Title: Texas Award for Performance Excellence
1Texas Award for Performance Excellence
2Important Reminder
- We are in Stage 1 Independent Review.
- There can be no discussion about your applicant.
3Guidelines for Learning
- Be respectful
- Honor expertise
- Honor time
- Take care of your own needs
- Help your neighbor
- Have fun!
- Leadership Team Roles and Responsibilities
- Feedback Report and Comment Writing
- Deliverables and Tools
- Leadership Team Plan
5Learning Objectives
- Develop a leadership team to direct and support
the team of examiners during Stage 2 and 3 - Understand roles and responsibilities of
leadership team - Review Stage 2 3 processes.
6Leadership Team Roles and Responsibilities
7Stages of the Review Process
Stage I Independent Review
Receive Applications
Stage 2 Consensus Review
Feedback Report to Applicant
Focus of this session
Stage 3 Site Visit Review
Stage 4 Judges Recommendation
Feedback Report to Applicant
8Stages of the Review Process
Stage I Independent Review
Receive Applications
Stage 2 Consensus Review
Feedback Report to Applicant
Focus of this session
Stage 3 Site Visit Review
Stage 4 Judges Recommendation
Feedback Report to Applicant
9TAPE Process Leadership Team
- TAPE Team Positions
- Team Leader Strategist
- Back up Team Leader Tactician
- Feedback Writer Historian
- Process Observer Monitor
- Team Member Analyst
10Stage 2 Consensus Review
Individual Examiners
Objective Improve feedback scoring by
combining Stage 1 independent reviews into a
Stage 2 team-level consensus scorebook/report.
Stage 2 Consensus Scorebook
Stage 1 Scorebooks
- Quality Texas Program Manager
11What We Know about Teams
- Traditional Team Roles
- What are they?
- What is the main function of each?
12What We Know about Teams
- Traditional Team Roles
- How do they relate to TAPE team roles
- Team Leader Back up Team Leader
- Writer Process Observer
- Are there functional differences between
traditional team roles and your role for TAPE
Leadership Team? - Who is adding a role to their portfolio?
13What We Know about Teams
- Stages of teamwork
- Forming
- Storming
- Norming
- Performing
- Knowing your teams customer requirements to
accelerate teamwork to the performing stage
14 Roles, Responsibilities
Pre Consensus Planning Consensus Call
Synthesis Post Consensus
15Team Charter for Consensus Call
- Establishes parameters
- Purpose meld together the perspectives and
writings of the team members so that applicants
assessment against the criteria is balanced and
provides a basis for moving to a higher level of
performance - Deliverables
- Numerical assessment ( Judges)
- Actionable text to move applicant to the next
level (Feedback report) - Site visit issues
- Timeline Milestones / Celebrations
16Pre-Consensus Planning Flow Chart
Stage 1 Scorebook
Complete Biographical Sketch send as example
w/ blank forms
Request Bios, Category Pref., Dates of
ID Planning Call Date Make Category Lead
Back Up Assignments
Develop Send Planning Call Agenda Ground
Facilitate Consensus Planning Call Set dates
for Consensus
Send Contact Info., Bios Scorebooks to Team
2.0 Category Synthesis
17Whats Happening
- The consensus call has begun
- John is your team member who works in this
industry. He has more subject matter knowledge
than any other team member. His experience is
that his industry does a poor job with process
consistency no matter what was documented. You
notice that there is a tendency for him to stray
away from the analysis that he is summarizing and
talk about the inadequacies from his personal
experience. He is not reflecting the applicants
story or the organizational profile. - What can you do in your Leadership role to assist
John in fulfilling his team role?
18Whats Happening
- The consensus call has begun
- Team Leader Toni focuses on the getting the
consensus call completed. Her attention to
process is resulting in some of the content
aspects of the discussion being skipped. Team
members are becoming more and more general in
summarizing their category. The level of control
is starting to hamper the team to come to
consensus. - What questions could you raise to ensure the team
is having sufficient discussion to arrive at
19 Roles, Responsibilities
Prepare for Site Visit Complete Site Visit Post
Site Visit
20Team Member Roles Responsibilities
- DWYSYWD Do What You Say You Will Do
- Complete assignments on time
- Produce quality products
- Take responsibility for
- Meeting all commitments
- Personal development
- Team success
- Be a team player
- Approach all team interactions with positive
intent (Attitude) - Practice facilitating behaviors (Actions)
- Prepare, prepare, prepare (Always be prepared)
- Participate Actively (Contribute)
- Use the established processes (refer to the ERM)
- If you dont know how to do something Ask
These behaviors support meeting customer
21What Does a Team Leader Do?
- Plans the consensus review strategy
- Sets a meeting schedule
- Makes Team Member assignments
- Develops meeting agendas
- Plans and facilitates meetings
- Coordinates Consensus Report writing
- Ensures Consensus Report meets customers
22Category Lead Responsibilities
- Combine team members comments
- 6-10 well written comments for each item
- Represent the collective thoughts of the team
- Consider each comment
- Relevance to Criteria
- Importance to Key Factors
- Score assigned Items
- Identify potential site visit issues (SVIs)
23Category Lead Responsibilities
- Forward Synthesis to Category Backup Team
Leader - First draft of synthesized comments with score
SVIs - Review Assigned Backup Material
- Complete Comments address all major points of
Criteria - Relevant Comments tied to Criteria
- Important Comments tied to Key Factors
- Partner with Backup
- Discuss comments, scores and SVIs
- Produce high quality comments
- Agree on scoring and SVIs
- Update Assigned Category
- Incorporate Backups feedback into Item worksheets
24Category Backup Responsibilities
- Prior to consensus
- Make suggestions to improve comments, and
- Review Category Leads prework to ensure
- Relevance to the Criteria
- Importance to the Key Factors
- Comment quality based on Comment Guidelines, and
- Scores and comments are balanced
- During consensus
- Take notes for the Category Lead
- Help the Category Lead stay on time
- After consensus
- Share notes with Category Lead on suggested
25Role Model Consensus Behaviors (Examiners)
- Before the meeting
- Read all Worksheets
- Make notes on comments for discussion
- Write out any lengthy recommendations
- During the meeting
- Focus your comments on
- Relevance - Criteria Requirements
- Importance - Key Factors
- Improving Comments - Comment Guidelines
- Dont quibble over wording, grammar, or spelling
- Listen first to understand, then make your point
26Process Observer Roles and Responsibilities
- Monitor activities of Examiner Team with focus on
quality of end product and adherence to relevant
processes - Serve as liaison to and primary contact to the
Team Leader and team (and the Applicant at Stage
3) - Serve as representative of Quality Texas to the
Applicant - Provide guidance to Team Leader throughout the
process stages - Ensure that your Team Leader understands your
purpose and role to them, the team and the
27Process Observer Roles and Responsibilities
- Support needs of Examiners at all stages
- Provide both positive affirmation and feedback
for improvement to Team Leader and Examiners as
needed throughout all stages - Handle sensitive situations off-line whenever
possible, but address immediately if there is a
risk that the integrity of the award is likely to
be compromised - Give evaluative feedback to Quality Texas about
Examiners (use designated forms)
28Discussions on or about Everyones Role?
29Team Charter for Site Visit
- Establishes parameters
- Purpose verify / clarify SVIs
- Deliverables
- Assessment and score that enables judges to
determine whether to recommend applicant for the
award - Report that helps the applicant move to the next
level - Timeline
30Whats Happening
- The Site Visit has begun
- The first briefing begins a late member of the
applicants team arrives. One of your team
members looks surprised as he recognizes the
latest arrival is his cousin. He knew his cousin
was changing jobs but had not heard with whom.
The process has begun and the CEO decides not to
introduce the newcomer at this moment but
proceeds with his introductory remarks. A note
is passed to the Back up Team Leader by the team
member with the conflict. - What do you do?
31Whats Happening
- The Site Visit has begun
- The first group meeting is starting and the Back
up Team Leader is facilitating the conversation.
One of the applicants employees quickly
responds to the first question implying that
there is an ethical issue with the organizations
leadership. The response does not address the
question. - What do you do?
32Whats Happening
- The site visit has begun
- Team Leader was ready to begin the first meeting
with the CEO and the applicants Executive Team
when the Process Observer strikes up a
conversation with the CEO and then proceeds to
explain the process to the applicants team. - How can the leadership for the process be
redirected to the Team Leader?
33Feedback Report and Quality Comments
34Application Levels
35Sources for the Feedback Report
Cover Sheet
Sections of Site Visit Scorebook included in the
Final Feedback Report
Sites Visited
Key Factors
Key Themes
Item Worksheets
Site Visit Issues
SV Score Summary
Signature Page
36Sources for the Feedback Report
Sections of Stage 2 Scorebook included in the
Final Feedback Report
Cover Sheet
Key Factors
Key Themes
Item Worksheets
37Sources for the Feedback Report
Scores are not included in Progress,
Commitment, or Engagement Level Feedback Reports
38Differences Between Stage 2 and Stage 3 Feedback
39Deliverables and Tools
40Team Approach for Consensus
- Develop a plan
- Establish the timeline
- Engage team members early
- Continual communication with team
41Review the Tools
- Planning Calendar
- Score Sheet Summary Tool
- Score Band Description
- Comment Assessment Checklist
42Score Sheet Summary Tool Data Entry
43Score Sheet Summary ToolJudges Reports
44Score Sheet Summary ToolApplicant Score Summary
45Application Score Descriptions(Applicant
Feedback Report)
46Team Leader Tools
- Guidelines for
- Planning
- E-Mail
- Agendas
- Team Handouts
47Planning Time
- As a team, begin to develop your team plan.
- Items to consider
- Team Charter
- Logistics
- Understanding of roles and deliverables
- Share Leadership Team Plan
48Parking Lot
49 49