Title: Representation of Global Earth Models
1Representation of Global Earth Models
- Interoperability, efficiency and prediction
Bill Menke Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- Being able to use someone elses model in a
quantitative way
3Goalproviding the right information to make
your model interoperable
4even simple, well known issuescan cause
substantialinteroperability problemsheres an
5the world is not a sphere .
to center
north pole, Z
(X,Y,Z) Earth-Centered, Earth Fixed Cartesian
Geographical latitude f not equal to geocentric
latitude q Down not the same as direction to
6Recommendation ECEF Coordinates
- You should always specify know to translate from
what ever coordinate system that youre using to
earth-centered, earth- fixed (ECEF) Cartesian
coordinates, (X,Y,Z) - (0,0,0) at center of mass
- 0,0,1 points geographic north
- 1,0,0 points to intersection of equator
- and prime meridian
- And you should describe how to do it for any
models that you publish or make widely available -
7Example formula for converting geodetic
coordinates to EDEF
8ellipticity correction 0.5sover continental
9issues associated with ellipticity
- Broad consensus to use geodetic lat, lons
- But what datum (model for earths shape)?
- GPS satellite system WGS-84
- hundreds of others in use
- Might effect
- station locations
- event locations
- registration of regional tomographic results
with - rest of world
10positioning errors of a few hundred meters are
possible from using wrong datum significant in
earthquake location somewhat significant in
global tomography
11issues associated with ellipticity
- 2. How is depth defined? A problem here
- geodetic height at a point is the distance from
the reference ellipsoid to the point in a
direction normal to the ellipsoid - so height is parallel to local up/down, which
makes intuitive sense
12Oops! depth defined this way misses the center
of the earth
to center
Yet if you define depth as straight-line distance
to the earths center, then geographic (lat, lon)
varies along that line.
13issues associated with ellipticity
- 3. How so you ellipsify a radial model of earth
structure? You need to know how ellipticity
varies with depth. - Kennett, B., Seismological Tables AK135
- ellipticity coefficients were made for the
iasp91 model using the algorithms presented by
Doornbos (1988) with the density distribution
from PEMC model of Dziewonski et al (1975) and
the assumption that the ellipticity is nearly
hydrostatic - OK So how do I figure out what ellipticity vs.
depth function Kennett used? I need to know e(r)!
Why different?
14issues associated with ellipticity
- 4. What is meant by a traveltime observation?
- A. Traveltime
- B. Traveltime corrected for somebodys
- model of ellipticity
- I suspect that the reference to iasp91 in the
AK135 Tables means that traveltime data were
de-ellipsified using before being used
- Good
- Model prediction correction observed data
- Bad
- Model prediction observed data correction
- bad because it tempts you to publish data that
have been corrected in some not-very-obvious
way. - corrections ellipticity, station elevation,
16Case Study 1 of Interoperabiltycomparing
continental scale models of P and S
velocityInteroperabilty includes having enough
information to understand the comparison
17P velocity Phillips (2007) isotropic
model database of traveltimes 0.5?x0.5? grid,
registered on 0?, ½? 50 km depthS velocity
Nettles Dziewonski (2007) Voigt average of
anisotropic model Love Rayleigh
waveforms 0.5?x0.5? grid, registered on ¼?,
¾? 50 km depth
Heres the biggest problem
18My solution interpolate S to 0?, ½? registration
using bicubic splines
- Irony is that I know Nettles Dziewonski (2007)
model was based on spherical splines, so exact
values at desired registration were
theoretically available. - Error probably small, since grid appears to be
oversampled, but its hard to be sure.
1913 slope
20Clearly some systematicdisagreement in location
western edge of cratonwhat would we need to
know to understand it ?
21theres a ratherlot of scatter
arounddVs/dVp?3expected fromeffect of
temperaturewhat would we need to know to
understand it ?
22Case Study 2 of Interoperabiltyhow well does
surface wave derived shear velocity model predict
S-wave traveltimes?
23Shear velocity Nettles Dziewonski
(2007) Voigt average of anisotropic model Love
Rayleigh waveforms Crust 2.0 crust included in
inversion but not given 50 km depth intervals
given form mantle 0.5?x0.5? grid, registered on
¼?, ¾?Traveltime calculation 3D model with 0?,
½ ? registration, 50 km depth slices raytracing
by shooting in model with tetrahedral
splines Crust2.0 crust on top of Nettles
Dziewonski (2007) mantleS-wave
Traveltimes Database of North America Regional
Earthquake Traveltimes provided by W-Y Kim
(personal communication) and where did he get
the corresponding event locations?
24Map of ray exit points
Western NA
Arrivals from Transition zone
25Another Oops (but for a different reason) The
surface wave model has negative lithospheric
velocity gradient over most of North America So
there are no S-wave rays turning in the
26This problem is not limited to Nettles and
Dziewonskis (2007) North America model.
Kutowskis (2007) Eurasian model has regions with
strong negative velocity gradients, too.
27The Nettles and Dziewonski (2007) model and body
wave travel times are inherently
interoperable Why, we dont know maybe Earth
looks different at very long periods or S-arrivals
are not real rays (Thybo Perchuc, 1997) About
the best that one can do is to use it to
motivate the construction of a model that would
be useful for body waves
28Example of motivating the construction Nettles
Dziewonski (2007) Vs-voigt at 50 km depth,
scaled to Vp, and used to tweak velocity up
down uniformly through-out an ak135 lithosphere
Travetime residuals predicted by model
Traveltime residuals observed for Gnome explosion
29many different model representations
- spherical harmonics
- voxels
- splines, with varying
- arrangement of nodes
- interpolant
- etc.
30How should models be convertedbetween
- Guiding principle
- a model is a way of summarizing the data
- therefore
- the conversion should try to
- reproduce an idealized version of the data
- used to create the model
- idealized in the sense that one might not know
exactly what data were used to create the model
The figure at the left shows a hypothetical
layer cake crustal model. Many such models have
been published on the basis of active-source
seismic refraction surveys. Suppose that we want
to switch to a representation that uses linear
splines. We use as the guiding principle that
the layer-cake model probably fits the first
arrival traveltime data well, in the distance
range of a typical refraction experiment (say 200
32calculated from simple formula
Traveltime Prediction
Layer Cake Model
33grey tts from linear spline model
calculated from inversion
solid tts from layer-cake model
Comparison of layer-cake and linear spline models
Traveltime observations and predictions
The fit to the data is excellent, r.m.s.100
ms, even with the crust being represented with
only two linear splines. The down-side is that
an inverse problem needed to be solved to
computer the new model representation.
- Model representations always be converted to
preserve idealized data, - Even though this requires solving an inverse
problem - However, the in hard cases the sense of
idealization can be broadened to include
preserving quantities that are merely
data-like, rather than exactly data.
35- Example traveltime data
- traveltime-like data integrals of slowness
along a suite of ray paths, whose shape is itself
determined by the model - traveltime-like data integrals of slowness
along a suite of prescribed curves that look
something like ray paths
36efficiency and prediction accuracy
- Some of my experiences with a
- ray-based traveltime tomography - earthquake
location algorithm - that uses a 3D model representation based upon
linear tetrahedral splines
37Choice of linear splines and tetrahedra motivated
by efficiency
38Advantages of tetrahedral models
- Ray paths known function (arc of circle) within
tetrahedron - Important ray integrals can be performed
analytically, e.g. traveltime, T
Where v is velocity, g is its gradient and
39Disadvantages of linear tetrahedral models
- Curved surface of approximated as surface of
polyhedron (but ½ ? node spacing gives reasonably
accurate 100 ms - traveltime). - Velocity gradient discontinuous between
tetrahedra (makes geometrical amplitudes rather
rough) - Not obvious how to generalize method to
anisotropic earth models
40 41Curved interface approximated as surface of
Low Velocity Zone (LVZ)
Slice through a 3D model represented with linear
tetrahedral splines
42Some sample ray paths
43Fan array in next slide
rays loop in LVZ
Moho triplication
upper crustal triplication
Map view of ray exit points for source at
44Traveltime plot for fan array geometry
traveltime, s
LVZ reverberations
delayed by LVZ
Fan array Y-distance
45Efficiency issues
- Given an irregular tetrahedral grid ..
- 1. How do you figure out whether
- a given (x,y,z) point is in a given tetrahedron
? - 2. How do you figure out which
- tetrahedron a given (x,y,z) point is in ?
46- 1. Is point in a given tetrahedron? Yes or No
- Its is
- if for each of the 4 faces of the tetrahedron
- it is on the same side of the face
- as the excluded vertex of the face
This ones not
One of the 4 faces
Its excluded vertex
Three of the four vertices of the tetrahedron
define a face. The fourth vertex is the
excluded vertex.
This point is on the same side as the excluded
47- The inside/outside test needs to be very
efficient, because it is used so often - Thus information needed to perform it (e.g. the
outward pointing normal of each face) needs to be
pre-computed and stored.
48- 2. Which tetrahedron is a given (x,y,z) point in
? - The probability is overwhelmingly high that its
in the same tetrahedron as the last point that
you focused upon - because most operations are spatially localized
- An if not, then its probably in a tetrahedron
that is close-by
49- Finding the tetrahedron by walking toward it
current point
test point
New point
Always move to tetrahedron adjacent to face with
outward pointing normal is most parallel to the
line connecting test point and new point
vector connecting old and new points
50- Deciding which tetrahedron is adjacent to a given
face of a given tetrahedron needs to be very
efficient, because it is used so often - Thus adjacency (nearest 4 neighbors) information
needed needs to be pre-computed and stored.
51ECEF Cartesian Hash Table can be used to
facilitate finding tetrahedron that encloses a
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5
Point is in Hash Cell (5,5,0) which overlaps 5
tetrahedra 16, 19, 20, 21, 26
52Station-specific 3D Traveltime Tables that allow
multiple arrivals
Rays shot at suite of angles from station
53Ray tubes with traveltime increments tabulated
And hashed onto underlying tetrahedral model
54Multiple ray tubes allowed
Point ? tetrahedra ? ray tubes overlapping this
tetrahedron ? walk each ray tube to find segment
inclosing point
55Some Closing Remarks
- Growing need to use each others models in
quantitative ways - Other people to be able to understand your model
representation in considerable detail - Many subtle issues related to model
representation make interoperability difficult - Models are not as interoperable as they might
seem, for reasons that go beyond mere differences
in representation
57Conversion between Representations
- Conversions should try to preserve the original
predictions of a model, not merely the model
itself. - Conversion process should match idealized data, a
process that itself requires inversion, not
merely resampling. - Which means that the authors need to state what
data are being fit and how well by their
58Efficiency and Accuracy
- Accuracy includes how well model fits earth
features, not just how well quantities are
computed in that model. - Efficiency trades of with generality.
- Computation efficiency can be enhanced by clever
choices of pre-computed information (e.g. hash
tables) but trades off with storage efficiency.