Title: Key-points about the Mozambique One UN Fund experience
1Key-points about theMozambique One UN Fund
RCO Mozambique
- Alberto Musatti RCO Mozambique
Maputo, May 12 2009
RCO Mozambique
- Background and timeline
- One Fund
- Purposes
- Set-up and main characteristics
- The demand side funds requirements
- (JPs actors and mechanisms)
- The supply side release of funds
- Mobilized resources (30 April 2009)
- The 1st allocation
- Further allocations mechanisms
- Final considerations
3DaO Mozambique background and timeline
RCO Mozambique
- 2006 lt-
- Early 2007
- -gt2007
- 2007/2008
- 2008
3rd UNDAF (2007/09 under extension, to cover
2010 and 2011 built on the countrys PRSP PARPA
II (assumed as CCA)
Designation as 1/8 Pilot country
One UN Operational Plan, including the One
The Joint Programmes that constitutes the One
Programme are prepared completed (11)
The Change Management project is developed and
4Mozambique One UN Fund
RCO Mozambique
From the One UN Operational Plan A Delivering
as One UN Fund will be established with a
two-fold objective (a) Bridging the funding gap
in joint programmes to support the coherent
resource mobilization, allocation and
disbursement of donor resources to the joint
programmes () and (b) Supporting the change
management process to provide support to
specific Change Management initiatives ()
5Mozambique One UN Fund
RCO Mozambique
Pass-through modality
Through the UNDP MDTF
UNDP as Administrative Agent (AA)
With signed LoA between the AA and donors
With signed MoU between the AA and UN
participating agencies
Resource mobilization
Through a joint resource mobilization strategy,
developed and supported by the UNCT (including
the RC, as One Leader) to strategically leverage
6Mozambique One UN Fund
The demand side funds requirements
RCO Mozambique
1. (Change Management Project and) JPs that meet
the "readiness criteria are approved for funding
- Finalized Joint Programme Document
- Results Framework
- Monitoring and evaluation plan
- Annual Workplan
- Annual Performance Benchmarks
7Mozambique One UN Fund
JPs actors and mechanisms ()
RCO Mozambique
UN organizations
with a convening agencies
(Submit a JP proposal to)
Relevant Governments counterparts
(if needs improvements)
(Submit a revised JP proposal to)
(if needs improvements)
(if needs improvements)
Competent Ministries
(Submit a final JP proposal to)
Joint Steering Committee
JPs approved
JPs were requested to be at least 1/3 funded,
with agencies resources
8Mozambique One UN Fund
The demand side funds requirements
RCO Mozambique
2. The approved JP can apply for funds to the
nearest allocation window
- Two allocation windows open yearly
- 1st January
- 1st July
3. With an amount proportionate to the unfunded
part of the total requirements
4. According to the JP AWP for the period
9Mozambique One UN Fund
The supply side release of funds
RCO Mozambique
1. At the opening of an allocation window, the
available funds are secured in a proportion of
the total requirements (on a pro-rata basis)
Total requirements (JPs ABC) JP A requires JP B
requires JP C requires
1.000 100 (10) 300 (30) 600 (60)
Resources available 800 (80) JP A funds
allocated 10 800 80 (80) JP B funds
allocated 30 800 240 (80) JP C funds
allocated 60 800 360 (80)
2. PMT approves, submit to UNCT. UNCT approves,
submit to the Joint Steering Committee that
endorses and authorizes the payments
3. UNDP as Administrative Agent (AA) receives the
payment orders, aggregates the amounts per
agencies and disburse the funds
10Mozambique One UN Fund
Further allocations
RCO Mozambique
11Mozambique One UN Fund
the 1st allocation
JP/Pillar Participating UN Organizations Joint Programme Title Total Approved
1 JP1 Pillar 1 UNICEF, UNDP, ILO, UNESCO, UNIFEM Building capacity of civil society organizations, including communication for development 1,231,043
2 JP2 Pillar 1 WHO, UNDP, ILO, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNIDO, FAO, UNIFEM Womens empowerment and gender equality 1,574,355
3 JP3 Pillar 1 WHO, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNCDF, FAO, IFAD, UNIFEM, UN-HABITAT Support to decentralization and integrated local development 1,624,847
4 JP1- Pillar 2 UNICEF, ILO, WFP Ensure the most vulnerable populations have access to a social safety net 1,750,582
5 JP Pillar 2 WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, FAO, WFP, UN-HABITAT, IOM Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Response 2,384,042
6 JP1- Pillar 3 WHO, UNAIDS, UNDP, ILO, UNESCO, UNFPA HIV joint programme on HIV AIDS response in Mozambique 1,578,668
7 JP1 Pillar 4 UNDP, ILO, UNESCO, UNIDO, UNCDF, FAO, UNHCR Promotion of youth employment 2,441,345
8 JP2 Pillar 4 FAO, IFAD, WFP Building commodity chains and market linkage for farmers associations 427,676
Total Approved JPs 14,484,514
12Mozambique One UN Fund
Further allocations performance-based
RCO Mozambique
Following the initial allocation and every 6
1. If progress is deemed "satisfactory" then the
JP qualifies for an additional allocation
(formula same as initial allocation)
SATISFACTORY The JP has reached 70 of delivery
(in financial utilization against the AWP Â JPs
that have a delivery rate of between 50 to 70
will be cautioned to increase the speed of
implementation and delivery of results, following
which they will be closely scrutinized for
subsequent allocations.
2. If progress is deemed unsatisfactory (under
50 ), the JP will be advised that subsequent
allocations of funds may be restricted should
implementation not improve in all components of
the Joint Programme.
 With full utilization and overall achievement of
annual targets for this category of Joint
Programmes by the end of twelve months of
implementation, and subject to a satisfactory
rating, the Joint Programme will be eligible to
apply for additional funds for the second year of
implementation. Should the Joint Programme
continue to have implementation difficulties
resulting in unspent allocations at the year
end, the UNCT may request reallocation of funds
within the Joint Programme or return of unspent
balances to the One UN Fund for allocation to
other well performing Joint Programmes.
13Mozambique One UN Fund
Final considerations
RCO Mozambique
With an MDTF
agencies can concentrate on implementation
- implementation rate may suffer of the reduced
funds predictability
increased programme visibility added value
for small agencies, that have scarce
administrative capacity
Some figures
Approx. amount
A B C D D1 D2
JPs financial requirements Initial funding
gap Funding gap covered Funds already
distributed To Change Management To JPs
(initial all.)
US 113 million US 52 million US 20 million
(4) US 1.5 million US 13 million
46 of A 45 of B 90 24 of B 80 of the
14Mozambique One UN Fund
Final considerations
RCO Mozambique
1. All 8 JPs were deemed satisfactory after the
first 6 months and admitted to apply for the
second allocation window
2. 2nd allocation in March 2009 for approx. US
7 million, approved by the UNCT and pending the
Steering Committee endorsement
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