Title: 16'4 Dielectrics, Energy
116.4 Dielectrics, Energy
- Dielectric constant-effect on capacitance
- Energy stored in a capacitor
2Dielectric constant,?
Parallel plate capacitors, carrying charge q
material with dielectric constant, ?
Potential due to charge q decreased by ?
3Dielectric constants
Material dielectric constant, ? Vacuum 1.000000
Air 1.00059 Polyethylene 2.3 Paper 3.4 Pyrex
5.6 Water 80
Electric field is decreased Permittivity is
increased Compared to vacuum
5Effect on the capacitance
Capacitance is increased by ? compared to vacuum
6A parallel plate capacitor consists of metal
sheets(A 0.25m2) separated by a teflon sheet
(?2.1) with a thickness of 0.005 mm. (a) find
the capacitance. (b) Find the maximum voltage.
The maximum electric field across Teflon is
60x106 V/m.(dielectric strength)
7A parallel plate capacitor consists of metal
sheets(A 0.25m2) separated by a teflon sheet
(?2.1) with a thickness of 0.005 mm. (a) find
the capacitance. (b) Find the maximum voltage.
The maximum electric field across Teflon is
60x106 V/m.(dielectric strength)
8Molecular basis for dielectric constant
Dipolar molecules. e.g. water
are oriented in an E field
9Oriented molecules decrease the net charge near
the plates
The E field in the Capacitor is reduced
10Dielectric Screening High dielectric constant of
water allows ions to dissociate
11Biological membranes nerve function
A biological membrane has a specific capacitance
of 1.0 µF/cm2. If thickness of the dielectric
portion of the membrane is 2.0 nm. Find the
dielectric constant of the membrane.
Compare to ?2.5 for silicone oil
12Energy stored in a capacitor.
13Energy to charge a capacitor
Work done to transfer charge ?q across potential
?V ?W ?q ?V
After charge transfer the potential increases by
14Total work to charge the capacitor is the area
under the ?V vs q plot
Energy stored
15A parallel plate capacitor consists of metal
sheets(A 0.25m2) separated by a teflon sheet
(?2.1) with a thickness of 0.005 mm. Find the
maximum energy that can be stored.