Title: Kindergarten Assessment
1Kindergarten Assessment
- Karen Addesso
- Bureau of Student Assessment
2Why does Connecticut have a Fall Kindergarten
Entrance Inventory?
- The Inventory was developed to comply with state
legislation that was passed in 2005, and
originally due October 1, 2009. - The 2007 Legislative Session amended Section 18
with (h) Within available appropriations, the
Commissioner of Education shall, not later than
October 1, 2007, develop and implement a
state-wide developmentally appropriate
kindergarten assessment tool that measures a
childs preparedness for kindergarten, but shall
not be used as a measurement tool for program
accountability pursuant to section 10-16s, as
amended by the act. - The Inventory has been administered in October
2007 and October 2008.
3What is the Purpose of the Fall Kindergarten
Entrance Inventory?
- The Fall Kindergarten Entrance Inventory was
developed to provide kindergarten teachers,
administrators and other stakeholders with
aggregated information about the level of skills
and behaviors that students exhibit at the
beginning of kindergarten.
4What is the Purpose of the Fall Kindergarten
Entrance Inventory?
- The results of the Inventory are also used as a
population indicator for the Results-Based
Accountability framework. The framework is used
to provide information to the legislature at the
population, system and program level.
5Fall Kindergarten Entrance Inventory Development
- This instrument was designed to provide a
statewide snapshot of the skills and behaviors
students demonstrate, based on teachers
observations, at the beginning of the
kindergarten year (mid-October). - The Fall Inventory covers six domains of early
childhood development. - Each domain is defined by a series of indicators.
6Fall Kindergarten Entrance Inventory Development
- The indicators on the Inventory reflect the state
curriculum framework and the standards for the
beginning of the kindergarten year. - A committee of preschool and kindergarten
teachers reviewed the indicators and provided the
Department of Education with recommendations on
their appropriateness.
7Fall Kindergarten Entrance Inventory Development
- Includes Six Domains of Early Childhood
Development - Language Skills
- Literacy Skills
- Numeracy Skills
- Physical/Motor Skills
- Creative/Aesthetic Skills
- Personal/Social Skills
8Performance Level Descriptors
- Performance Level 1 Students at this level
demonstrate emerging skills in the specified
domain and require a large degree of
instructional support. - Performance Level 2 Students at this level
inconsistently demonstrate the skills in the
specified domain and require some instructional
support. - Performance Level 3 Students at this level
consistently demonstrate the skills in the
specified domain and require minimal
instructional support.
9Classifying Student Performance
- Teachers classify each of the students in their
class(es) into one of three performance levels
for each domain. - Every student in the class is classified into a
performance level under each domain no student
is exempt from being rated. - Teachers are trained to focus on the criterion or
indicators and not to group students within the
class as high, middle, or low.
10Data Collection Method
- Teachers log in to a secure website to enter
their student ratings. - Each school has a unique login and password to
access a webpage that lists each student name for
the school. - The teacher ratings are linked to each students
SASID to connect with other student-level
information also collected by SDE.
11How are Special Education Students Assessed?
- Students who have an IEP and have been given
accommodations are assessed within their
communication mode. -
- Designated communication modes are Braille, sign
language, voice recognition technology, etc.
12How are ELL Students Assessed?
- Students are assessed using their native language
whenever possible. - Teachers are directed to make judgments about
students who do not speak English by observing
student behaviors.
13How will the Results of the Fall Kindergarten
Exit Inventory be used?
- The Inventory results are used to describe
kindergarten students across the state using a
standardized approach. - The results are aggregated to the district and
state levels, grouping students into three
performance levels by domain. - Statewide results were presented by the Early
Childhood Cabinet to the CT Legislature in 2009
as an indicator of Entry to Kindergarten
14Data Analysis and Reporting
- The 2008 data consists of 40, 258 students,
representing 99 of the total statewide public
school kindergarten student population. - Example of a district-level report has been
provided. - Graphs used by the Early Childhood Cabinet
15Reporting Graph for RBA Population Indicator
Indicator 4 2007 and 2008 Skill Assessment of
Entering Kindergartners
16Reporting Graph for RBA Population Indicator
Indicator 5 Snapshot of Entry to K Teacher
Ratings by Domain
17Another View Not Currently Used
18Challenges and Lessons Learned
- Communicating the limitations of the data to
legislators and other stakeholders. - Using the results of the Inventory
(teacher-observed assessment) for accountability
purposes and/or for more than one purpose. - Investigating questions about reliability and
19Current Work
- Teacher observation tools have primarily been
used for formative assessment and to inform
teaching and instruction. - The Inventory is a teacher observation tool that
is used for accountability purposes. - Limited reliability and validity evidence is
available on using teacher observation tools for
the accountability purposes.
20Reliability of the Kindergarten Inventory Results
- Principal Components Analysis yielded one factor
(measuring one domain, not six). What is this
domain?? - Internal consistency is good, Cronbachs alpha
.914. Pearson Correlations between items are all
above .5, also evidence of good internal
consistency. - Inter-rater reliability cannot be studied by SDE
due to implementation and administration
limitations. This is of great concern when using
results for accountability purposes.
21Validity of the Kindergarten Inventory Results
- Currently looking for districts that may
administer other standardized assessments at the
beginning of kindergarten to investigate
concurrent validity. - There is no evidence to show that Inventory
results would be predictive of Grade 3 CMT
results. In fact we would hope that they arent!
22Links to Information
- The Fall Kindergarten Entrance Inventory
instrument, Teacher Handbook, Data Collection
form, Training module, and directions for
entering data online are available at the State
Department of Education website at
23Contact Information
- Karen Addesso, Education Consultant, CSDE
- By email _at_ karen.addesso_at_ct.gov or by telephone _at_
(860) 713-6827. - THANK YOU!!