Title: Mental and Emotional Health
1Mental and EmotionalHealth
Chapter 8 Lesson 4
- Jennifer Bonds
- Colette Joseph
- Kelly Mitchell
- Camelia Monroe
- Jeffrey Nkansah
2African-American College Students
The Target
3School Daze Video
4Why The Focus
5Those in Need of Help
6What is Mental Health?
- Having a positive outlook, being comfortable with
yourself and others, and being able to meet
lifes challenges and demands.
7Roadblocks to MentalHealth
- All-Or-Nothing Thinking
- Expecting the worst in others or yourself
- Being a Perfectionist
- Letting actions or words betray your values
8Examples of Improving yourMental Health
- Building Self-Esteem
- The power of constructive criticism
9What is Emotional Health?
- The signals that tell our mind and body how to
react to certain experiences
10Identifying your Emotions
- Love
- Fear
- Empathy
- Anger
- Guilt
11Dealing with your Emotions
The Power is in Your Hands!
- Defense Mechanisms
- Handling Fear
- Managing Anger
- Dealing with Guilt
12Defense Mechanisms
- Strategies used to deal with strong stressful
emotions and situations
- 3 Common Types
- Denial
- Displacement
- Projection
- Examples
13Managing your AngerandEmotions
- What to Avoid
- Pretending its not present
- Intentionally hurting another person
- Acting out your emotions
14Handling your Anger and Emotions Positively
- What to Practice
- Take time to reflect
- Remember that you are not alone
- Use positive feelings to inspire you
15Reducing the Chance of ActingOut your Anger
- First diffuse it by
- Journal, reflecting or talking
- Then rechannel it into something positive
16Increasing your Emotional Health
- Outlook on Life
- Resiliency
- Rebounding, or bouncing back from a traumatic
18Characteristics Resilient People Show
- A sense of control
- An acceptance of reality
- An ability to improvise
19Get Ready for Emotional HealthVolleyball!
20Need Help ?
- Network with Peers
- Confide with Family
- Contact Mentors/Counselors
21What You Can Do
- The power of a friend
- Time Management
- Extracurricular Activities
- Take Time to Yourself!
- Meditation
22The Path to an Optimal HealthBegins With You