Title: Event Filter studies
1Event Filter studies
- Giovanni Siragusa
- INFN-Univ. of Lecce
- for the TrigMoore Working Group
PESA Performance and Validation November 27, 2006
- Software status
- Samples and releases
- Performance studies to validate samples and
reconstruction suite - Resolutions
- Efficiencies
- Consistency checks
- Summary and plans
3Software status
- Vertical slice configured for trigger menus at
900GeV in addition to standard configuration - RoI dimension can be increased according to
b-physics requirements - AAntuple ready and working (presently under test)
- For the first time TrigMoore uses RoiDescriptor
in the endcaps when phi and eta are not given by
the MuonFeature - AOD and ESD are produced on an event basis
- as soon as possible (in 12.0.4?) they will allow
rerunning of the Steering (HypoAlgos) via key2key
4Samples and Releases
Single muon pT 8, 20 GeV/c CSC production with
Athena 11.0.42 (Napoli Tier2 CERN) DC3-02
Layout Top events /castor/cern.ch/atlas/csc/valip
- Reconstruction with Athena 12.0.X, TrigMoore
seeded by LVL2 result available over barrel
endcaps - Moore for MS track reconstruction.
- MuId StandAlone for MS track extrapolation.
(Parametrization of dE/dx in the calorimeters) - MuId Combined for MS and ID tracks matching.
- The Event Filter is now, for the first time,
seeded by MuComb (last step of LVL2 combining MS
and ID tracks). Efficiencies wrt LVL2 are now
intended wrt MuComb (and not muFast). - Hypo Algos running by default at LVL2 and EF
Preliminary results low statistics, many fixes
are on going
5pT rec / pT gen
- Red MuidSA, for tracks successfully fitted
- Pink MuidCB, for tracks successfully fitted
No relevant bias within statistical errors
s(pT)/pT vs h
pT20 GeV
Compatible with release 12.0.3 results, more
statistics should be run for clearer evidence
6Muid pT resolutions
pT20 GeV
pT8 GeV
Completely compatible with release 12.0.3 results
7pT resolution vs pT
h lt 2.5
Release 12.0.3
Combined reconstruction by MuidCB (including
Inner Detector) improves reconstruction
performance by MuidSA (Muon Spectrometer only).
8Moore-Muid Efficiency
Efficiency are defined wrt LVL2
pT20 GeV
9Summary of efficiencies
Efficiencies as expected Problems with
MuidCombined efficiency in 12.0.3 disappeared
10Consistency checks
- Muon slice works smoothly on top events
- /castor/cern.ch/grid/atlas/dq2/calib1_csc11//calib
12000301_tid003123._00002.pool.root - Produced AOD, ESD and CBNT ntuple.
- Quick checks were done on 100 events
11Consistency checks-2
if pTtrue gt10 GeV
if pTtrue gt4 GeV
if pTtrue gt20 GeV
12Short-medium term plans/involvements
- Muon EF for cosmics As soon as the Trigmoore
migration in the new EDM will be completed, the
Lecce group working on Muon EF will provide and
test a specific implementation of Trigmoore for
cosmic muons by adapting in the Trigmoore
environment the offline (new EDM) package Modular
MuonReconstruction for cosmics (Nikhef)Muon
Data validation for CSC Data sets SW release
validation (e.g. nightly tests) on single muons
and physics samples (Z-gt??, H-gt4?). G. Siragusa
appointed in the Lecce group to implement the
tools and perform the job. Preliminary discussion
on work organization/suggestions from M. Wielers,
responsible of Electron data validation. Data
quality monitoringData quality assessment and
establishing for EF muons (contact people in
Lecce M. Primavera). Preliminary discussions
with R. McPherson on organization, infrastructure
needed, etc.