emmen Zoo, Netherlands
- Further partners sought
41How to find out more
- Talk to me!
- http\\www. zoofunding.wordpress.com (free
resources to help you get funds) - http\\www.whatcouldzoosbe.wordpress.com
- (interactive discussion on the nature and
potential of zoos) - Interreg invitation
42John Regan Associates
- Johnreganassociates.com
- John_at_johnreganassociates.com
- 00 44 (0)161 434 1618