Title: City of Philadelphia Recycling Program
1City of Philadelphia Recycling Program
Transition to Single Stream Recycling
Clarena I.W. Tolson Commissioner Carlton William,
Deputy Commissioner Scott McGrath, Interim
Recycling Coordinator
2Overview of Collection Services
- Residential collection, residences with up to 6
units - that generate municipal type waste
- 2,500 to 2,800 tons of residential waste
collected per day and 150 tons per day of
recyclables - 160 compactor trucks and 30 to 40 recycling
trucks used on a daily basis - Collected separately are white goods, bulky
waste, and leaf waste in designated areas to be
composted - Various truck sizes are used ranging from 11
cubic yards, 20 cubic yards to 25 cubic yards
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5Transition to Single Stream
Single Stream Recycling 6 to 8 Tons per Day
Refuse Collections 12 to 18 tons per Day
Recycling Collections 2 to 4 tons per Day
6Single Stream Education Northeast Philadelphia
Focus Inform Residents that the collection
process has changed and they can now set out
plastics and cardboard Two Direct
Mailers Swiftreach Calls (Automated Call
System) Print Advertising in Local
Papers Street Teams (Door to Door
Contacts) Meet with Community Groups
7Single Stream Collections
Spring 2006 Single Stream Implemented in
Northeast Philadelphia 125,000 Households with
City Collection
Tonnage increased 20 to 40 Crew Productivity
Increased to 7 to 10 tons per day Recycling Rates
Increased from about 8 to 12
Spring 2007 Single Stream Implemented in West and
Southwest Philadelphia 80,000 Households with
City Collection
Tonnage increased 20 to 60 Crew Productivity
Increased to 6 to 7 tons per day
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