Muon Event Filter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Muon Event Filter


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Muon Event Filter

Muon Event Filter
  • Stefania Spagnolo
  • Dip. Fisica, Univ. Lecce e Sezione INFN, Lecce
  • on behalf of
  • the Muon HLT working group

  • Brief reminder
  • the requirements the implementation the studies
    so far
  • Status of the TrigMoore package
  • Performance on recent releases (focus on the
    End-Cap region)
  • resolution and efficiency
  • Trigger rates at the EF vs threshold
  • Plans
  • sw developments and physics studies

Brief reminder
  • Physics and system Requirements
  • EF must reduce the total data throughput to 200
  • EF total latency 1-2 s
  • PT reach of the lvl1 muon trigger ? 5 GeV/c
    (lower limit)
  • Muon rate is dominated, at low pt, by decays in
    flight of light mesons, b and c quarks
  • LVL1 muon rate for pT gt 6GeV ? 25 kHz _at_ 1033
  • Cavern background and pileup at high luminosity
    are a source of fake muons
  • Physics needs high efficiency and selectivity,
    flexibility in order to cope with different
    background scenarios
  • The implementation
  • TrigMoore an interface to the HLT Steering for
    the offline muon reconstruction algorithms MOORE
    and MuId

Brief reminder
TrigMoore a schematic view
Thanks to the ID tracking group particularly to
Alan Poppleton (iPatRec default ID reco)
LVL2 (muFast)
  • Two different running modes
  • Seeded
  • Reconstruction performed only in the geometrical
    regions provided by the RoIs of previous levels.
  • Full scan
  • Full reconstruction, equivalent to the offline
    working mode

Seeding Algs
Moore Algs
Hypo Alg
MuIdStandAlone Algs
Hypo Alg
Full functionality in barrel and end-caps
MuIdCombined Algs
Seed can come from LVL1 or LVL2
Hypo Alg
ESD and AOD from the muon EF available
Brief reminder
  • Status at the last TP week
  • from the side of the algorithm
  • TrigMooreHypo first implementation
  • developments for muon EF output in ESD and AOD
    validated by comparing TrigMoore AOD with Moore
    AOD in the same job (11.0.5)
  • (slightly out of the scope of HLT) MuId migrated
    to use as input the generic track object
    TrkTrack Allows to choose among different
    reconstruction algorithms in the ID
  • From the side of the performance
  • timing measurements on single muons with pile-up
    and nominal cavern background (400 ms average,
    500 ms RMS) room for improvement !
  • trigger rates estimated in the BARREL shown at
    the March TP week (on Rome-workshop data)
    confirmed by with more recent simulation samples
    and software suite
  • studies of fakes at high luminosity

Status of the TrigMoore package
Status of the TrigMoore package
in 12.0.3
  • Seeding Algorithms assume the seed is a
    MuonFeature (from muFast _at_ LVL2) or a LVL1 roi
    (seed from LVL1)
  • 3 istances of TrigMoore called by the steering,
    for reconstruction in the MS, extrapolation to
    the IP and combination with ID tracks, allow hypo
    algos to be run at each step (if requested)
  • TrigMoore records in the TE history a
    MooTrackContainer or a MuidTrackContainer for
    each seeding ROI and they are accessed by
    TrigMooreHypo for pT test
  • TrigMoore records all reconstructed tracks in the
    event in a single container in StoreGate for
    conversion in TrkTrack format and subsequent
    output in ESD and AOD

Seeding Algs
Moore Algs
MuIdStandAlone Algs
MuIdCombined Algs
Status of the TrigMoore package
  • Seeding Algorithms assume the seed is a
    MuonFeature (from muFast _at_ LVL2) or a LVL1 roi
    (seed from LVL1)
  • 3 istances of TrigMoore called by the steering,
    for reconstruction in the MS, extrapolation to
    the IP and combination with ID tracks, allow hypo
    algos to be run at each step (if requested)
  • TrigMoore records in the TE history a
    MooTrackContainer or a MuidTrackContainer for
    each seeding ROI and they are accessed by
    TrigMooreHypo for pT test
  • TrigMoore records all reconstructed tracks in the
    event in a single container in StoreGate for
    conversion in TrkTrack format and subsequent
    output in ESD and AOD

a problem for the integration in the online
not very flexible for 13.0.0 will separate into
3 packages
Trigger Aware analyses can use the muon EF
result by looking at the AOD/ESD content but
cannot run the hypothesis algos on AOD
Status of the TrigMoore package
  • First use of the TrigRoIDescriptor
  • for the online integration and for running more
    general sequences (seed can come from whatever
    LVL2 HLT algorithm)
  • new tag (TrigMoore-00-00-68) collected in 12.0.X
    and 12.0.3-LST
  • Allow running the hypothesis algorithm on AOD
    will be in 12.0.4
  • Convert Moo(Muid)Tracks into TrkTrack for each
    ROI and assign KEY2KEY to each of them in order
    to allow navigability
  • Change input toTrigMooreHypo (to Containers of
  • Ongoing work to increase modularity
  • well have 3 HLTalgos instead of 3 instances of
    TrigMoore by 13.0.0
  • Online integration
  • problem in the retrieving of L2Result information
    from ByteStream solved with the use of the
  • jobOptions for the online
  • works fine in the offline  tested in the online
    (athenaPT)  OK
  • Event Filter seeded by LVL1    under test
  • Also preliminary check for pre-series tests OK
  • next week the Large Scale Test will start
    TrigMoore there !

Performance on recent releases
Performance on recent releases
The Sample Single muons with fixed pT between 2
and 75 GeV/c CSC production with Athena 11.0.42
(Napoli Tier2 CERN) Muon Layout Q02
Reconstruction in Athena 12.0.3, TrigMoore seeded
by LVL1 skip LVL2 in order to test EF
coherently in barrel and endcaps
No relevant bias within statistical errors
Check pT rec / pT gen vs h MEAN (of a gaussian
fit) shows reconstruction biasesSIGMA gives
relative pT resolution
  • Blue MOORE, for tracks with c2 lt3
  • Red MuidSA, for tracks successfully fitted
  • Pink MuidCB, for tracks successfully fitted

Pretty stable with pT
Performance on recent releases
Relative pT resolution as a function of h from
Expected trend observed degraded resolution in
the transition region between the barrel and
endcap toroidal fields
  • s(pT)/pT vs h

s(pT)/pT vs h
pT 8 GeV/c
pT 40 GeV/c
Performance on recent releases
pT 8 GeV/c
Relative pT resolution as a function of pT from
stable compared to results in previous releases
pT 8 GeV/c
pT 8 GeV/c
Moore Efficiency
Performance on recent releases
Efficiencies are defined wrt LVL1 accepted muons
edge at h 2.4
inefficiencies in the feet region
Efficiency vs pT
Performance on recent releases
Moore, MuidSA OK Unexpected efficiency loss (5)
of MuidCB compared to MuidSA similar behaviour
in the offline package (efficiency wrt MC-truth)
Under investigation - tighter cuts in the
machting account for 2 eff. loss - no
obvious trend with h and f - what else ? plan to
fix by 12.0.4
  • Blue MOORE, for tracks with c2 lt3
  • Red MuidSA, for tracks successfully fitted
  • Pink MuidCB, for tracks successfully fitted

Trigger Rates
Trigger Rates
  • Rates at the EF can be estimated by folding cross
    sections with
  • Efficiency of LVL1 for a given pT threshold
  • Efficiency of LVL2 w.r.t. LVL1 seed (skipped,
    i.e. e 1)
  • Efficiency of EF w.r.t. seeding algo (LVL1 in
    this study)

deserve detailed study
The effect of skipping the LVL2 selection step
test in the barrel rates LVL1EF increase by
?10 for mu(6) with respect to LVL1LVL2EF
?30 for mu(20)
Trigger rates
First exercise to look at rates at pT thresholds
different than the typical scenarios 6 and 20
Luminosity set to 1033 cm-2s-1
efficiencies for LVL1 from F. Conventi for 6,
8, 10 GeV/c (in good agreement with our
estimates) our estimates for 11, 20, 40 GeV/c
Typical scenarios mu(6) 3.0 kHz mu(20) 25
Trigger rates
First exercise to look at rates at the EF in the
END CAPS and vs pT thresholds
Luminosity set to 1033 cm-2s-1
Efficiencies for LVL1 from our estimate maybe
slightly inaccurate for the known bugs in
TGCCabling expected effects at EF lt10
Typical scenarios mu(6) 3.1 kHz mu(20) 27
Barrel EndCap EF Rate _at_ 1033 cm-2s-1
mu(6) 6.1 kHz mu(20) 52 Hz
Trigger Rates
Rate for mu(5) at the EF in the barrel use LVL1
efficiency for the barrel with the trigger
re-configured to have 5GeV/c as lowest threshold
Luminosity set to 1033 cm-2s-1
Muon sources 5 GeV/c threshold kHz 6 GeV/c threshold kHz
?/K 5.0 1.9
b 1.2 0.67
c 0.65 0.34
W 0.003 0.003
t negligible negligible
Total 6.9 kHz 3.0 kHz
  • TrigMoore provides the requested functionality of
    the muon EF
  • from the sw architecture point of view
    (increasing modularity, compliant with trigger
    aware analysis needs)
  • plan to follow up the successful Moore migration
    to the new EDM
  • from the physics performance point of view (but
    room for refinements exists !)
  • First exercise to provide rates vs threshold
    input for the definition of trigger menus
  • integrate the LVL2 (standalone and combined) in
    the chain
  • Plans
  • revise studies with cavern background and pile-up
  • revise studies of rejection of muons from p/K
  • dedicated CSC simulations requested
  • pursue timing optimization
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