Title: Technology Leadership Collaborative
1Technology Leadership Collaborative
2What is the TLC?
- The Technology Leadership Collaborative (TLC) is
a program that is focused on the needs of site or
district technology coordinators in how to manage
hardware, software, professional development,
purchasing and compliance issues for their
location(s). This collaborative will be a
combination of face-to-face trainings as well as
online collaboration.
3Who Should Attend?
- Site or district technology leaders
- Certificated or administrative staff
- Individuals with prior or current experience in
professional development - Individuals who have a strong desire to move into
a leadership position - Individuals with a solid background in
educational technology
4What Content Will Be Covered?
- Collaboration
- Technology Plans
- Technology Management
- Coordination and Compliance
- Network, Infrastructure Basics
- Online Tools and Communication
- Total Cost of Ownership, Budgets
- Grant Writing and Grant Management
- Purchasing and Implementation of Technology
- McRELs Instructional Technology Capacity
Building Model
5Break-Down of Content by Days
- Days 2-6 Teaching and Learning -
Professional Development
- Day 1 Roles and Responsibilities of the
Tech. Coordinator
- Day 8 Network Operations - Administrative
- Day 7 Desktop Support - Network Planning
- Day 9 Budgeting and Planning - Grants,
Tech. Plans
6McREL Technology SolutionsSite Coordinators
7McREL Technology Initiative
- Brief History (2000 2005)
- Six pilot sites many models
- Six field test sites standardized model
applied, each site matched with two control site
8Technology Intervention Phases
9Planning Phase (3 months spring prior to
- Data Analysis
- Technology Infrastructure
- Teachers Instructional Technology Capacity
- Leadership Team Formation and Planning
- Mentor Training and Selection of Teacher Leader
Team (cohort 1) - Design Schedule
10Successful technology integration projects
- Driven by content standards and benchmarks
- Use appropriate instructional strategies
- Use appropriate technologies
- Use ISTE NETSS Standards for Students
- Must change or enhance the teachers current
classroom practice - Have the potential to impact student achievement
- Allow the teacher to stretch and grow as a
technology user (and have fun!)
11(No Transcript)
12Implementation Phase (first semester)
- Kickoff Meeting
- Targeted Professional Development (LACOE and/or
McREL services) - Mentoring Sessions to develop 1st semester
projects - Peer Observations and Reflections
- Debriefing and Recalibration (McREL)
13Implementation Phase (second semester)
- Mentoring Sessions to develop 2nd semester
projects - Administrator Informal Observations and
Reflective Dialogue - Showcase and new cohort recruitment
- Survey and planning for Transfer Phase (McREL
14Transfer Phase(first semester)
- New Mentor Training (former protégés)
- Kickoff Meeting
- Targeted Professional Development (LACOE and/or
McREL services) - Mentoring Sessions to develop 1st semester
projects - Peer Observations and Reflections
- Administrator Informal Observations and
Reflective Dialogue
15Transfer Phase(second semester)
- Mentoring Sessions to develop 2nd semester
projects - Peer Observations and Reflections
- Administrator Informal Observations and
Reflective Dialogue - Showcase
- Survey and sustainable process planning with
Leadership Team
16ComponentsStand-alone Products
- Technology Audit
- McREL Technology Solutions Site Coordinators
Training - Workshops
- Multimedia and Student Learning
- Technology and Learning Styles
- Technology and the Problem-Solving
Process - Technology in Elementary or Secondary
Mathematics - Technology in Elementary or Secondary
Science - Using Technology with Classroom Instruction That
Works - Using Technology with Teaching Writing in the
Content Areas
17Technology Leadership Collaborative
18What is the Commitment?
- Attend all four days of face-to-face training in
Downey - May 28, Sept. 24, Oct. 22, Nov. 19
- Attend all five days of residential program at
Thacher School in Ojai - Jul. 27 - Aug. 1
- Participate in 15 hours of
online collaboration
19What Are The Benefits?
- Preparation for a technology leadership role
within your school/district - Access to online tools and resources beneficial
to technology leaders - Build collaborative relationships with other
leaders in the field
20What Is The Cost?
- 2,500 per participant
- Thacher five day residential retreat, membership
in TechSets, and My SkillSource are included in
the cost
21Potential Funding Sources
- EETT Formula and Competitive
- K-12 Voucher Program
- QEIA Schools
- Title 2 Funding
- Program Improvement
22How Do I Register?
- Register online at http//ito.lacoe.edu
- Fill-out online registration form
- Receive an e-mail from ITO
- Follow instructions to answer additional
questions online for complete registration - Applicants selected to attend will be contacted
directly by ITO - Space is limited!!!
23Technology Leadership Collaborative
- Building Tomorrows Leaders Today!