Title: Diapositiva%201
1The OCB1
2The OCB1 (Contd.)
3Instantiation of OCB1 with a XEX blockcipher
4The PMAC Algorithm
5The PMAC Algorithm (contd.)
6The PMAC Algorithm (contd.)
7AEAD Schemes
Using OCB and PMAC for AEAD Let OCB
(K,E,D) Let the message be M and header be
H Obtain Ct E(K, M) Obtain d PMAC(K,H) The
final ciphertext is C(t XOR d)
8AEAD Schemes (cont.)
Rogaway proposed a general way to construct AEAD
schemes from a secure symmetric encryption scheme
and a pseudorandom function These schemes are
called generic composition schemes. Rogaway
suggests two ways Mac then Encrypt Encrypt
then Mac
9Generic Composition Encrypt then Mac
10Generic Composition Mac then Encrypt
11The CMC Mode of Operation
12Encryption and decryption using CMC
13The EME Mode of Operation
14Encryption and decryption using EME
15HCTR Mode of operation
16HCTR Mode of operation
17HCTR Mode of operation
18PEP Mode of Operation