Title: Animal Impacts of Avian Influenza
1Animal Impacts of Avian Influenza
- Ron Wohrle, DVM
- Washington Department of Health
- Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1
mammals - HPAI H5N1 domestic animals/pets
3What animals can be infected with avian
influenza A (H5N1) viruses?
Ciam Sawyer
4List of Species Affected by H5N1 Avian Influenza
Genus species Common Name Wild Captive/Sanctuary Pet Lab Mortality
Chrotogale owstoni1 Owston Palm Civet   Â
Felis domestica2 Domestic/feral cat  Â
Macaca fascicularis3 Cynomolgus macques   -
Martes foina4 Stone (beech) marten   Â
Mustela putoris furo5 Ferret   Â
Oryctolagus cuniculus6 New Zealand white rabbit    -
Panthera pardus7 Leopard   Â
Panthera tigris7 Tiger   Â
Rattus norvegicus6 Rat    -
Sus domesticus8 Pig   -
1OIE Aug 27, 2005 Mongolia Follow-Up Report No. 3
2Kuiken et.al. 2004 3Kuiken et.al. 2003 4Avian
influenza ? H5N1 infection found in a stone
marten in Germany 5Govorkova et.al. 2004 6Perkins
and Swayne, 2003 7Thanawongnuwech et.al. 2005
Keawcharoen et.al. 2004 8Choi et.al. 2005
5What about infection in large cats, like tigers?
Ciam Sawyer
Ciam Sawyer
6Can domestic cats be infected with avian
influenza viruses?
How commonly have cats been infected with avian
influenza A (H5N1) viruses?
- Very commonly
- Somewhat commonly
- Rarely
- Never
8How have cats become infected with avian
influenza A (H5N1) viruses?
9Can cats spread H5N1 to people?
What is the risk to humans or other species from
cats infected with avian influenza H5N1 virus?
The current risk that cats in the United States
will become infected with influenza A (H5N1) is
close to 0.
- True
- False
11Can dogs be infected with avian influenza?
Ciam Sawyer
Ciam Sawyer