Title: Treatment of Psychological Disorders
1Treatment of Psychological Disorders
2Objective of Therapy
To alter the clients behavior, thoughts, and/or
A little bit of History
-In early societys a process called trephining
was used to let harmful spirits escape the
mentally ill. -today there is more emphasis on
preventative efforts and tertiary prevention to
keep peoples mental health issues from becoming
more severe
3Psychoanalytic Therapy
- A technique developed by Freud to view the cause
of disorders as unconscious conflicts. - Use hypnosis as an altered state of consciousness
- Dream analysis- latent (hidden) manifest
(content) - Transference- When patients begin to have strong
feelings toward their therapist
-Focus on helping people to understand, set
themselves and strive to self actualize Carl
Rogers -client centered therapy -unconditioned
positive rearguard -Gestalt Therapy Therapists
such as Fritz Perls emphasize the importance of
the whole
-All behavior is learned by either classical
conditioning, operant conditioning, and
modeling Counter Conditioning -Mary Cover
Jones -unpleasant conditioned response is
replaced with a pleasant one Systematic
Desensitization Counter Conditioning Implosive
therapy-Classical Conditioning -extinguished -flo
oding Aversive conditioning Token
Economy-desired behaviors are rewarded with tokens
Locate the cause of psychological problems in the
way people think, their methods of therapy
concentrate on changing these unhealthy thought
patterns Rational Emotive Behavior
Therapy -Albert Ellis -expose and confront the
dysfunctional thoughts Cognitive Therapy -Aaron
Beck -Cognitive triad-peoples beliefs about
themselves, their worlds and their futures
Therapies that produce bodily changes For
example Chemotherapy Thorazine or Haldol for
Schizophrenia Antidepressants Barbiturates for
anxiety Electroconvulsive Therapy Prefrontal
8Group Therapy
Involves groups of people in addition to one on
one client therapist interactions -Family
Therapy -Self help group (AA)
Kinds of Therapist
Psychiatrist- medical doctor Clinical
Psychologists- (Ph.D.s) Counseling Psychologists-
graduate degree Psychoanalyst- trained in
Freudian Methods