Title: Lecture 2b Introductory Case Studies
1Lecture 2bIntroductory Case Studies
CSCE 742 Software Architectures
- Topics
- Architectural Styles
- Key Word In Context (KWIC)
- Other Cases Studies
- Evolution of Software Engineering
May 10, 2017
- Last Time
- What is Software Architecture?
- What do you already know?
- Architectural styles
- On last Times Slides(what we didnt get to)
- KWIC case study
- New
- Other Case studies
- What do you know?
- What is the waterfall Model?
- What is the spiral model?
3Architectural Styles
- Plan for 2017 Highlights (skip lots of slides)
- Slides left off Lecture 01
- Parnas Keyword in Context (5-8)
- Layered again 26
- Compiler views (31-32)
- Rule-based Systems (36-37)
- Software as a Service(SaaS) (40-43)
- Dataflow Systems
- Batch- sequential
- Pipes and filters
- Call-and-Return Systems
- Main program and subroutine
- OO systems
- Hierarchical layered systems
- Independent Components
- Communicating processes
- Event driven systems
- Machines
- Interpreters
- Rule-based systems
- Repositories - Data-centered systems
- Databases
- Hypertext Systems
- Blackboards
4Architectural Case Studies
- Key word in context
- Instrumentation Software
- Compilers
- Layered Design with Different Styles for the
Layers - Interpreter using Different Idioms for Components
- A Blackboard
5Case Study Key word in context
- In 1972, Parnas proposed the following problem
KWIC - The KWIC Key Word in Context index system
- Accepts an ordered set of lines, each line is an
ordered set of words, and each word is an ordered
set of characters. - Any line may be circularly shifted'' by
repeatedly removing the first word and appending
it at the end of the line. - The KWIC index system outputs a listing of all
circular shifts of all lines in alphabetical
order. - Reference On the Criteria for Decomposing
Systems into Modules, David Parnas. CACM, 1972 - http//www-2.cs.cmu.edu/People/ModProb/KWIC.html
6Who is David Parnas anyway?
- He is an ACM Fellow and a leader in the
development of the field of Software engineering. - http//www.acm.org/sigs/sigsoft/SEN/parnas.html
- First work experience in industry (1969) led him
to realize that the company was breaking things
up into modules incorrectly thus leading to
greater complexity
7Case Study Key word in context
- Example SC Clerk of Courts (1985 project)
- One line
- Assault and battery with intent to kill
- Permuted yields
- Assault and battery with intent to kill.
- and battery with intent to kill. Assault
- battery with intent to kill. Assault and
- with intent to kill. Assault and battery
- intent to kill. Assault and battery with
- to kill. Assault and battery with intent
- kill. Assault and battery with intent to
- Then sorted yields
- and battery with intent to kill. Assault
- Assault and battery with intent to kill.
- battery with intent to kill. Assault and
So assault and battery could be found by
looking up either keyword assault or battery
8Case Study Decomposition in KWIC
- Parnas used the problem to contrast different
criteria for decomposing a system into modules - Functional decomposition with shared access to
data representations, and - A decomposition that hides design decisions.
- Examples permuted index of the Unix man
- ptx lt input_file
- in most states, an assault/battery is
committed when - /a more serious or "aggravated"
assault/battery occurs when one/ - /("tort") cases involving assault
and battery, visit the/ - /distinct elements. In short, an assault
is an attempt or threat to/ - /.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/
9KWIC Design Considerations
- Changes in algorithm
- Changes in data representation
- Have the system eliminate circular shifts that
start with certain noise words (such as "a",
"an", "and", etc.). - Make the system interactive, and allow the user
to delete lines from the lists. - Finally, considering differences in architectural
solutions based on considerations of certain
10KWIC Software Arch. Considerations
- Finally, considering differences in architectural
solutions based on considerations of - Changes in processing algorithm
- Changes in data representation
- Enhancement to system function
- Performance Both space and time.
- Reuse To what extent can the components serve as
reusable entities.
11Architectural Approaches to KWIC
- Solution 1 Main Program/Subroutine with Shared
Data - Solution 2 Abstract Data Types
- Solution 3 Implicit Invocation
- Solution 4 Pipes and Filters
- The first two of these were from Parnas 1972
- Solution 3 was from Garlan, Kaiser and Notkin
1992 - Solution 4 inspired by Unix command.
12KWIC Main Program/Subroutine with Shared Data
13KWIC Main / Subroutine
- Notes
- Data is shared, common storage. This is and
- Serious drawbacks
- Changes in data storage format affects all
modules - Changes in algorithm not well supported
- Enhancements not easily encorporated
- Not supportive of reuse
14KWIC Abstract Data Types
15KWIC Abstract Data Types
- Notes
- Could be called object-oriented (Parnas 1972)
- Data not accessed directly, but through accessor
functions - More easily modified than solution 1
- Data
- Algorithm
- Reuse better supported because modules make fewer
assumptions about other modules.
16KWIC Implicit Invocation
17KWIC Implicit Invocation
- Notes
- Shared data similar to solution 1.
- Two differences in access model
- Data accessed abstractly i.e., as a list, or
set - Computations are implicitly invoked an Active
data model - E.g., Adding a line causes an event to be sent to
the line shift module - Because data is accessed abstractly changes in
storage format can be localized - Supports functional enhancements
- New modules easily added by registering the data
events that should caused them to be invoked - On the negative side it is difficult to control
computation order.
18KWIC Pipes and Filters
19KWIC Pipe and Filters
- Notes
- Inspired by the old UNIX permuted index
- Cat data permuteLines sort
20KWIC Comparison
21KWIC Comparison
- Notes
- Shared Data
- Not good at change in data or algorithm
efficient - ADT/OO
- Good at change in data and in reuse efficient
also - Implicit Invocation
- Good at change in algorithm just register the
new functions - Pipe and Filter
- Good at reuse and change in algorithm,
modularity however stuck with lowest level data
transmission involving reparsing overhead
22Case Studies
- Key word in context
- Instrumentation Software
- Compilers
- Layered Design with Different Styles for the
Layers - Interpreter using Different Idioms for Components
- A Blackboard
23Case Study Instrumentation Software
- Software architecture developed at Tektronix to
develop a reusable system architecture for
oscilloscopes. - What is an oscilloscope?
- Once simple analog device, now complex digital
technology with complex software. - Problems faced by Tektronix
- Little reuse of software across different
products - Both hardware and interface requirements were
rapidly changing - Performance problems increasing because of
configuration limitations - Goal Develop new architecture for oscilloscopes
24Instrumentation Software OO Model
- Focused on producing object-oriented model of the
domain - This produced a good model of the data involved
Oscilloscope Object
Max-min Wvfm
X-Y Wvfm
Accumulate Wvfm
25Instrum. Software OO Model Limitations
- No overall model of how the types fit together
- Led to confusion about partitioning the
functionality - Should measurements be associated with data type
of what is being measured? Or represented
externally - Which objects should the interface interact with?
26Instrum. Software A Layered Model
User Interface
27Instrum. Software A Layered Model
- This model was intuitively appealing since it
partitioned up the functionality into well
defined groups. - However, wrong model
- main problem was that the boundaries of
abstraction enforced by the layers conflict with
what was really needed. - user interactions with the visualizations but
real oscilloscopes must interact at several levels
28Instrum. Software Pipe and Filter Model
Couple condition the signal Acquire derive
digitized waveforms To-XY - display Clip clip
images to display Trigger Subsystem -
Measure Main Problem How should user interact
with the system?
29Instrum. Soft Modified Pipe and Filter Model
- Notes
- Performance problems waveforms are large
copying is expensive - Different speed of the different filters
- Solution several types colors of pipes one
copies, one doesnt - Speed handled by pipelining
30Traditional Compiler
- Lexical analysis
- Syntax Analysis
- Semantic Analysis
- Optimization
- Code Generation
- Modified with globally accessible symbol table
31Modern Compiler
32Canonical Compiler Revisited
33Layered Design with Different Styles
- PROVOX system designed by Fisher Controls
- Level 1 Process measurement
- Level 2 Process supervision monitoring and
controlling level 1 - Level 3 Process management plant automation,
management reports, optimization strategies - Level 4 Plant Management interactions cost
accounting, inventory - Level 5 Corporation Management Order
34Layered Design with Different Styles
35Layered Design with Different Styles
- Levels 1-3 were Object-oriented
- Levels 4 and 5 were primarily respository
(database) models
36Rule Based Systems
37Blackboard model Hearsay II (speech processing)
38Evolution of Software Engineering
- What is engineering?
- Phrases in answers
- Creating cost-effective solutions
- to practical problems
- by applying scientific knowledge
- building things
- in the service of mankind
- Applied science for practical problems
39Traditional Engineering
- Design experience built up over the years
- Key design parameters abstracted from problems
- Design problem formalized
- Knowledge codified
- Handbooks of Design
- Well there are no handbooks of design for
software. - There are algorithms and libraries and now class
libraries, but these are components.
40Cloud computing Software as a service
42SaaS vs PaaS vs IaaS
43Evolution of an Engineering Discipline