Title: Lynn Kutner NatureServe
1Implementing Benchmark Data Content Standards
- Lynn Kutner - NatureServe
- Rob Riordan - NatureServe Sabra Schwartz
Arizona Heritage Data Management System
2BDCS Session Goals
- What are the Benchmark Data Content Standards
(BDCS)? - Importance improve data quality, meet customer
needs, demonstrate organizational credibility. - BDCS in NatureServe Network goals.
- Report Card - Need for it and How to do it.
- Meeting Key Standards - How can we help you
(sharing information, resources and ideas).
3Why have Data Standards?
- Define our high priority / core datasets (both
records and fields). - Framework to measure and report on the currency,
consistency, and completeness of our data. - Identify data development and management
priorities. - Credibility demonstrate to partners and clients
that our data meet documented quality standards.
4Benchmark Data Content Standards (BDCS)
- Establishes priorities and network-wide
- content goals for customer needs
- Standardized dataset for regional, national and
international data products and services. - Guidance for high-quality data
- Content standard based on current methodology.
- Data sharing, aggregation, and products
- Facilitate data exchange and the aggregation of
spatial (i.e. EO) data. - Measure the state of the data
- Measure and report on the completeness,
currentness, and quality of our data for internal
and external uses.
5BDCS How to get a copy
- Download from
- https//transfer.natureserve.org/download/longterm
- /Benchmark_standards/
- Contact Lynn
- lynn_kutner_at_natureserve.org
- (303) 541-0360
6BDCS Top Priorities
- Element Occurrence Rank (EO Rank)
- Subnational Protection Status
- EO Last observed date
- County / watershed (attribute data used in data
products and NatureServe Explorer) - Duplicate EOs across borders.
- Incremental progress tackle subsets of EO
records (by Grank, federal status, other
statuses, taxa?)
7BDCS Top priorities EO RANK
- EO Rank
- Highest priority to indicate if the EO is there
or not indicate E (extant) vs. X / H
(extirpated / historical) or F (failed to find) - If information is available, rank with range
ranks - Reduce degree of uncertainty in range ranks
("AC") - Issues
- How to prioritize. By taxa? By area? By date?
- How many EOs need ranks before useful?
- How to deal with incomplete data, lack of specs,
and variations in data available to rank?
8BDCS Top priorities S Protection
- Subnational Protection Status (s_protection_status
) - Important for analyses of "state / province
listed taxa" - Standard value / approach for none ??
- all OTHER statuses entered (when possible) in
"Other Status"
9BDCS Top priorities Last Obs Date
- Last Observation Date (last_obs_date)
- Used as criteria to select "current extant" EOs
- Indicate most recent observation in a
jurisdiction - Incremental Progress
- Enter missing lastobs dates
- enter the first four characters as a numerical
year for search analyses.
10BDCS Completeness All EO data
BDCS Subset 1 Element Occurrence records for
Imperiled (G1/G2) or Federal status (COSEWIC or
USESA) elements
11BDCS Completeness Summary
Number and Percent of member programs - data
12BDCS Top priorities Duplicate EOs
- across member program borders
Orangefoot Pimpleback (Plethobasus cooperianus)
Fat Pocketbook (Potamilus capax)
____ Illinois EO ____ Kentucky EO
13BDCS in Network Goals
- BDCS has been a goal for NatureServe for a few
years. - The goal for FY 2007 reads Goal 1 Strengthen
the quality and consistency of core data holdings
across the entire organization by addressing
weaknesses relative to the Benchmark Data Content
Standards. - U.S. Section Council has adapted goal for
improving completeness of EO Rank field
14Milestones for FY 07 Goals
- Address funding needs for the central botanical
data. Devise and implement strategy to address
the problem, including funding, partnership and
technological solutions. - Finalize methods for an improved element ranking
system that is better aligned with conservation
listings from other organizations (e.g. IUCN,
SARA, SARO) including guidelines for applying
weighting criteria. - U.S. Section members will improve completeness of
the EO Rank field by 15, as defined by U.S.
Section Council.
15Milestones for FY 07 Goals
- NatureServe Canada will develop a partnership
investment strategy and work plan to improve
quality and quantity of Canadian CDC data for
Species at Risk in Canada. - LAC Section members will evaluate and document in
metadata their current data resources, and
cooperatively develop benchmark standards for
data sets based on NatureServe methodology. - Evaluate status of spatial representation of
Element Occurrences across the network and
establish benchmarks for future annual
improvements. - Publish first annual benchmark data report card.
16U.S. Section Goal Improve EO Rank field
completeness by 15
- Improvement across Section and not per program
- Subset of database for G1-G2 (T1-T2) and
federally listed species - E for extant is acceptable when data does not
exist to rank A-D - New award next year for Program with greatest
data improvement!
17Why EO Rank was selected
- Customers are asking for it (e.g. Forest
Industry) - Demonstrates that the Network has high quality
data which is continuing to improve - Part of legislative dollar commitment is to show
product improvement (discussed at meeting with
federal agencies) - Field of top five identified key fields in most
need of improvement
18How do we meet the goal?
- Need Commitment from Member Programs to improve
the completeness of EO Rank field add to local
work plans? - Assistance from NatureServe central (e.g. QC
queries) - Possible funding opportunities to assist Member
19Data Quality Report Card Purpose, Need,
- Why produce a report card at all?
- Context of Data Excellence Program desire of
federal agencies to see measurable results from
their investments. - Clients are requesting more documentation of data
quality federal agencies, FESTF, Sustainable
Forestry Initiative, etc. - Transparency and public accountability
- Good marketing tool Data Quality is Job 1
- What are the most important metrics we should
measure / include in a report? - How should the metrics be reported by state,
regionally, nationally, network-wide? - Who are the most important audiences for the
20Meeting Key Standards How can we help you
- What would it take?
- Obstacles? Solutions?
- Fundraising ideas? Build into regional projects?
- Helping each other - sharing solutions, resources
and tools (such as QC processes)?
21QC Tools from NatureServe
- Data checks in Data Exchange prep memo.
- Sample SQL queries in the knowledgebase
- http//support.natureserve.org/customer/default.ht
m - USESA functions
- EO latitude / longitude QC
- EO_RANK / S_RANK QC (srank SH or SX and
eorank not H or X) - SQL for EO subsets and EO data completeness
- https//transfer.natureserve.org/download/longterm
/Benchmark_standards/BDCS_sql_for_nhp.zip - Cross border duplicate EOs (tool 95 done, not
yet implemented).