Title: Principal WebEx
1Principal WebEx
2Mathematics Update
Bill Aten, Math Consultant CharEm ISD
- CharEm Mathematics webpage
- Pearson Inform Update
- Item Analysis Workshops
- Needs Assessment
- Three-years MEAP data
- prescriptions for instruction
5Grade Level Help
- Top 5 to 7 high needs GLCE
- Concept
- Clarification
- Instructional Sample
- Resources
- Assessment Sample
6(No Transcript)
- Based on Michigan Curriculum Frameworks in 2006
- State Reports (Proficiency Levels Only)
- Alignment documents
- Instructional Suggestions
- Pearson Inform Reports
Available at CharEm Website
8Michigan Mathematics
9MCF and 2006 MME
Join all THREE state-wide teaching
associations for ONE low membership rate
- Allow teachers access to information from
multiple associations - Significant savings over individual memberships
- Professional networking across disciplines
- Great source of information regarding changes on
state standards and assessments - Access to multiple conferences at discounted
rates - High quality professional growth
- Receive publications from all associations
- Collective voice at state level
- Less paperwork.
11Mathematics Resources
Under Click
12- K-8 Files
- 3rd-8th Grade Content Expectations
- 1st 8th Grade Pacing Guides
- M-Glance
- Sessions 1, 2, 3 4
- 1st 8th Grade Workshop Materials
- Released Items
- 3rd 8th Grade 2006 MEAP Tests
- High School Files
- ACT Comparison of College Readiness Stand to HSCE
- ACT College Readiness Standards
- ACT Review Exercises
- MME Evaluation of MCF vs HSCE
- NEW High School Content Expectations (Aug. 2007)
- Alg I, Alg II and Geometry
- NMLC Pacing Guides
- Alg I, Alg II and Geometry
- NEW Clarification Documents (draft)
- Secured Files
- Quarterly Assessments
- 1st 8th Gr. Tests and Answer Keys
- Common Assessments - Pre-Tests
- 1st - 8th Gr. Tests and Answer Keys
- Michigan Dept of Ed. End of Course Tests
- 1st 2nd Semester - Alg I and Geometry Tests and
Key - Northern Michigan Learning Consortium (NMLC)
- Algebra I Unit EOC Tests
- Geometry EOC Tests
- Algebra II Unit EOC Tests
- match Pacing Guides
Michigan Mathematics Leadership Academy
(MMLA) Teachers can create GLCE specific tests
and print
13Pearson Inform
- Database structure
- CenterPoint / PowerSchool data
- Data loads (DTUs)
- MEAP, MME/ACT, Explore and Plan
- Shared libraries (prepared queries)
- Staff training
14Inform Concept Mastery Reports(sample of 5th
Grade Math Concept Mastery for Fall 2006)
15ACT Math Concepts
NOTE Inform is the only source you have to see
benchmark scores for your results
16ACT Plan Math Concepts
17College Readiness Scores of 13 - 23 are
Predominately GLCEs
2007 ACT Composite Scores National
Average 21.2 State Average 21.5 ISD Average 19.4
18Drilling Deeper
Drilling Down
19Drilling Deeper
20Individual Student Data
- Represents ALL test data
- Numbers represent specific tests
- Can be sorted by Subject and Concept
21Using Released Items
- A tool to improve instructional
- Learn to effectively use MEAP Scores and Released
Item Reports to identify - Alignment issues
- Possible instructional strategy weaknesses, and
- Future Instructional Interventions
22Released Item Reports
- Provide either
- an example of an actual test question, or
- (New in 2007) explains the parameters established
for all test items for that content expectation - Uses the same vocabulary
23Released Items (continued)
- Can help identify what part of the content
expectation is being assessed - Items help identify expected vocabulary words
- Items may reveal gaps in the curriculum
- Items can reveal need for alternate instructional
interventions and strategies - Items can be used as test samples to evaluate
student understanding/comprehension
24Contact Information
Bill Aten, Mathematics Consultant Charlevoix-Emmet
ISD 231-549-2076 231-330-2629 baten_at_centurytel.ne
- TRAC (Technical Review Assistance and Compliance)
- Program Changes
- CTEIS Training
- CTE Recognition Dinner April 29, 2008
- Findings from each selected program sent to local
superintendent and copied to building principal - Next steps
- District review findings
- Start working on Priority 1 noncompliance
findings (teacher certification, budget,
instructional time) - Meet with Char-Em staff to discuss compliance
plans - Compliance plans due this summer
27State Approved CTE Program Changes
- New Curriculum
- Michigan Technical Standards
- National Career Cluster Foundation Skills
- National Career Cluster Pathway Skills
- Michigan Career and Employability and Technology
Skills - Common Assessment for each Program
- New reporting requirements in CTEIS
28Program Changes cont.
- Gap Analysis of current curriculum to new
curriculum required for ALL programs - State dividing new curriculum into 12 segments
(divisible by four quarters, three trimesters,
two semesters) - Programs must say what segments they will teach
during each course as it relates to CTEIS
29State Approved CTE Program Changes
- CIP Codes being eliminated
- 50.0401 Visual Communications Technology
- 11.1000 Information Technology
- 48.0000 Precision Production Trades
- 51.0000 Health Sciences changing to Therapeutic
Services - 03.0000 Natural Resources and Conservation 08-09
last year (will not need to reapply this spring) - These programs will be provided an opportunity
to apply for a new CIP code in spring of 08
30- CTEIS Training
- Feb. 20th CTE Follow-up Training
- Feb. 26th CTEIS Data Entry Training
- Both at TBA ISD
- CTE Recognition Dinner
- April 29th 2008 600 p.m. Boyne Mountain Civic
31(No Transcript)
32(No Transcript)
33Personal Curriculum (PC)
Background An informational meeting was held in
November to present the first copy of the
Personal Curriculum Guidelines and Supporting
Materials. During this meeting, it was suggested
that a committee be formed to continue to get
updated information and discuss how to best
support the local schools with these new
requirements. The committee currently consists
of volunteers from three local school districts
and Char-Em staff. This group met in December
and January and will be meeting monthly, as
34(No Transcript)
35Ed Yes!
- Ed Yes! Comprehensive Needs Assessment Support
Reniero Araoz - 826 Municipal WayLansing, MI 48917Phone
866.773.1128Fax 517.492.1354Web Address
raraoz_at_ncamichigan.orgE-mail araozr_at_michigan.gov
363-Tier Reading Support Framework Pilot Update
Feb. 6, 2008
- Goal
- To reduce reading difficulties in kindergarten
through 3rd grade
37Pilot Plan Components
- 3-Tier Reading Framework
- Assessments
- Instructional Support
- Professional Development
38Mid-Year Progress 2008Kindergarten Assessments
- Implementation of Assessments to Drive
Instruction - DIBELS Kindergarten Benchmarking
- DIBELS Kindergarten Progress Monitoring
- Initial Sound Fluency/Phoneme Segmentation
Fluency - MLPP Diagnostic
- Access your building level DIBELS data at
- https//dibels.uoregon.edu/data/index.php
39Example Progress Monitoring
40Mid-Year Progress 2008Kindergarten Interventions
- 3-Tier Framework
- Working Process in schools
- Current focus on Core Curriculum (Tier 1) and
Strategic Intervention (Tier 2) - Intervention Instruction
- Small Group
- Intentional and Targeted based on student needs
- Shared source www.fcrr.org (Intervention
41Mid-Year Progress 2008Professional Development
- DIBELS administration
- SERP (Special Education Reading Project)
- Framework for Instructional Adaptations
- Literacy Stations
- Data Interpretation
- Intervention Strategy Support
42Building Resources Provided
- DIBELS kits
- Ive DIBELd Now What? By Susan Hall
- Literacy Work Stations by Debbie Diller
- Intervention Station Activities
43Mid-Year Outcomes
- 10 reduction in students in the most at risk
category. - Consultants share Summary of Effectiveness
worksheets w/principals - Focus determined for buildings
- core curriculum
- strategic intervention
- intensive intervention
44Special Education Report
- IEP Compliance
- Standards-based IEP goals/objectives
- Summary of Academic Achievement and Functional
Performance Secondary (SOP) - Highly Qualified
- RESCUE Project
46(No Transcript)
47MTTC Resource Information
- MTTC Study Guides can be accessed at
- http//www.mttc.nesinc.com/MI_viewSG_opener.asp
- General Inforamtion about taking the MTTC test
can be found at - http//www.mttc.nesinc.com/PDFs/MI_SG_frontmatter_
2007.pdf - Frequently Asked questions about the MTTC test
can be found at - http//www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140-6530_5683
_5857-116214--,00.html - MTTC Exam Study Guide and Free MTTC Test Tutoring
can be found at - http//www.teachingsolutions.org/msatrictodne.html
- MTTC Test Dates and Other MTTC Information can be
found at - http//www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140-6530_5683
-24791--,00.html - For additional information google mttc test
48The RESCUE Project (Reading E-text Scanned for
Universal Education) Electronic text of printed
curriculum materials for students with
disabilities textbooks and novels
49Accessible Instructional Materials
- Provide access to the curriculum for students
with disabilities - Additional supports for learning
- Reduce barriers
50- Each district identifies a Digital Rights Manager
(DRM) - media specialist (would be a logical choice)
- District identifies eligible students
- completes half day workshop, spring 2008
- explains Rescue Project to staff
- receives requests for materials
- copies pdf or mp3 files from archives
- monitors check in/out of flash drives/mp3 players
51For More Information
- View the online Book Directory
- http//web.inghamisd.org/etext/main/
- Visit the Rescue Project Wiki
- http//rescue.wikispaces.com/