Title: Surry County Schools NC K-2 Literacy Assessment
1Surry County Schools NC K-2 Literacy Assessment
- K-2 English Language Arts
- Janet Sutphin and Dana Draughn
- Restrooms
- Materials
- Lunch and Breaks
- Cell phones
- Sidebars
3Introduction and Purpose
- To understand the components of the 2009 North
Carolina K-2 Literacy Assessment. - Tie to Surry County Schools K-2 Assessment folder
4NC State Board Policy
- The State Board of Education requires that
schools and school districts implement
assessments in grades K, 1, and 2. - The assessments should be documented, ongoing and
individualized. - A summative evaluation should be completed at
the end of the year.
5 Purposes ofK-2 Assessment
- The NC K-2 Literacy Assessment is intended to
assess the reading and writing skills of students
in kindergarten, first, and second grade. - It is intended to be a process for formative,
interim/benchmark, and summative assessment.
6SCS Timelines
- Timelines will serve as a guide for benchmark and
summative assessments. - The dates on the timelines are intended
completion dates.
7What do I already know?
- Book and Print Awareness
- Letter Knowledge
- High Frequency Words
- Writing
- Reading Miscues
- Mathematics
8Book and Print Awareness
- Assesses the foundational skills that facilitate
reading and writing at the independent level. - Should be assessed during the first 2 years of
school. - Some items may be more appropriate in first grade.
9Book and Print Awareness
- The book, No Sandwich is included in the
assessment. - The Administration Guide is directly linked to
the book. - Do not re-assess items that have already been
successfully assessed! - http//www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/language
10Book and Print Awareness
- Materials
- A copy of the book, No Sandwich
- Book and Print Awareness Administration Guide
- Book and Print Awareness Individual Checklist
(included in K-2 Folder) - Masking cards (index cards)
11Book and Print Awareness
- Procedures
- Sit beside the child.
- Follow the Book and Print Awareness
Administration Guide. - Record the students responses.
- Record comments.
- Tally the number of items correct.
- Plan for instruction.
12Letter and Sound Identification
- This assesses childrens ability to recognize
letters and the sounds of letters. - A student does not need to demonstrate
understanding of all letters and sounds before
receiving instruction in reading and learning to
read. - Do not re-assess items that have already been
successfully assessed!
13Letter and Sound Identification
- If a student needs help focusing in just 1 row of
letters, teachers may use a blank piece of paper
to cover up the rows below the row beneath. - For letters that produce more than 1 sound
(vowels, g, c), students need to produce only 1
correct sound to receive credit.
14Letter and Sound Identification
- Materials
- Letter cards (1 uppercase, 1 lowercase)
- Recording form (included in K-2 folder)
- Blank sheet of paper (if needed)
15Letter and Sound Identification
- Procedures
- Sit beside the student.
- Place the letter card in front of the student and
ask, Do you know what these are? - Point to each letter going across the card and
ask the student, Can you tell me the name of
this letter and what sound it makes?
16High Frequency Words
- Fry Words
- To build a sight vocabulary
- The first 300 words make up 65 of written
materials seen on a daily basis
17High Frequency Words
- Use index cards with words printed on them or
word lists to assess knowledge of words - Students should read words with automaticity
- At the end of the year, highlight words the
student does not know in the K-2 Assessment Folder
18Writing ContinuumA Controlled Experience
- Students produce a writing sample without teacher
assistance. - The sample should be handwritten by the student,
unless the student has modifications per an IEP. - The teacher should follow typical prewriting
procedures that reflect regular classroom writing
19Writing ContinuumA Controlled Experience
- The teacher should not remove resources such as
word walls, word charts, or dictionaries that are
used during typical writing experiences. - The teacher should maintain a positive writing
20Assessing Writing
- Read through the students piece of writing.
- Review the rubric and the criteria of each stage.
21Assessing Writing
- Remember
- A students writing often shows characteristics
of more than one stage. - Depending on the type of writing or the length of
the piece, it may not display every single
characteristic of a particular stage, but the
characteristics that are present will be most
representative of a particular stage.
22Assessing Writing
- Decide which stage the piece best represents
based on both content and conventions. - Once stage has been determined, then use the
Writing Continuum in the K-2 Assessment to
determine proficiency level
23Phonemic Awareness
- Assesses students ability to manipulate sounds.
- Helps students develop knowledge of sounds
through the exposure of oral and written
language. - Make students aware that language is made up of
individual words, and that words are made of
syllables and syllables are made up of phonemes.
24Phonemic Awareness
- There are 15 different subsets with 6 tasks in
each. - Picture cards can be used for subsets 4 and 11 if
needed. - Do not re-assess items that have already been
successfully assessed!
25Phonemic Awareness Subsets 1-4Kindergarten
- 1. Orally recognizes rhyme.
- 2. Orally generates rhyme.
- 3. Orally identifies beginning sounds.
- 4. Orally identifies words that begin the same.
26Phonemic Awareness Subsets 5-11First Grade
- 5. Blends onset and rime.
- 6. Segments onset and rime.
- 7. Orally blends phonemes into words.
- 8. Orally segments words into phonemes.
- 9. Orally divides words into syllables
- 10. Orally identifies ending sounds
- 11. Orally identifies words that end the
27Phonemic AwarenessSubsets 12-15Second Grade
- 12. Orally substitutes one phoneme for another.
- 13. Phoneme deletion of final sound.
- 14. Phoneme deletion of initial sound.
- 15. Phoneme substitution of medial sound.
28Phonemic Awareness
- Materials
- Phonemic Awareness Inventory recording forms
- Picture cards (if needed)
- http//www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/language
29Phonemic Awareness
- Procedures
- Sit beside the child.
- Follow the script on the recording forms.
- Record the students responses.
- Tally the number of items correct.
- Plan for instruction.
30Reading Miscues
- To assess the childs ability to read continuous
text (decode print and construct meaning) at
specific levels of difficulty. - To record the childs oral reading for analysis
of skills/strategies and for documentation of
growth over time.
31Reading Miscues
- Teachers should be doing informal reading
conferences often during SSR and using this
information to build flex groups that focus on
specific skills.
32Reading Miscues
- Benchmarks and summative miscue analysis must be
conducted using secure text. - Secured texts are used for assessment only and
not for reading instruction, general checkout,
school library or leveled book rooms.
33Miscue Analysis
- Materials
- Leveled book
- Recording form or Palm
- Fluency will be assessed with this text beginning
at level 11-12 - Retelling form or Palm
34 Miscue Analysis
- Procedures Before reading
- Find a quiet place.
- Sit beside the child.
- Ask the child to preview the story.
35Miscue Analysis
- Procedures During reading
- Ask the child to read the book orally.
- Record the oral reading on the Reading Form or
Palm - Refer to Guidelines for administrationpage
36 Miscue Analysis
- Procedures After reading
- Compute the Accuracy Rate90
- Analyze the miscues and self-corrections.
- M Did the error make sense? (meaning)
- S Did the error sound like language? (syntax)
- V Did it look and sound right? (visual)
- Plan for instruction.
37Oral Retell
- Assesses how well a student approaches a text
that they have read. - Assesses a students ability to retell a text in
their own words and to connect the text with
other texts or experiences that they have read at
their instructional level ().
38Oral Retell
- Materials
- Instructional level text
- Oral Retell Response form or Palm
- Retelling Prompts
- Oral Retell Rubric
39Oral Retell
- Procedures
- Ask the student to tell you about the text.
- Record any information provided by the student in
the unaided portion of the Oral Retell recording
form. - Prompt the student regarding any information they
did not include during the unaided retelling and
record it in the aided portion of the Oral Retell
recording form.
40Oral Retell Unaided vs. Aided
- A childs retell score is not affected by unaided
or aided responses. - The teacher should consider the amount of aided
responses when planning for instruction.
41Oral Retell Unaided
- Ask the child to retell the story as if they were
telling it to someone who has never
seen/heard/read the story before. - Any information is recorded in the Unaided
section of the Oral Retell form. - The teacher can ask open-ended questions to
prompt the child.
42Oral Retell Aided
- After the child has been given an opportunity to
retell the story without direct assistance, the
teacher will give direct prompts to the child in
order to complete the retelling. - The teacher may use the prompts provided
- Any information added by the student is recorded
in the Aided section of the Oral Retell form
43Oral Retell
- Calculating the score
- Score each portion of the retell using the
rubric. - Circle the score in each portion.
- Add the rubric score from each portion together
to get a Summative Rubric Score.
- Assesses the ability to read a text accurately,
quickly, and with expression. - Assesses students reading a level 11-12 or above
using both the Qualitative and Quantitative
Fluency Rubrics.
- Materials
- Qualitative Fluency Rubric
- Quantitative Fluency Rubric
- Stopwatch or palm
- Book used for miscue analysis
46Quantitative Fluency Rubric
- Time student using previously read miscue
analysis book for 1 minute - Calculate the words read correctly per
MinuteWCPM - Total words read errors words read correctly
- Record any notes pertaining to fluency
47Quantitative Fluency Rubric
- After calculating the WCPM, refer to the
Quantitative Fluency Rubric for the percentiles
for grades 1-3. - Students below the 50th percentile may need for
their teacher to model fluency often!
48QualitativeFluency Rubric
- Rubric Score 1
- All reading is done word by word.
- Long pauses between words.
- Little evidence of phrasing.
- Little awareness of punctuation.
- There may be 2 word phrases, but word groupings
are often awkward.
49QualitativeFluency Rubric
- Rubric Score 2
- Most reading is done word by word.
- Some 2 word phrasing.
- Expressive interpretation may result in longer
examples of phrasing. - Inconsistent application of punctuation and
syntax with rereading for problem solving.
50QualitativeFluency Rubric
- Rubric Score 3
- Reading is done as a mixture of word by word
reading, fluent reading, and phrased reading. - Attention to punctuation and syntax with
rereading for problem solving
51QualitativeFluency Rubric
- Rubric Score 4
- Reading is in large, meaningful phrases.
- Few slow-downs for problem solving of words or to
confirm accuracy. - Expressive interpretation is evident throughout
reading. - Attention to punctuation and syntax is present.
52Spelling Inventory
- Assesses the word knowledge students have to
bring to the tasks of reading and spelling.
53Spelling Inventory
- Materials
- Sentences for words
- Individual Score Sheet
- Class Composite Sheet
- Blank paper for students
54Spelling Inventory
- Procedures
- Call out the word and use it in a sentence (just
as you would for any spelling test). - Score each students assessment and record
results on the Individual Score Sheet. - Record class results on the Class Composite.
55Spelling InventoryScoring
- 1. Check off or highlight the features for each
word which are spelled according to the
descriptors at the top. - 2. Assign 1 point for each feature (some words
are scored for some features but not others).
56Spelling InventoryScoring
- 3. Add an additional point in the Word Correct
column for entire words that are spelled
correctly. - 4. Total the number of points across each word
and under each feature. - 5. Review the feature columns in order to
determine the individual needs of your students.
57Contact Information
- Janet Sutphin
- sutphinj_at_surry.k12.nc.us
- Dana Draughn
- draughnda_at_surry.k12.nc.us