Title: Pilot Survey
1Pilot Survey into a Passworded Area for the
School Website Sunday 7th Friday 12th May 2006
2Personal Invitations sent to
- 8 Board Members
- 15 PTA Committee Members
- 12 Class Teachers
Saturday 6th May 2006 Survey starts 7th May 2006
3Why a Self-Completion Online Survey?
- easily accessible to respondents
- in keeping with the online theme of my Action
Enquiry - gives thinking time can return to complete
later -
- For me easy to
- set up.
- edit
- access results
- Mixed answer format
- Closed
- Multiple choice
- Open
- Plain design
- By Invitation
- Dedicated Webpage address on School Website
- Quick upload time
- Sunday 7th Friday 12th May 2006
5Introduction of Online Survey
Ref Pilot Study - Action Enquiry  As part of my
ongoing online studies towards a BA (Learning
technology Research,) with Ultralab, ARU (Anglia
Ruskin University), Chelmsford , UK. I am
planning an Action Enquiry to start in September.
 An Action Enquiry into the introduction of a
passworded community area to a Primary School
Website  In connection with this I am shortly
to implement an online survey, on the School
Website, as a Pilot Study, to evaluate        Â
the use of an online survey as a data collection
method         interest, and needs, related to
a passworded community area within the School
Website http//www.jebelalischool.com I am
writing to ask if you, and your family, would
access, and take part in, the online survey. By
submitting answers I am presuming permission to
analyse the data collected for my Study. It is
your right to withdraw this consent at any
time. As per ethical guidelines I will ensure
confidentiality and anonymity, no one will be
named or identified, only roles, ie. PTA
Committee member, within my final report. The
survey will be available online from Sunday 7th
Friday 12th May at http//www.jebelalischool.com/
survey.asp If you, at any time, have any
concerns about my ethical practice or require any
further information on this Pilot Study or my
planned Action Research, I can be contacted at
asouter_at_gmail.com (Subject Action Research) or
in the Key Stage 2 ICT Suite at the beginning or
end of the school day. Â Many thanks for your
AE Title
6 Many people who will respond to an e-mail
invitation to take a Web survey will do so the
first day, and most will do so within a few
Pearson Education, Inc.
PTA Committee
Board Member
Day after email invitation sent out
Invitations sent 7th May 2006
7First Impressions
Disappointing 4 responses only 1 Board
Member 1 PTA committee member and parent of
child at school 2 Staff members
8Approx 10 response
9Online Introduction to Online Survey
Passive consent
Social Responsibility
A whole school community issue
10Question 1
What is the Relationship with the
school? Why? I wanted to find out if this
influenced website needs.
11Question 2
We get many hits on the school Website. Is it
members of the school community who are accessing
the site or outsiders?
12Question 3
How is the present School Website used? Which
areas could we build on?
13Question 4
Will the new area be used?
Is the Action Enquiry worthwhile?
Are the school community interested in this
potential development?
14Question 5
In Action Enquiry reword - Adults
(Improve clarity of questioning)
Multiple answers for multiple choice
What would parents like to see in a passworded
Website area?
15Question 6
What would children like to see within a
passworded area? Do their answers reflect the
views of parents?
16Question 7
Open-ended question. Opening the arena to ANY
idea for consideration/website related concerns.
17Thank you. In hindsight I should have written
when the Pilot Study Exhibition would be, rather
than the publication of AE results.
18Analysis of Results
Majority response
This result does not reflect my assumption, that
the School Website is well used. Is this because
of the small sample of responses? Is my
assumption wrong?
20Those that do visit the School Website are
inclined to browse generally.
21Responses to open- ended question
- facilty to download school letters
- I would like to propose that a webcam feature
be considered as part of the secure environment .
Many parents travel and relatives live abroad.
The webcam will allow one to vist the classroom,
see your childs class and see the internaction
and action throughout a normal day. Some consider
this a Big Brother approach. It is considered in
the developed world as interactive and a
development of communication. There is nothing to
hide in a classroom. There are no security issues
to consider if placed through a passworded
community. - I believe a general 'satisfaction' survey would
be useful indicating the responsiveness of the
school administration and the general customer
satisfaction that parents are getting 'value for
In contrast to weekly calendar of events
Ethical Issues?
Organisational Learning
22Considerations for September Action Enquiry
- School newsletter - announcement of online
survey - school wide enquiry
- Passive letter of consent within newsletter,
(my signature scanned)
- Clarity of questions Adults to be
substituted for Parents (Question 5) present
question did not take account of Staff/Board
23- Points to follow up
- Can I find any online survey response statistics
to compare my response rate with? - Of the Staff, Board and PTA committee invited to
take part many have children. My letter of
orientation and invitation invited all family
members to take part. No responses from children
were received. - Why Did I not make my meaning clear?
- Did parents have some objection to children
taking part? - Did children not wish to take part?
- Would it be ethical to negotiate for children to
answer the main survey in school in September, if
(passive) consent was gained via the school
newsletter? - Should I have included the children in my
original count of invitations sent? - Would an reminder email have constituted
coercion? - The ethical considerations on the use of a
WebCam if not all parents give consent how can
the WebCam be used? Search for research papers
on this issue. -
24Thank You your comments on the implementation
and results of this Pilot Survey would be
To facilitate anonymous response please use the
Survey Response form at http//www.jebelalischool